When looking for your target job on LinkedIn, it’s recommended to stand out on the platform. To do this, adding a certificate to your LinkedIn profile is the best solution. Did you know you can also add a unique code called a Credential ID to your LinkedIn certificate? So, how to add a credential ID in LinkedIn?

To add a Credential ID on LinkedIn, navigate to your LinkedIn profile and scroll to the "Licenses & Certifications" section. Click on "Add" or the "+" icon. Fill out the necessary information about your certification, including the "Credential ID" field. Once you've entered all the details, click "Save" to update your profile with the new credential.

In this article, we’ll walk through credential ID and how to add it to your LinkedIn profile. So stay with us.

What Is Credential ID in LinkedIn?

You must have seen its credential ID when you attend LinkedIn learning courses and then receive their certification from LinkedIn.

Maybe you have a question: what is the credential ID in the LinkedIn certificate?

According to LinkedIn, credential IDs are an excellent way to display your skills, education, knowledge, and professional accomplishments to potential employers on their platform.

Simply put, the credential ID is a unique number assigned to the certificate you earned.

With these credentials that act as a digital record of your success, you can easily share it with your LinkedIn network and add it to your LinkedIn profile.

It’s interesting to know that adding or displaying certificates to LinkedIn profiles has been a feature for 13 years, and it’s relatively easy to do.

Benefits of Adding a Credential ID Code to Your LinkedIn Profile:

Here are the advantages of putting a credential ID code on your LinkedIn profile:

1. Your Skill Validation:

You can prove that you have the necessary skills and knowledge for a job or industry by adding a Credential ID code to your profile.

This can help potential employers or clients trust your abilities and qualifications.

2. Your Credibility Enhancement:

Having a verified Credential ID code on your profile can enhance your credibility and reputation in your field.

This can make you stand out from other applicants and improve your chances of getting hired or winning new business.

3. Your Visibility Increase:

LinkedIn’s search algorithm prioritizes profiles with verified credentials, so adding a Credential ID code to your profile can increase your visibility to potential employers or clients.

4. Your Commitment to Professional Development:

Adding a Credential ID code to your profile demonstrates that you’re dedicated to improving your professional skills and keeping up with the latest industry trends.

Now, if you’re curious to know how to add a credential ID to your LinkedIn profile, keep reading our article.

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How Do I Add a Credential ID and URL to LinkedIn?

Whether you’ve taken a course on Coursera or DataCamp or got a diploma from LinkedIn Learning, you can add your DataCamp or Coursera certificate to your LinkedIn profile as a badge of honor.

To add a credential ID of your data camp certificate LinkedIn, follow these instructions:

Important tip: If you haven’t added any diploma or certifications to your LinkedIn profile yet, you must first add the Licenses & Certifications section to your LinkedIn profile.

How Do You Add Credentials to Your Name on LinkedIn?

To add credentials to your name on LinkedIn, follow these simple steps:

1. Navigate to your profile and click the “pencil/Edit” icon under your cover photo in the introduction section.

click the "pencil/Edit" icon under your cover photo in the introduction section

2. In the “Edit” pop-up window, navigate to the “Last name” field and append your credentials (such as PhD, MBA, etc.) next to your last name. 

3. Then, separate it with a comma and a space.

4. Click the “Save” button to save your new changes.

Click the "Save" button to save your new changes.

How to Add Licenses and Certifications on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is an incredibly valuable platform for data scientists to showcase their skills and attract professional opportunities.

Here are the steps to add Licenses & Certifications to your LinkedIn profile:

Step 1. Navigate to your LinkedIn account, click the “Me” icon, and select “View Profile.”

Navigate to your LinkedIn account, click on the "Me" icon, and select "View Profile."

Step 2. Click “Add profile section” in the introduction section on your profile page.

Click "Add profile section" in the introduction section on your profile page.

Step 3. Go to the “Core” section, click “Recommended,” and choose”Licenses & certifications” from the dropdown menu.

Go to the "Core" section, click "Recommended," and choose"Licenses & certifications" from the dropdown menu.

Step 4. Fill in the information for your certification, including the correct issuing organization from the list.

Step 5. Click “Save.”

Fill in the information for your certification, including the correct issuing organization from the list. Click "Save."

How to Edit, Delete Certifications, and Add a New Certification on LinkedIn?

To add more certifications, click the “+” icon next to the certification in the Licenses & certification section and repeat the above steps.

How to Edit, Delete Certifications, and Add a New Certification on LinkedIn?

To edit & delete existing certifications, go to the “Licenses and certifications” section on your profile and click the “pencil” icon next to the certification you want to modify.

How to Add a Credential ID & URL on LinkedIn?

