Can you find email addresses on LinkedIn? – The largest business platform in the world with over 433M people!? There are various automatic strategies (LinkedIn email finders) that can be applied to extract the emails of firms and also companies’ individuals and members from LinkedIn helping you to connect directly with decision makers of companies or any other person you like through email.

Finding someone's email on LinkedIn is not directly available on the platform, but you can try reaching out to the person through LinkedIn's messaging system or use external tools or services to search for their email address.

You can see this video if you don’t have time to read the article 😉

Can you find someone’s email on LinkedIn manually? Where to find email address on LinkedIn? Of course, automatic LinkedIn email finders are not the only methods to find emails on LinkedIn. In addition to them, some manual strategies are available.

how to find email address of someone on linkedin

This article will explain all available techniques for manual and automatic email extraction from LinkedIn to facilitate your marketing and build a reliable and clean email list for your marketing goals.

Marketing success is the result of perfect choices; otherwise, your route will become complicated, your targets will become unattainable, and your success will be delayed.

how to find email id of a person in LinkedIn fast and accurately?

Marketing success is the result of perfect choices; otherwise, your route will become complicated, your targets will become unattainable, and your success will be delayed. Continue reading this article to find out “how to find email id of a person in LinkedIn fast and accurately?

1. CUFinder

How to find out email ID from LinkedIn easily?

CUFinder as a marketing service provider, has designed and created a unique automatic tool that can find the emails of people and companies’ employees or employers from their LinkedIn accounts then and there.

CUFinder can be your perpetual friend to unlock marketing restrictions, as the LinkedIn email finder is only one of its tools in the marketing era.

In addition to email, CUFinder can find companies’ and individuals’ phone numbers, domains, profiles on social networks, and many other verified data.

It is a valuable companies’ and individuals’ data enrichment platform.

how to find email on linkedin

How to find email associated with LinkedIn account by CUFinder?

  1. Sign up on the CUFinder website in only one minute by your name and email.
  2. Enter the dashboard and click on the LinkedIn email finder on the left side.
  3. Select one industry from a list of over 400 industries recorded in CUFinder.
  4. Also, choose one country from a list that includes all countries of the world (+200)
  5. Click on the search button.
  6. CUFinder shows the LinkedIn accounts of all people working in the selected industry and located in the chosen country.
  7. Then you need to tick as many of these people’s LinkedIn accounts as you want. In other words, you should choose the LinkedIn profiles of the individuals that you need their emails.
  8. Finally, in a few seconds, CUFinder shows the emails of the owners of the selected LinkedIn accounts.

The example of how to find email from LinkedIn by CUFinder

Imagine you need the emails of all people working in Chinese chemical companies that have pages on the LinkedIn network. How to find email ID from LinkedIn profile of these people? You can easily find them with the help of CUFinder. 

After signing up in CUFinder, go to the dashboard and click on the LinkedIn email extractor on the left side. Then choose China as the country and the chemical industry as your desired type of firm.

CUFinder LinkedIn email finder finds and shows the LinkedIn accounts of all people that are working in chemical companies in China.

It may be 100 LinkedIn accounts, 1000, or even more. It depends on the selected industry and country.

If your desired country is a small one like Monaco, surely the number of LinkedIn accounts reduces significantly compared with China.

This process happens in a few seconds and instantly even if the number of demonstrated companies is thousands!

The next part is with you; when you need to select as many of these LinkedIn accounts as you want.

In fact, the user should choose the LinkedIn accounts of the people whom he/she likes to have their email addresses.

You may like to have the email addresses of only one hundred or one thousand of these people. It totally depends on you.

Finally, CUFinder shows the emails of the owners of the selected LinkedIn accounts in real-time. It is essential to mention that all emails are checked before the demonstration, and only verified, and accurate ones are given to you. This is why CUFinder guarantees an accuracy rate of over 98%! As you can see, the answer to the question of “how to find email id from LinkedIn” is easier than you thought before with the help of CUFinder!

How to find email addresses from LinkedIn by CUFinder Google Chrome Extension?

CUFinder Google Chrome extension is added to your browser to add new functionality to it. Whenever you enter a LinkedIn page, click on it and get the emails recorded on that particular page of LinkedIn in a box above your browser fast.

