
What Is LinkedIn Maximum Connections and How to Reach?

Reviewed by Mahdi Khezri
Written by Parastoo Khalaj
What Is LinkedIn Maximum Connections and How to Reach?

LinkedIn, as one of the most popular social media platforms, has some interesting limitations, such as the maximum number of connections you can have! Yes, you do not see something like this on other platforms.

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What’s up with that? Let’s explore! 🔍

LinkedIn Connection Limitation

It was some years ago when Covid-19 struck out and caused people to stay home! You remember that clearly, right? Tens of millions of people lost their jobs due to the economic fallouts and started looking for new positions.

Could they leave their houses to hunt? No! So they had to do this online. LinkedIn and other social media platforms became a real job-seeking tool, considering the situation. They were a tool before 2020, especially LinkedIn, but more and more people started using them. 

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The experience suggests that the more connections users have on LinkedIn, the better their chances of reaching their goals on the platform are. Whether you are trying to sell your product, find a job, find investors, generate leads, or anything else, you can always count on having a lot of connections.

LinkedIn allows users to have up to 30,000 first-degree connections; however, there is no limit to the number of followers you can have on the platform. Therefore, it’s important to focus on building a quality network of meaningful connections rather than simply collecting a large number of contacts.

It is just like in the real world. When you know many people, you have more chances to find a decent job since one of them might have a related vacant position or know some companies who are employing.

One of them might be an investor or know an investor who is exploring candidates to find the best talent. One might be the mentor you are looking for, or they can refer you to one, that is exactly what happens on LinkedIn. 

You are not just another LinkedIn member to your first-degree connections; in some ways, you are also connected to their contacts (your second-degrees) and their connections’ contacts (your third degrees). It is just like domino tiles falling! You have a friend who has a friend who has a friend, who has a friend.

So if these connections are so useful, why did LinkedIn make this limitation? There is no particular reason for that, but the experts believe it was to stop people from spamming each other, misusing the number of their connections, etc. 

So, you only have 30,000 connections on LinkedIn, which seems hard to reach, but for so many people, it is not even near enough, including marketing experts. 

If you are one of these people, you need to choose whom to contact wisely, or else you will have to unfollow your connections in order to make enough space for the new ones you think can benefit you more.

It is just like you are a painting collector with limited space and cannot afford a bigger place at any cost. So, you need to be picky when buying paintings and select the most valuable pieces instead of buying just any paintings you see.

Because you never know when you might find one of the masterpieces. What if you don’t have enough space to store that one hidden gem properly? You have to throw some other paintings out then (or sell them in the best scenario), so be selective about your connections.

Now, if you want to make sure of the connections quality, the best way is always using reliable lead generation platforms like CUFinder. Yes, it is long past the time to manually search for connection. In the age of AI, you should use artificial intelligence services to achieve your goal.

CUFinder is one of the most trusted lead generation platforms that has various enrichment services, some of which are designed specifically for LinkedIn. Using these services, you can obtain data related to LinkedIn members with an accuracy of over 98% and build a valuable LinkedIn network.

CUFinder's Enrichment Engine.
CUFinder's Enrichment Engine.

How Many Users Are on LinkedIn?

Let’s talk numbers now, shall we? First of all, how many users are on LinkedIn? This platform has grown so much in the last few years, reaching over 1 billion users in 2025, compared to 78 million users in 2010.

You might think “all right, but there are a lot of other social media platforms with much faster-growing users’ population, like TikTok.”

Yes, many platforms had faster growth, and TikTok was the fastest-growing social media ever, but look at the nature of these two platforms and, of course, the time they launched TikTok.

LinkedIn is a profession-based network with so many experts who are actually active in different industries, while TikTok is an entertainment-based platform that was first launched in September 2019. 

They say that the covid-19 pandemic helped its explosive growth a lot and who is out there to disagree? We all spent so many days in our houses, watching those videos of different challenges, but have we ever thought “hey, let’s search for a job on TikTok?” No! 

However, we searched for jobs on LinkedIn since it was first designed to be a professional platform for people to demonstrate their expertise and find decent job opportunities. 

To be honest, LinkedIn did not have a very user-friendly environment back then. Even now, after so many years, many people still do not really like this platform. But more than a billion people do like it!

How Many LinkedIn Connections Should I Have?

Actually, there is no specific number for the question of how many LinkedIn connections I should have. Like the contact list on your phone, people have different ideas for it. Some save everyone they see as their contact, and some are more selective and only save those who they know and believe will answer once they message them. 

But if you still need to know the number that might be logical to get people to notice your posts, many experts believe that 500+ connections is ideal. Why is that?

Every piece of evidence tells us that your posts are only seen by 10-15% of your contacts in the first hour. The algorithms decide what to do with it depending on the reaction of 10 – 15 % of your connections, and you can never know who those people are! 

So having as many connections as possible is only logical to increase the initial engagement. The only problem here is that you probably do not know most of these people. So, if you randomly connect people you see, there is no way to make sure that they engage with your posts. That is why you should try to know them a little and be slightly selective when choosing people to connect with.