To add a credential ID of your certification like “Certified Data Scientist” to the Licenses & Certifications section of your profile, follow these steps below:

Step 1. Head to your LinkedIn profile by clicking the Me icon and View Profile button.

Head to your LinkedIn profile by clicking the Me icon and View Profile button.

Step 2. Scroll down to the Licenses & Certifications section, find the certification you want to add a credential ID code & URL, and click the pencil icon.

Scroll down to the Licenses & Certifications section, find the certification you want to add a credential ID code & URL, and click the pencil icon.

Step 3. Click the pencil icon next to the certificate again on the Licenses & certifications page.

Click the pencil icon next to the certificate again on the Licenses & certifications page.

Step 4. On the pop-up window, scroll down to the Credential ID field fields and enter the unique rightcode there.

Note: You can also add the URL of your certification in the Credential URL field.

It’s worth mentioning that the URL of your certificate serves as evidence of your accomplishment and also provides information about the certificate’s purpose.

Step 5. After adding the credential code and URL, click the “Save” button.

After adding the credential code and URL, click the "Save" button.

Note: If you want to share the certification credential ID with your network, click the “Next” button on the new pop-up window.

If you want to share the certification credential ID with your network, click the "Next" button on the new pop-up window.

How to Find a Credential ID Example on LinkedIn?

If you’re looking for an example of a valid certificate credential on LinkedIn, this section can help you.

The good news is that it’s actually very easy to find.

Here’s a quick guide to help you out:

Step 1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and just navigate to your profile page.

Step 2. Go to the “Licenses and Certifications” section.

You can find that section between the Education and Skills sections at the bottom of your profile page.

Go to the "Licenses and Certifications" section.

Step 3. From there, find a list of all your certificates, including a Credential ID example.

From there, find a list of all your certificates, including a Credential ID example.

Step 4. Click the “Show Credentials” button below the Credentials ID code of the certificate you want to see.

Click the "Show Credentials" button below the Credentials ID code of the certificate you want to see.

This will redirect you to the website page where you received your Credential ID.

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It should be noted that you can find other people’s credentials IDs on LinkedIn. You just need to view their LinkedIn profile page and follow the above steps.

It’s worthwhile to note that if you don’t see any credential ID on someone’s certificate, they may not have entered the ID code in the special field because the Credentials ID feature is optional.

What does Credential ID mean in LinkedIn Certification?

In the context of LinkedIn, a credential ID refers to a unique identifier associated with a particular certification or license. This ID is often provided by the issuing organization and helps validate and differentiate the certification from others. Including a credential ID in your LinkedIn profile can provide added legitimacy and clarity to the certification you’re listing.

How to Get a Credential ID of a Certificate on the LinkedIn Mobile App?

If you’re trying to find the credential ID of a certificate on the LinkedIn mobile app, it’s a straightforward process.

Step 1. Open the LinkedIn app on your mobile device.

Open the LinkedIn app on your mobile device.

Step 2. Tap on your username or profile picture.

Tap on your username or profile picture.

Step 3. Go to your profile page by tapping the “View profile” option.

Go to your profile page by tapping the "View profile" option.

Step 4. Scroll down to the “Licenses & Certifications” section and tap on the pencil icon next to the certificate you’re interested in.

Step 5. On the next page, you should see the credential ID code listed under the certificate.

On the next page, you should see the credential ID code listed under the certificate.

How Do I Create a LinkedIn Credential ID?

In order to create a LinkedIn Credential ID, you need to get certified through the LinkedIn Learning course or any other reputable platform.

Once you’ve earned your certificate, follow these steps to create your Credential ID:

First, go to the “Me” tab at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and click the “View Profile” button in the drop-down menu.

Second, go to the “Licenses & Certifications” section and click the “+” button.

How Do I Create a LinkedIn Credential ID?

Third, enter the name of the certificate you’ve obtained in the “Name” field, and then select its right name from the drop-down menu.

Fourth, enter your certificate-issuing organization in the “Issuing organization” field or select its correct name from the provided list.

Fifth, enter the issue and expiration dates of the certificate in the relevant sections.

Sixth, in the field “Credential ID,” enter the credential code of your certificate.

Seventh, if you want, enter your certificate URL in the “Credential URL” field.

Finally, click the “Save” button at the bottom right corner of the pop-up window to save the entered information.

click the "Save" button at the bottom right corner of the pop-up window to save the entered information.

After completing these steps, your certificate will be added to your LinkedIn profile along with its credential ID.

How Do I Add Microsoft Certification Credential ID to LinkedIn?