It extracts emails from LinkedIn profiles and search results immediately.

This tool adds a new feature to Chrome and modifies its existing behavior of it to make a more convenient LinkedIn email finder for users.

Why CUFinder?

  • Error-free records of CUFinder have made it a reliable source of emails. The exactness and efficiency of CUFinder LinkedIn email finder in real-time email extraction and verification support marketers. They lead them to more achievements in a certain period of time.  Over 98% of the given emails are valid and authentic.
  • Over 140 million contacts are recorded in the CUFinder database, significantly more than other similar marketing services.
  • The process of email extraction and verification happens in a few seconds, even if vast numbers of emails are required. Just do not look for the answer to this question: How to find emails from LinkedIn? We recommend you replace it with:  How to find peoples email on LinkedIn FAST & ACCURATELY?
  • Bulk response helps users to have access to long lists of emails extracted from LinkedIn. It means that the emails of hundreds or thousands of people active on LinkedIn are given to the user at once!
  • All countries of the world are supported. It means over 200 countries, from the USA and China to small countries like Monaco and Vatican City!
  • Free credits for newcomers are available. However, CUFinder’s prices are competitive, helping startups and new companies reduce marketing costs and increase ROI.
  • Mobile- friendliness of CUFinder lets users efficiently manage their purchases through a cell phone whenever they have no access to a PC, even on vacation!
  • Through a few numbers of clicks, the user can get the gathered emails of CUF. Any user of any age can benefit from the CUF LinkedIn email finder.
  • Over 400 industries are supported in the CUFinder LinkedIn email extractor! This number of filters is super ordinary! It includes various industries like advertising, baby products, judiciary, retail, utilities, plastic, wholesale, airlines, real estate, legal services, machinery, performing arts, printing, sports, textiles, publishing, research, restaurants, and so many others.

2. Manually search emails on LinkedIn

How to find personal email on LinkedIn manually?

Where to find email on LinkedIn? You yourself can easily open the LinkedIn profile of any person whom you like to have her/his email and then click on “Contact Info” that you see in the picture below.

how to find email through linkedin

Then find his/her email in the demonstrated box and copy it! Easy-Peasy!

how to find someones email on linkedin

Advantages of manually email searching on LinkedIn

  •  ✔️ One important benefit of this method is that it is completely free! No need to pay for automatic email finders. However, what you achieve is not comparable to what email extractors provide!

Disadvantages of manually email searching on LinkedIn

  • ❌ Many people do not add their email to their profile on LinkedIn and this causes trouble for marketers. CUF LinkedIn email finder which was introduced in the previous part does not limit itself to the emails mentioned in the “Contact Info” part of LinkedIn. In addition to this part, it checks the whole web and Google to find the emails of the selected people! Because of that, the number of emails provided by CUF is more than the emails you find manually on LinkedIn.
  • ❌ This process is easy to find a few email addresses but it isn’t suitable for the detection of hundreds of emails. For bulk search, the best option is the LinkedIn email finder like CUF which was introduced in the previous part, and other automatic services explained in the next parts of this article.
  • ❌ Manually searching is time-consuming too. A LinkedIn email finder can collect thousands of emails in a short time while in that certain period of time only a few email addresses can be achieved by the manual search of the user. Both time and energy of employees will decrease if they concentrate only on manual search.

3. Ask them directly!

How to find email address on LinkedIn profile by asking the individuals?

Another method that is possible but not very helpful is to ask the individuals directly through a private message on LinkedIn to send their emails to you! This can be done when that person doesn’t mention his/her email in “Contact Info” on LinkedIn.

how to find someone's email address on linkedin

This method is good only when you need the email of one or a few persons and when they didn’t mention their emails in the “Contact Info” of their profiles.

If you are lucky and he/she sees your message on time, you can get the email address.

And if he doesn’t see or simply ignores your message, no email address will be given to you!

Advantages of this technique

  • ✔️ When you ask an individual directly if he/she sends his/her email address to you, you can be sure of the accuracy of the email and there is no need to check its correctness in CUF email verifier or other similar tools.
  • ✔️ It is totally free of charge!
  • ✔️ The email receiver became acquainted with you, first on LinkedIn. So he/she may wait for your email and finally it is more probable that he/she opens your email fast.

