A lot of us (if not all) did some contract jobs or consulting work during our life. They are an important chunk of our work experience, and I personally worked as a freelancer for about eight years. I worked for a lot of different companies and I really insist on bringing those experiences to my profile, but not all of them were long-term projects.

Some of them took two to three weeks to finish, and as it is essential to be precise as much as possible on your profile to attract the recruiters and those employers of your dreams, it can be hard to bring all of them into your resume. How to list consulting work on LinkedIn? We will introduce you to a good strategy to do so.

How to List Consulting Work on LinkedIn?

Long-term projects are like full-time jobs for consultants. So it is only fair to add them separately in the experience section, but what about those very short-term projects?

To list consulting work on LinkedIn, go to your profile and click on the "Add profile section" button. From the dropdown menu, select "Experience" and fill in the relevant information about your consulting work. Make sure to include the name of the consulting firm, the time period you worked there, and a description of your responsibilities and accomplishments. You can also add any media, such as reports or presentations, to highlight your work. Once you're done, click "Save" to publish the section on your profile.

I mean, you would want them in your resume, even if they’ve lasted for one or two days. But imagine that you bring them separately in your experiences section; in my case, there would be tens of companies (even hundreds) that I should add separately, imagine the chaos! That messy experiences section would seriously scare off any recruiter that decides to view my profile.

Instead, I thought of another way.

How to list consulting work on LinkedIn?

The grouping feature is the perfect answer to the question: “how to list contract jobs on LinkedIn?”

You can always add all the things you ever did separately, but wouldn’t it look much more professional if you put all of these consultant jobs under one company name (your own consultant company)?

I believe it does, and guess what? The more professional your profile looks, the more chances that a recruiter will contact you for a job. So let’s go for my instruction:

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  1. Log into your account
  2. Click on the ‘work’ icon on the top right corner of your feed page
  3. Click on the ‘Create a Company Page +’ button
  4. Select the type of company page (small, medium, or large business, showcase page, or educational page)
  5. Select ‘Small’
  6. Select 0-1 employee (if you are doing/used to doing consultant jobs)
  7. Select the organization type as self-employed
  8. Choose a decent logo
  9. Click the Create page button

When the page is created, it is better to try to optimize it for different purposes, but right knows, we are going for the 2nd part of the instruction.

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click the “Me” button
  3. Select “View Profile” from the dropdown menu
  4. Scroll down to the experiences section
  5. Click on the “+” icon
  6. Add the company page you just created as the corporation you worked in
  7. Enter the job title as ‘X consulting’ and other information required in the pop-up window
  8. Uncheck the “I am currently working in this role” and add an end date
  9. Save the changes
  10. Click on the “+” icon again
  11. Enter the other jobs and other information required in the opened box
  12. Uncheck the “I am currently working in this role” and put the dates you finished every project.
  13. Click on the “save” button
  14. LinkedIn will automatically group the positions you’ve entered

Related Questions & Answers

Linkedin Contract work

LinkedIn is a valuable platform for finding contract work opportunities. To explore contract positions, utilize LinkedIn’s job search feature and filter the results to display contract or temporary roles. You can also join LinkedIn groups focused on contract work or follow company pages that frequently offer contract positions. It’s essential to optimize your LinkedIn profile, highlighting your skills, experience, and ability to thrive in contract roles. Actively engage with relevant content, connect with professionals in your desired industry, and leverage your network to discover contract opportunities. Regularly update your profile and maintain a proactive approach to maximize your chances of securing fulfilling contract work through LinkedIn.

LinkedIn consultant profile examples

Crafting a strong LinkedIn consultant profile involves a few key steps. Begin with a clear headline that highlights your expertise and the value you bring. In the summary section, briefly introduce yourself, emphasizing your unique skills, experience, and the benefits clients can expect when working with you. Use concise bullet points to showcase your key achievements and successful projects. Include specific examples of how you have helped clients achieve their goals. Don’t forget to add relevant skills, certifications, and education. Finally, make sure to include a professional profile picture and encourage connections and endorsements to further establish your credibility as a consultant.

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Have you ever worked as a freelancer? Maybe that is the reason why you are so good at your current job. How to list consulting work on LinkedIn?

That is so easy to do. Just group them under your own company page. This can and will attract different recruiters to your profile and who knows what opportunities this can cause? So, go on and group those experiences for your own good.


