Marketing is like air for any kind of business; having a LinkedIn company page is the new normal for every business. When you have a business account, it is so much more important to be active but the more important thing is to encourage different users, especially the target population to view your page. When you do that it is also very important to have a perfect and professional-like company page. It is very important to have some native posts, videos, articles, etc. It is also very important to know how to share LinkedIn post on company page.

There are also some other important things like reacting and commenting on a post as the company page. These are all so important to do, but I am going to tell you how to repost on a LinkedIn company page.

To share a LinkedIn post on a company page, first navigate to the post you want to share and click on the "..." icon in the top right corner of the post. From there, select "Share post" and choose the option to "Share to a page you manage." Select the appropriate company page from the list of pages you manage, and add any additional commentary or hashtags to accompany the post.

How to Share LinkedIn Post on Company Page?

LinkedIn is a huge society with more than 840 million users. This gigantic population can give you unbelievable marketing possibilities, a huge talent pool to choose from for employment, an indescribable amount of perfect content to share, such an incredible source of lead generators, etc., and at the same time, it makes it hard to stand out.

You cannot be like those huge companies that everyone knows their names, like Microsoft, Apple, Sony, etc. but does it mean you should stop marketing? Not at all. You won’t stop swimming just because you might never become like Regan Smith. This is like the air for your brand and it will be fruitful, even in the short-term.

How to share LinkedIn post on company page?

More than 80% of the digital marketing traffic is happening on LinkedIn. That is why it is so crucial to have a company page on this platform and know how you should behave on it, but that is another very long discussion that we are not going to have here. Why should we even consider reposting on our company page?

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Are there any benefits to it?

Yes, there are benefits to doing so, first is the added value for the content you are sharing.

I mean it is always suggested to publish valuable content in your feed or company page. Don’t have that much valuable content in hand every now and then?

Share some content instead. There is always industry news that can be very interesting, especially for those who are working in that field, articles and related posts are also the same.

You are building trust by sharing this kind of content. Although people will know that they are shared knowledge, they will consider you as an approved information source after some time, and when you are giving them this potion of mixed posts (shred and self-created) they will get encouraged to use your services and products.

How to Share LinkedIn Post on Company Page?

The other benefit will be that the post’s author will be notified that you have shared their post on your company page.

Most of these people are experts and maybe you can encourage them to have a look at your company page. Who knows, they might like to work with you or even invest in your brand.

Also when you share a post, your company logo will appear in the share section under the post, and people who click to see the reposts will see your logo.

That can seem too simple but a lot will view your business account and it is hard to predict how many clients can come out of them.

There are two ways to share a post on a company page:


Click on the share/repost button under the post in your feed and click on repost with thoughts. You will see two buttons next to your profile picture; click on the left one, and in the pop-up window select your company page, and click save. Then click on the “Post” button to share it on your company page. Writing an opinion or something on top of the thing you are reposting is suggested.

How to Share LinkedIn Post on Company Page?


In the latest update, LinkedIn added a much more approach to its platform for reacting, commenting, and sharing posts as a company page. Just click on that little triangle next to your profile photo at the bottom of the post you like to share. Select your company page from the pop-up window and hit save. Your logo will appear instead of your profile photo. Click on the share/repost button and share it directly or repost it with your thoughts about this matter.

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Doesn’t really matter which method you select; the result will be the same. Learning how to share LinkedIn posts on the company pages is a huge step towards successful branding on LinkedIn and if you are on the correct route, go on.

Related Questions & Answers

How to share LinkedIn company page URL

Sharing your LinkedIn company page URL is a great way to promote your business and increase visibility among your network. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to share your LinkedIn company page URL:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your company page. You can search for your company in the LinkedIn search bar and click on the correct company page in the search results.
  2. Once you are on your company page, look for the “Share” button. It is typically located at the top right corner of the page. Click on the “Share” button, and a pop-up window will appear. In the pop-up window, you will see options to share the company page through various channels, such as LinkedIn messaging, email, or social media platforms. Choose the desired method to share the URL, and add any additional message or context you want to include. Click “Share,” and the URL of your LinkedIn company page will be shared with your intended audience.

Sharing your LinkedIn company page URL is an effective way to promote your business and engage with your network. By sharing it through various channels, you can reach a wider audience and encourage others to follow and engage with your company’s updates and content.

Can a company page share a post on LinkedIn?

Yes, a company page on LinkedIn can share posts just like individual LinkedIn users. Sharing posts on your company page allows you to reach and engage with your audience, promote your brand, and share relevant content. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to share a post on your LinkedIn company page:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your company page. You can search for your company in the LinkedIn search bar and click on the correct company page in the search results.
  2. On your company page, locate the “Share an update” or “Start a post” section. It is typically located at the top of the page, below the company banner. Click on the text field to start creating your post. You can write your own text, add images or videos, and even include links. Once you have composed your post, click the “Share” button, and your post will be shared on your company page, visible to your followers and network.
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Sharing posts on your LinkedIn company page is an effective way to engage with your audience, build brand awareness, and showcase your company’s expertise and offerings. Regularly sharing valuable and relevant content can help you establish your company as a thought leader and attract more followers and engagement on your page.


How do I share a LinkedIn post to my business page?

To share a LinkedIn post to your business page, follow these steps:

  1. Find the Post: Locate the LinkedIn post that you want to share on your business page. This post can be from your own feed or from someone else’s profile.
  2. Click on “Share”: Below the post, you’ll see a “Share” button. Click on it.
  3. Choose “Share to a Page”: A dialog box will appear with options. Choose “Share to a Page.”
  4. Select Your Business Page: If you are an administrator or have the necessary permissions for your business page, you should see your page listed as an option. Select it.
  5. Add a Comment (Optional): You can write a comment to go along with the shared post if you like.
  6. Click “Post”: Once you’re ready to share, click the “Post” button.

The selected post will now be shared on your LinkedIn business page. This is a great way to cross-promote content and engage your business page’s audience with relevant posts from your personal profile or other sources. Please note that LinkedIn’s interface and features may evolve, so the steps could change slightly over time.

Can a company page share a post on linkedin

Yes, a company page on LinkedIn can share posts. Company pages are specifically designed for businesses and organizations to share updates, news, and content with their followers and the LinkedIn community. To share a post as a company page:

  1. Access Your Company Page: Log in to LinkedIn and go to your company page.
  2. Create a Post or Share Existing Content: You can create a new post by clicking the “Start a post” option on your company page. Alternatively, you can share an existing post by clicking “Share” on posts from your personal LinkedIn feed or other LinkedIn pages.
  3. Add Content: Write your post, include any media or links, and customize it as needed.
  4. Select “Share”: Click the “Share” button to publish the post on your company page.

The post will then appear on your company page, and it will be visible to your page’s followers and the LinkedIn community depending on your post’s visibility settings. Sharing posts on your company page is an effective way to engage with your audience and share valuable content related to your business or organization. Please note that LinkedIn’s features may change over time, so the interface could be updated.

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