Disadvantages of this technique

  • ❌ Of course, this method can be used only when we need the emails of a few people, one, two, or ten at most. It doesn’t respond to the bulk searches.
  • ❌ It is so time-consuming and sometimes you have to wait weeks for the message receiver on LinkedIn to see your message.
  • ❌ The receiver of the message may not read your request or he may read and simply ignore it.

4. Ask for help from Google!

How to find email address of LinkedIn user with the help of Google?

You can find the email addresses of the people who have mentioned their emails on LinkedIn in part of “Contact Info”. This happens via manual search as explained in previous parts.

But many people do not write their email addresses on LinkedIn.

In this situation, you need to copy the name of that person and the name of his/her company from LinkedIn and then search both of them in the form of an email address on Google.

how to find email addresses from linkedin

For instance, the name of the person is John Middleton who is working at Two Star Chemical Company. Both his name and his company name are extracted from LinkedIn manually.

You should search the name of the person plus @ plus the name of the company in Google or other search engines.

It means that the data should be searched in the format of an email which will become as follow for the mentioned name:

Also if you want to help Google to give you more detailed and accurate results, you can add the name of the website at the end of your search as below:

It is worth mentioning that whenever you find a convincing email, it is better to check it with an email verifier like CUF email checker, Hunter, or any other one you prefer to improve bounce rate and stop sending messages to invalid email addresses.

Advantages of this method

  • ✔️ It is free of charge.
  • ✔️ If Google finds the email for you, it is very likely to be correct because usually Google will show the individual’s email that is recorded on the official website of the company he is working in. However, it is recommended to check it by email verifiers of CUF or Hunter before use.  

Disadvantages of this method

  • ❌ It can be used only when a few numbers of emails are required. Because it is somehow difficult and time-consuming. So if bulk emails are needed, it wouldn’t help you at all.
  • ❌ It wastes employees’ time and energy.

5. Sales Navigator

How to find people’s email on LinkedIn by Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is not a free tool and it should be purchased at a relatively high price but the given data is worthy.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator gives additional data about the people on LinkedIn who are not among your first-degree connections.

This is a perfect lead generation service that can help marketers significantly.

If you search for the right keywords in LinkedIn Sales Navigator, the results will be astonishing.

how to find email in linkedin

How to find email address in LinkedIn profile by LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

First, you need to choose Function, Location, and Industry from the offered lists on LinkedIn.

Then it shows the LinkedIn accounts of people based on your selected filters. It both provides the names of people and their companies.

It doesn’t show the emails directly. But there are good solutions to find the emails!

You can copy the name and company names of these people one by one and then enter them in email finders like Hunter, and etc. which are explained in detail in the next parts of this article to get their emails.

how to find someones email from linkedin

As the process of copying them one by one is time-consuming and boring, we recommend you to use CUF which can do this process in bulk.

CUF extracts the companies’ names and the people’s names instantly in a list and then turns the extracted list into an email list in real time.

No need to work on names one by one; CUF does it in bulk at once!

Advantages of email extraction by LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  • ✔️ The provided names and firms’ names are accurate and with a low error rate. The data recorded in this tool is worthy.

Disadvantages of email extraction by LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  • ❌ It is an expensive method which is not a good way for startups and marketing teams with low budgets.
  • ❌ After extracting individuals’ names and their companies’ names by LinkedIn Sales Navigator, then you have to use a service like CUF which can convert the names to email addresses. So you have to pay two times!

If you want to find out more ways about “how to find someones email on LinkedIn”, please read the rest of this article too, full of new innovative ideas!

6. Data Privacy Part

How to find someone’s email address from LinkedIn through the “Data Privacy” part?

You can extract the emails of your first-degree connections through LinkedIn itself. First click on “Me” on the right side of your LinkedIn profile. Then click on “Settings & Privacy” as you see below.

how to find email address from linkedin

Then click on “Get a Copy of Your Data” from the demonstrated list which is seen in the picture below.

how to find email from linkedin

After that tick “Connection” and click on “Request Archive”. Your download will be ready in about 10 minutes and its link will be sent to your email.

how to find the email address in linkedin


  • ✔️ It is free so many people like it!
  • ✔️ Any person that has a LinkedIn account can use this method easily.


