Table of Contents

LinkedIn is a popular social network among professionals, business owners, and job seekers that focuses on professional networking and career development. Don’t use LinkedIn? If you don’t know what LinkedIn is used for, in this article we will explain the benefits of using LinkedIn for business and tell you how to make a business LinkedIn page. So stay tuned.

LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world

With more than 875 million professional users, LinkedIn is the largest employment-oriented network in the world.

This platform was first founded in 2002 by Reid Hoffman to establish business relationships around the world.

This social media experienced its first profitable month in 2006 and gradually attracted many fans among the world’s popular social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, etc.

And it grew significantly since 2010, so it was included in the top 10 Silicon Valley Insider start-up companies in the same year.

What’s LinkedIn used for?

According to the statistics published about the use of LinkedIn users on this social network, it is interesting to know that LinkedIn members spend less than 20 minutes a month on LinkedIn.

Therefore, you might ask yourself these questions: why do you need LinkedIn and why is it important to have business pages on LinkedIn?

The answer is straightforward. In short, there are three main reasons for being active and using this specialized network, as follows:

1. Recruiting:

One of the biggest challenges that any large and small company or organization faces is identifying, hiring, and maintaining a professional and expert workforce.

Currently, if you as a business owner are struggling to attract top talent for your company, LinkedIn is the world’s best recruiting platform and the best way to connect with job seekers worldwide.

linkedin Recruiting

With one click on LinkedIn, you can control the profiles of people actively looking for new jobs and ensure they are suitable for your job openings.

Furthermore, LinkedIn allows you to search for more than 20 million jobs from around the globe.

By adding the Open To Work Filter on your LinkedIn account, you can allow recruiters and your LinkedIn network to know that you’re open to new career opportunities.

Did you know that this feature helps your profile appear in search results when recruiters are hunting for the right job candidates?

On top of that, with one more click, job seekers can take a look at the recruiters’ profiles and the large companies’ pages on LinkedIn, check whether they are the preferred places they want to work at or not, and reach a recruiter on LinkedIn as well.

2. Generating qualified leads and prospects:

Generating qualified leads and prospects

LinkedIn is the best place to reach out to potential clients and the best source of high-quality leads.

That’s why based on HubSpot analysis of LinkedIn, LinkedIn is over 275% more effective in generating qualified leads than Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.

Moreover, according to B2B marketers, nearly 80% of their leads are gotten on LinkedIn.

3. Advertising and marketing

In today’s digital world, LinkedIn marketing & advertising is the best tool and solution to generate new and qualified leads, increase website traffic and build brand awareness.

Advertising and marketing

With the help of these unique marketing and advertising solutions on LinkedIn, you can easily connect with the world’s largest community of professionals and engage them to carry out actions related to your business.

In addition to the above three factors, LinkedIn has many other advantages that we will discuss in detail in the next section.

As a whole, if you want to take full advantage of all of LinkedIn’s business-related services, you should have a company page on LinkedIn.

How to create a business Linkedin page?

How to create a business Linkedin page?

To create a LinkedIn Company Page, first ensure that you have a personal LinkedIn profile with your current position at the company, a verified email address associated with the company's domain, and sufficient connections on the platform. Log in to your account and visit the "Create a Company Page" link ( Choose the appropriate category for your business (small business, medium to large business, showcase page, or educational institution). Fill out the required information, such as your company's name, public URL, industry, company size, and logo. Provide a compelling description of your business, highlighting its mission, values, and offerings. Finally, click "Create page" to establish your LinkedIn Company Page.

LinkedIn business pages are an easy, fast, and free way to build your brand in the world of digital marketing.

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As a marketer and business owner, by creating a LinkedIn company page, you can acquire potential customers and promote your business by getting in touch with the world’s most professional network.

All you need to do is create a LinkedIn Company account and a verified email address.

If you don’t know how to create a company page on LinkedIn, the good news is, fortunately, building a business page on LinkedIn is very simple as you can follow these simple steps below:

Step 1: Navigate to your LinkedIn account, click on the Work icon in the upper right corner of your LinkedIn homepage, and select the Create a Company Page option from the drop-down menu.

navigate to linkedin account

Step 2: Choose your business type from among the three Company options that include small, medium, and large business, Showcase page, and Educational institution.