I suggest picking those who work in your industry or people who you might think are interested in the posts you share on your company page or your personal account. 

How to Get More LinkedIn Connections? 

Connections have always been a big deal in human society. It was always like that the ones who knew more people were more successful in their social affairs, like finding jobs, finding investors, finding customers, etc. 

LinkedIn is nothing but the modern form of that very society! The more relevant and sometimes irrelevant people you know there, the more chances you have to reach the goals you are pursuing on the platform.

Let’s see how you can get more connections.

1. Publish Valuable and Engaging Content

People are usually on LinkedIn for a purpose, such as finding a job, learning something, finding new talents to employ, etc. They do not open their LinkedIn just to browse and get entertained. So you need to publish valuable and engaging posts to attract their attention, persuade them to view your profile and probably request to connect you. 

If you hit the weekly limitation, but other people can still invite you, you know? So, prove that you are an expert and a trustworthy source of information in your industry. 

Publish articles, share pieces of industry news, and upload how-to videos (avoid using external links to platforms like YouTube, as algorithms tend to deprioritize them). Include statistical data that might help your connections and inspire them to send a request.

✔️ Add CTA

Add a CTA to every content you upload on other platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and encourage the audience to look at your LinkedIn profile. They will probably request to connect if they see some good content there.

✔️ Act Smart

It is also beneficial to be smart about the limitations you have here. Do not just ask random people to connect; choose the ones you think might benefit you. 

Always send a personal message with your invitations to increase the acceptance rate. People might receive many requests daily; all are usually sent with an automatic message. One well-crafted personal message with your invitation will help you stand out. Have a short introduction, tell them why you want to connect, bold your common points, etc.

2. Follow up

This one is about the connections you make in real life, and look them up on LinkedIn after that. The statistics show that the chance of people accepting your request on LinkedIn is so much higher when they know you or have seen you even once recently.

So next time you meet people at conferences, parties, etc., find them on LinkedIn and invite them to connect (if you think they can benefit you at any point).

3. Break Down the Network Growth Goals into Smaller Pieces

Expanding your network on LinkedIn is similar to a bodybuilding plan—you cannot achieve one thousand pushups in a single day. Likewise, you cannot grow from ten connections to 500+ connections all at once. 

Sometimes, it seems like an unreachable goal, but believe me, once you divide it into smaller pieces and give it enough time, it will be much more accessible. Be careful with the ones you select, and do not spam people with requests. Wait three to four days for the answer, and then if you do not get one, cancel the connection request and go for more targets.

4. Engage People By Posting

As we mentioned, people are looking for valuable content on LinkedIn, not just wasting their time. The more valuable the posts you share, the more chance they might react or leave a comment on it. And engagement increases the chance of more people seeing your posts. 

5. Keep an Eye on LinkedIn Groups

Be active in LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn groups are an excellent place to connect with great people. You can build your brand and showcase your expertise by consistently posting valuable content in a group. It also increases the likelihood of your connection requests being accepted by group members.

6. Post More Visual Content

Everybody knows that visuals are the most interesting piece of content these days. One good video or picture can convey a powerful message and attract attention. People are more likely to engage with such posts and send you a connection request if the content is both high-quality and educational.

7. Engage More with Your Connections

Engaging is what people see on your profile and in their connections’ posts. Do not just scroll your connections’ content down; react to them and, more importantly, leave a comment. A “thanks for sharing” can make you visible, but getting more specific can create a discussion over your comment.

8. Let People Find You by Using Keywords in Profile

Using keywords is the best strategy to ensure that people you want them to view your profile can find you in their search results. So use the most relevant keywords in different sections and also in the posts and don’t forget the hashtags.

There are also many other ways to increase your connections, like promoting your LinkedIn URL, using LinkedIn pulse, connecting with alumni, etc. You need to find the one that suits you and is comfortable with.


Connections are your most important asset on social platforms like LinkedIn. They help ensure that more people see your posts and follow you and your company page. This leads to increased opportunities in various areas, such as finding a job, an investor, a mentor, or a partner. 

They are the ones who will spread your word on LinkedIn by getting engaged with your posts. For example, when one of your connections reacts to a post or leaves a comment, the content also gets into your feed. It is a snowball effect, and your content can even get to people out of your network. 

So, learn how to connect when you don’t know people and start sending out invitations. Remember that there is a LinkedIn maximum connection number, so be a little pickier than usual and select the ones you believe can help you.


1. What happens when you get 30,000 connections on LinkedIn?

Once you hit this number, you can’t add any more connections. However, people can still send you connection requests. 

2. Does having 500+ connections on LinkedIn matter?

Having 500+ connections on LinkedIn can be seen as a milestone in professional networking efforts. Once you exceed 500 connections, your profile displays “500+” rather than the exact number, signaling to others that you’re an active and well-connected user. 

3. What happens when you get 10,000 connections on LinkedIn?

Reaching 10,000 connections on LinkedIn signifies that you have a vast and extensive network, which can boost your credibility and outreach on the platform. However, beyond the perception, there’s no specific feature or benefit that unlocks at this number.

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