  • ❌ It only provides the email addresses of your first-degree connections; second, third, and others will not be given.
  • ❌ It is a time-consuming method that takes time and energy compared with automatic email finders like CUF which was explained in the previous parts and other email finders that will be explained in the next parts of this article.
  • ❌ Also if your first degree connections did not allow their email to be accessible by people, their emails won’t be given to you.
  • ❌ In the next part we want to show you how to find someone’s email from LinkedIn by other automatic tools like Hunter, continue reading to find more.

7. Hunter

What is Hunter?

Hunter is a B2B LinkedIn email finder through which the emails of individuals or companies are extracted from their LinkedIn accounts or web in real time.

It both extracts and verifies email addresses.

To find the emails of individuals by Hunter, the user must enter the name of the required person and the name of the company in which he/she is working.

Both data are required.

Then it checks the database and shows the exact emails of that person.

how to find email addresses on linkedin

How to find email addresses on LinkedIn by Hunter?

First, the user needs to check LinkedIn and extract the names and company domains of any person that he likes to have his/her email addresses manually.

Then the user should enter the name and the domain that he found in Hunter and it shows the emails of that person in real time.

Without the names and the firms’ names, Hunter cannot help you.

Hunter’s pricing plans start from 49€ to 399€ per month.

Advantages of using Hunter

  • ✔️ It both has a single and bulk email finder. It means that if you could extract the names and domains of thousands of people from LinkedIn, then Hunter can convert your bulk list to emails. However, to extract thousands of names and domains manually from LinkedIn seems impossible and is a very tedious process.
  • ✔️ It gives 25 free credits per month to any user.
  • ✔️ Hunter has recorded 100+ million email addresses.

Disadvantages of using Hunter

  • ❌ First the user should extract the names and the companies’ domains of the people from their LinkedIn accounts manually and then give them to Hunter to get their emails! To find them manually is very difficult and time-consuming. While a LinkedIn email finder like CUF finds the LinkedIn profiles of individuals based on country and industry automatically  (as explained in previous parts) and then shows the emails of any of these profiles that the user asks for in real time.
  • ❌ The user has to use only a desktop browser as Hunter doesn’t support mobiles.


How does’s email finder work? is a marketing platform that leads you to more prospects and sales.

It has an email finder and verifier which respectively finds the emails of companies or individuals and checks their accuracy to increase sales in the process of email marketing.

The structure of is like the Hunter email finder which was introduced in the previous part.

It means that the user should enter the name of any person he/she likes and also enter the domain of the company in which that person is working.

Then shows all verified emails of that person in real time. Both person’s name and domain are needed as the input.

where to find email address on linkedin

How to find email through LinkedIn by like Hunter needs the name and company domain of individuals to find their emails. So if you need the emails of the people on LinkedIn, you need to copy their names and companies’ domains from LinkedIn and then enter both of them in to get their emails.

Advantages of

  • ✔️ If you buy an annual plan, you will get 12 months at the price of 10!
  • ✔️ It verifies the emails before delivery and guarantees over 98% data accuracy rate.
  • ✔️ It gives 50 free searches per month to any user.
  • ✔️ The user can integrate with his/her favorite apps.

Disadvantages of

  • ❌ The user must copy the names of people and their companies’ domains from LinkedIn and then paste them one by one into to get their emails! This process is so time-consuming and complicated!
  • ❌ can find emails in bulk but manually extracting the people’s names and domains in bulk from LinkedIn is difficult. If you could, then easily add this list to and get their emails fast.
  • ❌ Some users on the web believe that services are a bit pricey.

9. VoilaNorbert

How does VoilaNorbert find the emails of individuals?

To find the emails of people by VoilaNorbert, the user first should enter the name and the company domain of the person that his/her email address is needed.

Therefore to get the results, the name and company domain of people are required and without them it is impossible. 

In addition to an email finder, it also has an email verifier through which the accuracy of emails will be checked.

It has 4 pricing plans starting from 49$ to 499$ per month.

how to find people's email addresses on linkedin

How to find email ID in LinkedIn by VoilaNorbert?