Choose your business type from among the three Company options

Step 3: In the window to create a company page, carefully enter the full details and information of your company or organization, such as the company name, LinkedIn address of the company, website, type of industry, size & type of organization, logo, and tagline.

enter the full details and information of your company or organization, such as the company name, LinkedIn address of the company, website, type of industry, size & type of organization, logo, and tagline

Step 4: Check the check box and click the Create Page button to confirm the information. And finally, to finish creating your business page, click Start building your page.

Check the check box and click the Create Page button to confirm the information


  • It is important to keep in mind that you may receive an error message if you do not have enough connections or if your LinkedIn account is new or if you have not entered all the information correctly.
  • To create a professional company page, you need to complete your profile and expand your LinkedIn network.
  • After you’ve finished creating your company page, you can complete your company page and add more details about your company to set it up for success and increase reach and engagement. For example, you can add the right logo to your LinkedIn company page.

Benefits of using LinkedIn for business

According to what was said about LinkedIn, this all-in-one social network can be the best professional networking tool for you, so that you can get in touch with your professionals in addition to finding your job and many other things.

In the rest of the article, learn about some of the most important advantages of LinkedIn for businesses:

1. Reconnecting with old colleagues and business partners

Nowadays, anyone who owns a business creates an account on this social network. Surely, old co-workers and competitors with whom you have had business relations in the past also have accounts on this platform.

By searching for professionals on your LinkedIn homepage and entering their names on the search bar, you can uncover and reconnect with each other and expand your LinkedIn network.

2. Finding your industry and company

According to the resume, activities, skills, work experiences, and so on that you add to your LinkedIn profile, other companies or people who are looking for similar expertise can easily reveal you.

And consequently, you can cooperate with them, as well as you will get the best opportunity to improve your business.

3. Connecting with experts and professionals related to your industry and business

LinkedIn puts forward a large number of professional groups of different industries from all around the world, each of which pursues its own goal.

By finding and joining these groups on LinkedIn, you can get to know the experts in your field of work and be in direct contact with them.

4. Finding the right job and new job opportunities

It is no exaggeration to say that LinkedIn is the best place to search for a job. Of course, in order to find your job faster, you must make your profile professional, i.e., you need to optimize your LinkedIn profile for recruiters.

You can stand out on LinkedIn by announcing your licenses & certifications, skills, work experience, etc. to your profile on LinkedIn.

In order to give credibility to your LinkedIn profile, even ask your friends and colleagues to endorse your skills and also ask for recommendations on LinkedIn.

Some companies share hiring posts on LinkedIn and you can send your resume to them.

5. Developing your business and marketing your products and services

As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn is the best place to optimize your website. You can share your website’s posts on your LinkedIn company page, which will aid in branding your website.

6. Getting help and advice from specialists and experienced people in the field of your business

If you encounter different issues in your expertise area, LinkedIn is the best network where you can ask relevant people about your problems in a post or as a private message on LinkedIn without a Premium account.

And you can also consult entrepreneurs and owners of large and famous companies to grow and prosper your business and make the most of their programs and plans in your business.

7. Communicating with large foreign and international companies

It can be said with certainty that all the big and prominent companies in the world have their company page or private profile on LinkedIn.

By following their page or tagging their company pages on LinkedIn, you can stay in touch with them and learn about their activities on LinkedIn. At the same time, you can introduce your products and services to them.

How to use LinkedIn for business marketing?

How to use LinkedIn for business marketing?

While most social networks are focused on fun activities, LinkedIn has undergone significant changes over the past few years to focus on building business relationships and marketing solutions.

See also  The LinkedIn Engagement Rate

LinkedIn is an effective digital marketing tool that helps you take your business to a higher level.

Once you want to do business marketing on LinkedIn, it is always recommended that you focus more on generating potential leads, connecting with prospects, strengthening and expanding business relationships, boosting your brand awareness, and ultimately increasing revenue.

Accordingly, you have to think about sharing quality posts on your LinkedIn business page, as well as driving traffic to your website.

An important question you may have here is how you are going to achieve great success in your business marketing.

In the following article, we will show you how to make the most of LinkedIn to grow your business.

One important thing to always bear in mind is that LinkedIn should be an integral part of your company’s marketing strategy.

In order for you to make your business page get noticed among over 870 million professional users across the world, here are 6 great tips to help you.

Tip 1: Create an effective and interactive LinkedIn company page:

A LinkedIn business page is a great way to build industry expertise, launch marketing campaigns, and build business relationships with potential clients.

Hence, you can use LinkedIn Company Pages to showcase your brand identity on LinkedIn, so that LinkedIn members become more familiar with your business, brand, and job opportunities.