If you’ve recently received a professional certification credential from Microsoft and are anxious to add & update it to your LinkedIn profile, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add a Microsoft Credential ID to your profile.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: After signing in to your LinkedIn account, select View Profile from the Me drop-down menu.

Step 2: At the top of your profile page, click on the Add profile section option.

Step 3: In the pop-up window, find the Add License & Certificates section and click on it.

Step 4: In the next pop-up window, type the name of the certificate you received from Microsoft in the Name field.

It’s worthwhile to mention that if you don’t know the exact name of the Microsoft certificate, choose it from the list in the drop-down menu.

How Do I Add Microsoft Certification Credential ID to LinkedIn?

Step 5: Type the Microsoft name in the Issuing organization field or select Microsoft from the provided list.

Type the Microsoft name in the Issuing organization field or select Microsoft from the provided list.

Step 6: Enter your certificate date and its expiration date in the specified fields.

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Step 7: Add at least 1 skill to this certificate if you want to associate it.

Note: In addition to this section, this skill appears in the Skills section.

Step 8: Once done, simply click “Save”.

What is the Difference between Credential ID and Certificate Number?

Let’s talk about the difference between credential ID and certificate numbers in this section.

Credential ID and certificate number, although they seem similar, are two distinct terms that can be used in different contexts.

As we said earlier, a credential ID is a special number that is associated with a specific credential, such as a professional certification or a degree.

It serves as a unique identifier for that particular credential and helps in verifying and validating the holder’s qualifications or achievements.

On top of that, it’s often used in digital systems or platforms where people need to be authenticated.

On the other hand, a certificate number is a distinct number that is printed on a certificate.

It’s used to identify and authenticate the certificate, indicating that it is genuine and has been issued by an authorized organization or institution.

The certificate number can be used for reference or verification purposes.

However, both the credential ID and certificate number play important roles in establishing the legitimacy and credibility of qualifications and achievements.

In general, they provide a means of tracking and confirming the status and authenticity of credentials and certificates in various fields and industries.

How to Get Credential ID and Credential URL for the Passed Certification?

To get credential ID and credential URL for the passed certification on your LinkedIn profile, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn profile by clicking the “Me” and “View profile” tabs.
  2. Scroll down to “Licenses and Certifications”.
  3. Click the Edit or pencil icon.
  4. Choose the certificate you want to get its credential ID code and credential URL.
  5. Click the pencil icon and find the Credential ID and Credential URL sections.

That’s it! You can simply get credential ID and URL for your passed certification.

You can learn more about Adding Other cases to LinkedIn by clicking “Add IB Diploma to LinkedIn,” Add Military Experience to LinkedIn,” “Add ORCID to LinkedIn,” Add Talks About in LinkedIn,” and “Add Birthday on LinkedIn.”


Let’s come back to the first question: How to add credential ID in LinkedIn? To add a credential ID to your profile, you should go to the Certifications section on LinkedIn.

If you already have a certificate added, simply click on “+” in the Licenses & Certifications section.

But if you don’t have this section yet, you’ll need to add it first. To add the section, click on “Add profile section” on your profile page.

By choosing the right certification name and issuing organization, your credential ID will be proudly showcased on your LinkedIn profile.


How do I add credentials to LinkedIn?

To add credentials to your LinkedIn profile, go to your profile page and locate the ‘Licenses & Certifications’ section. Click the ‘+ Add’ button. A form will appear, prompting you to input details about the certification, including the name, issuing organization, and any associated credential ID or URL. After filling out the necessary details, save to have the credentials displayed on your profile.

Credential ID and Certificate Number

A credential ID and a certificate number often refer to the same concept — a unique identifier for a certificate or license. Organizations that issue certifications or licenses use these numbers or IDs to track and validate the authenticity of the certificate. When adding certifications to platforms like LinkedIn, you might be asked for either or both to provide clarity and validation.

Credential ID Example

A credential ID can look something like “CERT-12345678” or “ABC-XYZ-001.” It’s typically a unique combination of letters and numbers that corresponds to a specific certification and is provided by the issuing organization. If you’re unsure about your credential ID, refer to the certificate itself or the organization’s official documentation or website.

How to Add AWS Certification to LinkedIn?

To add AWS certification on LinkedIn: Click on the “Me” icon in the right corner of your account, then, Click on the “view profile” in the dropdown, scroll down and click on add a certificate. And now fill in the information on the opened box.

How to add BMC certificate to LinkedIn?

To add BMC certificate on LinkedIn: Go to the Bloomberg for Education website; then click on BMC on the bar above the opened page. Then, Click on the Bloomberg certification on the right side of the opened page and click on the “Add to profile” icon, which takes you straight to the “add the licenses and certifications” section.

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