Exactly like Hunter and which were explained in previous parts, you need to find the names and companies’ domains of individuals from LinkedIn and then enter them in VoilaNorbert one by one to see their email addresses.

Advantages of VoilaNorbert

  • ✔️ To keep your sender score safe, all emails are checked and verified before demonstration but still some users on the web complaining about the inaccuracy of the given emails.
  • ✔️ 50 free credits are given to all newcomers. 
  • ✔️ It is known as an easy-to-use tool by many marketers compared with other similar email finders. Being a single-purpose service has a strong effect on its simplicity.

Disadvantages of VoilaNorbert

  • ❌ The process of name and domain extractions from LinkedIn takes a long time. But if you could do it manually, the next part that is done by VoilaNorbert happens fast.
  • ❌ Even if no result is given to the user, it deducts from his/her credits.
  • ❌ It has no Chrome Extension.

10. Anymail Finder

How to get the emails of people by Anymail Finder?

Anymail Finder requires the people’s names and their companies’ domains to provide their emails. It both extracts and verifies the gathered emails in real time. 

The pricing plans of Anymail start from 49$ to 149$ per month suitable for various email marketing requirements.

can you find someone's email on linkedin

How to find someone’s email in LinkedIn by Anymail?

The user has to get the names and company domains of people from their LinkedIn accounts and then enter them in Anymail to get their emails as Anymail only works based on name and domain unlike CUF (explained previously) which could find the people’s names and their companies’ domains from LinkedIn itself and then provide their emails.

So Anymail would be a good opportunity for single searches but for bulk search, it is as difficult as Hunter,, and many other similar email finders.

Advantages of Anymail

  • ✔️ If the question of “how to find people’s email addresses on LinkedIn accurately” has occupied your mind, Anymail LinkedIn email finder would be a good choice as all emails are checked and verified.
  • ✔️ It only charges the user for verified emails that won’t bounce.
  • ✔️ 20 free test credits are provided by Anymail as a quality check.

Disadvantages of Anymail

  • ❌ Because you have to manually search the names and companies’ domains of people on LinkedIn as the input of Anymail, it is a tedious and time-consuming process. However, most LinkedIn email finders act the same as Anymail!

11. Uplead

What is Uplead?

Uplead is a B2B lead generation tool through which the user can find the individuals’ and companies’ emails in a short period of time.

Now one question arises: How to find email on LinkedIn by Uplead? Is it possible? The next part of this article helps you to find more.

how to find email associated with linkedin account

How to find email from LinkedIn profile by Uplead?

Like CUF LinkedIn email finder, it works based on industry and country.

It means that the user should choose one industry and country and then Uplead shows all LinkedIn accounts of the people that are working in the selected industry and are located in the chosen country.

The user selects as many of these accounts as he/she wants and Uplead shows the emails of the selected accounts in seconds.

How to find email in LinkedIn by Uplead Chrome Extension?

Uplead Chrome Extension can also be added to your browser through which the emails recorded in any LinkedIn profile can be extracted easily and fast.

Advantages of Uplead

  • ✔️ Uplead has provided a 7-day free trial for all users which can be a good chance to test its results’ quality.
  • ✔️ It guarantees the provided data to be 95% accurate. It checks and verifies all emails before delivery.
  • ✔️ It has a Google Chrome Extension for email extraction.

Disadvantages of Uplead

  • ❌ Some marketers on the web complain that Uplead has a limited amount of contacts and data and this causes some searches to remain with no result. However as Uplead mentioned on its website, 85 million contacts are recorded in its database.
  • ❌ Sometimes Uplead gives @info emails of companies instead of professional emails of people.
  • ❌ Some marketers believe that Uplead caters to the masses, collecting data from many platforms and websites, some of which are outdated.

12. AeroLeads

What is AeroLeads email finder?

AeroLeads is an email finder provided to extract the emails of people and companies in real time. It verifies the emails to provide the correct forms of them for the users.

The results provided by this email finder are verified and checked and can be exported to CSV or Excel files easily.

how do i find someone's email address on linkedin

How to find email address of someone on LinkedIn by AeroLeads?

AeroLeads has a LinkedIn email finder that works like CUF and Uplead which were explained previously.