In the first part of our article, you learned how to make a business page on a LinkedIn browser.

Tip 2: Complete your LinkedIn profile to achieve All-star:

Your profile is a golden opportunity to impress professionals. You can always keep your profile up-to-date and constantly optimized, as well as ensure that it is 100% complete to gain a good click-through rate on LinkedIn.

Tip 3: Use LinkedIn ad campaigns:

LinkedIn ad campaigns are the best option for achieving business marketing goals in the digital world that has been provided by the LinkedIn ad platform, called Campaign Manager.

You can conduct self-service ad campaigns on LinkedIn by dint of Message Ads, Dynamic Ads, Text Ads, or Sponsored content.

Tip 4: Determine your audience and business goals:

To generate better and more leads and increase your brand awareness on social media like LinkedIn, you need to define your contacts and business objectives.

That means you should know what you want to do and what audience you are working for.

It is worth noting that targeting in business leads to identifying your audience.

Tip 5: Increase the followers of your company page:

The more followers you have on your LinkedIn page, the more relevant contacts and potential customers you will have, and consequently, the more sales you will make.

Keep in mind that your updates will appear directly in the LinkedIn feed of your followers.

You can grow your company page followers by widely advertising and tagging your company page on your LinkedIn posts & articles, emails, newsletters, blog posts, etc., as well as commenting as a company on LinkedIn posts & articles.

Tip 6: Share interesting and relevant content on your business page:

One of the most powerful tools to grow your LinkedIn page’s network of contacts is publishing creative content related to your business that can quickly and easily engage LinkedIn members.

Try to make your posts trend on LinkedIn by using updated, relevant, and quality content.

Find out which content appeals most to your target audience and write about them in your LinkedIn posts & articles.

How do I use LinkedIn to promote my business?

Despite the great variety that exists in social networks, as well as the spread of smart devices such as mobile phones, tablets, etc., by using the right advertising strategy, you can easily see an increase in your sales.

LinkedIn advertising will be one of the best options among these social media.

How do I use LinkedIn to promote my business?

One of the best advertising platforms for B2B businesses is the LinkedIn social network. By promoting in the world’s largest professional platform, LinkedIn, you can quickly become known among professional businesses.

It is very important to remember that before you can advertise on LinkedIn, you must ensure that you have a company page on this social network.

So, if you have no company page, create a business page and enter the necessary information on it, as you learned in the previous sections on how to make a LinkedIn business page.

To place an ad or promote on LinkedIn, all you should do is follow the steps below:

1. Click on the Work icon at the top of your LinkedIn home page and select the Advertise option from the drop-down menu.

At this step, you will be taken to the Campaign Manager page. On this page, you must first set up a Campaign Manager account for your company.

How do I use LinkedIn to promote my business?

2. Enter the desired information of your company, such as the company name and job position, in the indicated fields.

3. After completing or changing the information about your company, click on the Agree & create account button.

4. To start your first LinkedIn ad, on the next page, click on the Let’s get started tab.

How do I use LinkedIn to promote my business?

5. On the next page, you must do the following four simple steps, which include:

Step 1: Select campaign group.

Step 2: Set up a campaign.

In this step, you can determine and select the objectives, audience, ad format, placement, and budget & schedule.

Step 3: Set up ads.

After determining the above, you can make further adjustments to improve your ad position. Some of these options are:

  • Add required skills according to job position
  • Determining the amount of salary offered (If you don’t specify this option, LinkedIn will determine it based on its data.)
See also  LinkedIn Cover Photo

Step 4: Review and launch.

How do I use LinkedIn to promote my business?


  • After that, you can manage the number of ad views, your candidates, etc.
  • After your ad is published on LinkedIn, you can share its link on other social networks.
  • In addition, you can change the daily budget based on the feedback you’ve received from your ad strategy.

Best LinkedIn marketing automation tools for lead generation

Did you know you can automate your LinkedIn marketing?

LinkedIn marketing automation refers to the use of professional marketing tools to automatically send connection requests, follow-up messages, and any other activity.

Accordingly, to start a successful marketing campaign, you need the best automated marketing tools, which LinkedIn has provided you with the best marketing solutions like Sales Navigator.

With the help of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can create, deploy, and manage email marketing, newsletters, email tracking, multi-channel campaigns, and more.

Sales Navigator enables you to automate the delivery of personalized message and connection requests, as well as put your lead generation and development campaigns on autopilot while you focus on other areas of your business.

You can connect with your prospects, continuously nurture, and monitor them through automated messages.