How do I show consultancy on LinkedIn?

To showcase your consultancy work on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

  1. Add It to Your Profile: In the “Experience” section of your LinkedIn profile, create a new entry for your consultancy work. Enter your job title as “Consultant” or a specific title relevant to your field.
  2. Company Name: If you have a registered business name for your consultancy, use it as the company name. If not, you can simply list it as “Self-Employed.”
  3. Dates: Specify the start and end dates for your consultancy work. If it’s an ongoing venture, you can use the word “Present” as the end date.
  4. Description: In the job description, outline your consultancy services, key accomplishments, projects you’ve worked on, and the industries or clients you’ve served. Highlight the value you’ve provided.
  5. Skills and Endorsements: Add relevant skills to your profile, and encourage connections and clients to endorse your skills.
  6. Recommendations: Request recommendations from satisfied clients or colleagues who can vouch for your consultancy expertise.
  7. Projects and Media: If applicable, use the “Projects” or “Media” sections to showcase specific projects, presentations, or reports related to your consultancy work.

By following these steps, you’ll effectively display your consultancy experience and expertise on LinkedIn, making it easier for potential clients or partners to find and connect with you.

How do you list consulting work?

Listing consulting work on your resume or CV involves structuring it like any other job experience. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Job Title: Start with a clear job title that reflects your consulting role, such as “Independent Consultant” or a specific title related to your area of expertise.
  2. Consulting Firm or Self-Employed: Mention the name of your consulting firm if you have one, or if you’re self-employed, you can simply use “Self-Employed” or “Independent Consultant” as the company name.
  3. Dates: Include the start and end dates of your consulting work. If you’re still actively consulting, use “Present” as the end date.
  4. Job Description: Describe your consulting services, responsibilities, and achievements in detail. Highlight significant projects, clients, and results achieved during your consulting engagements. Be specific about how you added value to clients or organizations.
  5. Skills and Achievements: Mention relevant skills, certifications, or achievements gained during your consulting work.
  6. Client Testimonials: If possible, include client testimonials or references to validate your consulting expertise.
  7. Education: List any relevant degrees, certifications, or training related to your consulting field in your education section.
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Remember to tailor your consulting work description to the job you’re applying for, emphasizing skills and experiences that align with the specific position or client needs.

How do I promote my consulting business on LinkedIn?

To effectively promote your consulting business on LinkedIn:

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile reflects your consulting expertise, with a professional headshot, a clear headline, and a comprehensive summary highlighting your skills and experience.
  2. Content Sharing: Regularly share valuable content related to your consulting niche. This can include articles, tips, case studies, or industry insights. Engage with your network by commenting on and sharing others’ relevant posts.
  3. LinkedIn Articles: Write and publish LinkedIn articles about topics within your consulting field. This establishes you as a thought leader and can attract potential clients.
  4. LinkedIn Recommendations: Request recommendations from satisfied clients or colleagues to build credibility and trust.
  5. Connect Strategically: Connect with professionals in your target industry or potential clients. Personalize your connection requests with a friendly and relevant message.
  6. LinkedIn Groups: Join and participate in LinkedIn groups related to your consulting niche. Engage in discussions, offer advice, and network with potential clients.
  7. LinkedIn Ads: Consider using LinkedIn advertising to target specific audiences who might be interested in your consulting services.
  8. Portfolio and Projects: Use the “Projects” section on your LinkedIn profile to showcase successful consulting projects and their outcomes.
  9. Regular Updates: Maintain an active presence by posting regular updates about your consulting business, client successes, and industry trends.
  10. Engage with Messages: Respond promptly to messages from potential clients or network contacts, and use LinkedIn’s messaging feature to initiate conversations.

By consistently showcasing your expertise and engaging with your LinkedIn network, you can effectively promote your consulting business and attract clients who are looking for your services.

Should I add consultant to LinkedIn?

Yes, adding “Consultant” to your LinkedIn profile is a valuable step if you are actively working as a consultant or offering consulting services. It clearly communicates your professional role and expertise to your network and potential clients. When you add “Consultant” to your profile, make sure to provide a detailed and well-written summary, including your areas of specialization and the value you bring to clients. Additionally, showcasing your consulting work, client testimonials, and relevant skills will further enhance your profile’s credibility and visibility in your industry.

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