The user needs to select one company and industry and then AeroLeads shows the LinkedIn profiles of all people that are active in the selected industry and located in the chosen country.

Then the user ticks as many of these LinkedIn accounts as he/she wants (one, hundreds, or thousands) and AeroLeads finds the emails of these accounts fast.

How to find the email address in LinkedIn by AeroLeads Chrome Extension?

AeroLeads Chrome Extension lets the users uncover emails from LinkedIn accounts and search results in real time.

Easily install it on your browser and with a click, get the emails of LinkedIn profiles.

Advantages of AeroLeads

  • ✔️ 10 free credits are given to the users.
  • ✔️ The provided emails are verified.
  • ✔️ It offers integrations with major CRMs.
  • ✔️ It has provided a Chrome Extension that can be downloaded in its dashboard.

Disadvantages of AeroLeads

  • ❌ Some marketers have mentioned on the web that it happens a lot in AeroLeads that it gives the @info emails instead of professional emails of people.
  • ❌ Working with AeroLeads’ dashboard is a bit difficult and it sometimes makes the users confused as mentioned on the web by some people. 

13. Contact Out

How to find emails’ of individuals by Contact Out?

Contact Out asks for the names and companies’ domains of individuals to find their emails. For instance, the name of a person like John Middleton and also the website domain of the company in which he is working like should be added to Contact Out email finder.

Finally, Contact Out finds the email of that person or the emails of a group of names and domains in a short time.

how to find personal email on linkedin

How to find someone’s email address on LinkedIn by Contact Out?

Contact Out needs the name and company domain of any person to find his/her email.

So the user has to extract the name and domain of any individual that he/she likes from LinkedIn manually. Then add it to Contact Out and get his/her email addresses.

Advantages of Contact Out

  • ✔️ Contact Out has provided a Chrome Extension too for email extraction.
  • ✔️ The provided emails are checked.
  • ✔️ It provides 40 free emails per month for the users.

Disadvantages of Contact Out

  • ❌ In the previous paragraphs, you learned how to find someone’s email from LinkedIn by Contact Out so to use this service, the names of individuals and domains of their companies are needed. First, you have to find these names and domains from LinkedIn and then add them to Contact Out to get their emails. This manual process of searching names and domains on LinkedIn is a matter of energy and time-wasting. It can be helpful when a few numbers of emails are needed. But when hundreds of people’s emails are needed, it is difficult and not effective.

14. SalesQL

What is a SalesQL email finder?

SalesQL is a source of emails for your LinkedIn targets. It uncovers email addresses from both LinkedIn results and LinkedIn profiles through its Chrome Extension.

how to find someone's email on linkedin

How to find an email ID on LinkedIn by SalesQL Chrome Extension?

SalesQL is a tool that has designed and created a Google Chrome Extension that can extract people’s and companies’ emails from their LinkedIn accounts in real-time.

It can extract the emails of any person in your first, second, third, or more degree connections.

Advantages of SalesQL

  • ✔️ It gives any user 100 free credits per month, which can be a good chance for startups
  • ✔️ Its advanced and pro pricing plans, respectively let 3 and 15 multiple users use its services

Disadvantages of SalesQL

  • ❌ In the free plan of SalesQL, the Chrome Extension tool only provides the emails. If you want to get other contacts like phone numbers, too, you need to purchase other plans, which start at $39 to $89.
  • ❌ The free plan just provides the emails and doesn’t export them to a CSV/Excel file! If you want to export them to your desired file, you have to purchase its other plans (starter, advanced, or pro) based on your needs.
  • ❌ It only has a Chrome Extension for email extraction from LinkedIn. No other tools are provided.

15. Skrapp

How to find an email ID on LinkedIn by Skrapp?

Skrapp has also provided a Chrome Extension to extract the emails from LinkedIn accounts. It means that the user can extract the emails from both results’ pages and LinkedIn profiles in real-time.

Skrapp pricing plans start from 49$ to 299$ per month.

how to find email address on linkedin

How to find email address from LinkedIn by Skrapp Chrome Extension?

Easily install Skrapp Chrome Extension on your browser and then with one click, see all emails recorded in a LinkedIn profile or in search results of LinkedIn instantly.