Reasons for using LinkedIn marketing automation tools:

  • Time saving
  • Autopilot leads generation
  • Personalization to bulk outreach and interactions
  • Convenience of user interactions
  • Automatic creation of reports for outreach campaigns
  • Integration with other lead generation and marketing tools

You can bring the right omni-channel approach to your LinkedIn marketing by combining your LinkedIn marketing automation service with other marketing tools such as CUFinder.

CUFinder is very awesome.

It is one of the digital market’s safest automated LinkedIn marketing platforms. It is very convenient because it runs 24/7 on your computer and is very easy to set up as well.

If you don’t believe me, you can go to the CUFinder website and try our claim.

Related Questions & Answers

LinkedIn for business owners

LinkedIn can be a powerful platform for business owners to connect with potential clients, partners, and employees. To get started on LinkedIn, create a LinkedIn Company Page for your business and make sure to fill out all of the relevant information, such as your company’s mission statement, website, and contact information. You can also add a banner image and logo to help your company page stand out.

Once your company page is set up, start creating and sharing valuable content that showcases your expertise and provides value to your network. This can include blog posts, industry news, or updates about your business. Engage with your network by responding to comments and messages and consider joining LinkedIn Groups related to your industry to connect with like-minded individuals. Finally, make sure to monitor your LinkedIn analytics to track the success of your content and make adjustments as needed to improve engagement and reach.

Create LinkedIn company page without personal profile

Unfortunately, it is not possible to create a LinkedIn Company Page without having a personal profile. A LinkedIn personal profile is required to be the admin of a company page and manage its content. However, you can create a personal profile with minimal information and use it solely to manage your company page.

To create a LinkedIn Company Page, log in to your personal profile and click on the “Work” icon in the top navigation bar. From there, select “Create a Company Page” and follow the prompts to fill out your company’s information, including a logo, cover image, and description. Once your company page is created, you can start sharing valuable content, engaging with your network, and growing your brand’s presence on LinkedIn.

How to create a company page on LinkedIn mobile?

Creating a LinkedIn Company Page on mobile is a simple process. Start by downloading the LinkedIn mobile app and logging into your account. Once you’re logged in, tap on your profile picture in the top left corner of the screen, then select “Create a Company Page” from the dropdown menu.

From there, follow the prompts to fill out your company’s information, including a logo, cover image, and description. You can also add your website URL and other relevant details about your business. Once your company page is created, you can start sharing valuable content, engaging with your network, and growing your brand’s presence on LinkedIn. To manage your company page on mobile, simply navigate to your profile picture and select “Manage” next to your company name.


Of all the social media platforms, LinkedIn is one of the best for growing your business. You can identify qualified and potential leads, engage with them, turn them into clients, and drive traffic to your website.

LinkedIn allows you to get the most of its unique benefits by creating a company page on this platform. By reading this article, you must have learned how to make a business LinkedIn page.


Can you create a business LinkedIn account for free?

Yes, you can create a LinkedIn Company Page for your business for free. While individual LinkedIn profiles are for people, Company Pages are specifically designed for businesses, organizations, and institutions to showcase their work, employees, and corporate culture. There’s no charge to create a Company Page, but there might be costs associated with certain premium features or advertising on the platform.

How to use LinkedIn to do business?

Using LinkedIn for business involves leveraging the platform to build your brand, connect with professionals, and generate leads. Start by creating an engaging Company Page, detailing your business’s story, products, and services. Encourage your employees to link to the company in their personal profiles. Share relevant content regularly, join industry-related groups, and engage in meaningful conversations. Also, consider using LinkedIn’s advertising and lead generation tools to directly target potential clients or partners.

How do I create a LinkedIn business page 2023?

To create a LinkedIn business page in 2023, first, ensure you have a personal LinkedIn profile with a unique email address associated with your company domain. Log into LinkedIn and hover over the “Work” icon in the top right corner. From the dropdown, select “Create a Company Page”. Choose the appropriate category for your business, then fill in the required details like company name, website, industry, and company size. Customize your page with a logo, cover photo, and compelling company description. Once you’re satisfied, hit “Publish.”

Do you need a LinkedIn for a business?

While it’s not mandatory to have a LinkedIn page for your business, it’s highly beneficial. LinkedIn is a major professional networking platform that offers businesses opportunities to build brand awareness, promote products and services, and connect with potential clients, partners, and employees. Especially for B2B businesses, a LinkedIn presence can be crucial for credibility and networking in the professional realm.

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