The results can be saved in a CSV or Excel file based on your needs. Even the results can be saved in ESP or CRM.

Advantages of Skrapp

  • ✔️ 150 free credits are available for any user per month.
  • ✔️ If the user purchases credit on a yearly basis, then 20% off is calculated.
  • ✔️ The user can download the lists in CSV or XLSX format.

Disadvantages of Skrapp

  • ❌ It only has a Chrome Extension for email extraction from LinkedIn. No other tools are provided.

How do I find someone’s email address on LinkedIn by guessing!!?

How to find an email on LinkedIn by guessing may seem a little strange or even funny! But when none of the above-mentioned methods was helpful, we have to try this way of guessing too! If your guesswork really works, it would be very interesting, wouldn’t it?

How to find email address on LinkedIn by guesswork?

Add the name of the person you know to its company name and make an email address.

Imagine the name of the person is John Middleton and the company name in which he is working is Two Star Chemical Company.

Add them to each other and put @ among them and .com at the end. The result will be:

Then search this email address in the CUF email verifier tool or any other email checker you like to see whether it exists or not! CUF will tell you if this is a valid email address.

However, it’s throwing the dice! But when other strategies are not helpful, we have to try them!

We recommend you to try all other mentioned ways at first and if they didn’t help you, then take the time to test this guesswork! If it responds, it is great and if not, we can say that the desired person, with a strong possibility, doesn’t have an email.

Finding Email Addresses on LinkedIn with Ease

To find someone’s email on LinkedIn, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by visiting the person’s LinkedIn profile. This is where you can gather valuable information.
  2. While LinkedIn doesn’t publicly display email addresses, there are tools and methods available to uncover them. One option is to use an email finder specifically designed for LinkedIn. These tools allow you to enter the person’s LinkedIn URL and search for associated email addresses.
  3. If you have access to LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator or a similar platform, you can utilize its advanced search features to look up the email address you’re seeking.
  4. Another helpful approach is to use a Chrome extension that integrates with LinkedIn. Some extensions offer features to extract emails or perform email lookups directly from a person’s LinkedIn account. By employing these strategies, you can maximize your chances of finding the email address you need from a LinkedIn profile.

Related Questions & Answers

Get email from LinkedIn for free

Getting email addresses from LinkedIn for free can be challenging because LinkedIn does not provide direct access to user email addresses. However, there are a few strategies you can try to obtain email addresses from LinkedIn profiles.

One approach is to utilize the messaging feature on LinkedIn. If you are connected with the person or have access to send them a message, you can politely introduce yourself and request their email address for professional purposes. Remember to provide a valid reason for needing their email and respect their privacy.

Another option is to leverage LinkedIn’s “Contact Info” section on a user’s profile. Some users choose to include their email address or other contact information in this section. Check if the person has provided their email address there, but keep in mind that not all users may have this information publicly available.

It’s important to note that while there are methods to try and obtain email addresses from LinkedIn, it’s essential to respect privacy and use this information responsibly and in accordance with LinkedIn’s terms of service. Always ensure that you have a legitimate reason for requesting someone’s email address and use it ethically.

How to get emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Getting emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator requires a subscription to LinkedIn’s premium Sales Navigator service. With Sales Navigator, you have access to advanced search filters and additional contact information that can help you find and obtain email addresses.

To get emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn Sales Navigator account.
  2. Use the search filters to identify the specific target audience or leads you are interested in.
  3. Review the search results and select a profile of interest.
  4. On the profile page, look for the contact information section, which may include email addresses, phone numbers, or other contact details.
  5. If an email address is provided, you can copy it or use the “Save to CSV” option to export the contact’s information for further use.

It’s important to note that the availability of email addresses on LinkedIn Sales Navigator depends on the user’s privacy settings and the information they have chosen to share. Additionally, ensure that you use any obtained email addresses in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and respect the recipient’s preferences regarding contact.


This article was a comprehensive piece of information that responded to this repetitive question in the minds of many email marketers: how to find email address from LinkedIn profile?

LinkedIn email finders as well as all manual methods were explained in detail with their pros and cons to find more data on how to find an email address on LinkedIn.

Read them carefully and select the best based on your needs. Remember to pay attention to data accuracy and time saving when you want to choose one.

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