
When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

Written by Mary
When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

Content is the essence of any social media and LinkedIn is one of the main social platforms, so it is important to post regularly. But people ask me when is the best time to post on LinkedIn?It is Wednesday at 11 a.m. Yeah, no, it really is not, it’s Tuesday at 8 a.m. Is it though? Is it? No, it is not. To be honest, the best time to post is different for everybody! It depends on you and your audience’s geographical zone. What time do they have the time and also prefer to read, watch, etc. the content and so many more factors that are affecting the post views.

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

Yet, so many people might want to know a time of the day to make a content strategy and have a schedule for that. You know, since posting is a wonderful tool to grow your business and promote self-branding on LinkedIn. Before I begin, you need to know that this article is based on a lot of research (that is published on other websites) and the CUFinder team’s opinion based on years of working on LinkedIn.

But first, a lot of the websites I reviewed suggested that you need to consider your audiences’ preference first. But let us imagine that there are so many ideal targets for your content and you are aiming to make a post get trended. For that not only you need to post something to get noticed, but also you need a time schedule. All right, so there are too many different opinions on this matter. For instance, Sprout Social believes that the best time would be Thursday between 10 a.m. and lunchtime. That seems about right, the hour at least, you know why? People usually check their LinkedIn while they are working. Look at the image below to understand what I mean.

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a platform for professionals and that is natural to consider that people usually tend to engage in it while they are at work. Does it mean that they do not open the website or the application? Not at all. It is just that the engagement is lower than in the middle of the week and according to my own experience, they usually share the non-professional content on weekends or after work hours.

Now it can get a bit complicated to find the best time and day to post content on LinkedIn when you have to consider the time zones. When you are publishing posts for different audiences in different countries it can get hard to manage the time. For example CUFinder’s content team publishes its posts for customers all around the world but a huge portion of our customers live in the U.S, while we are in Germany. We are always at least 6 hours ahead of the United States time. So if I publish a post at 9 a.m., it will be 3 a.m. in there and then that is stupid for me to wonder why the posts did not get a good view and engagement. Do you see the picture I am trying to describe here?

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

It is very important to know LinkedIn algorithms to be able to define a time to publish content! Because they will determine the amount of impressions and views your posts will get and they will define to whom your posts will be shown. That is the reason that made me talk a bit about these algorithms. Of course, they are changing constantly and I am going to give you an overall guidance about them.

The best time to post on LinkedIn is typically midweek, specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, during business hours, i.e., between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Courtney Johnson puts the way algorithms work in a very simple definition in her article. She says and I quote: “ To put it in simple terms, LinkedIn measures dozens of factors to predict how relevant your content will be to your audience, and they rank it accordingly. It then pushes your post to a small sample of your audience and waits to see if they engage. Depending on how that first test goes, it then decides whether to push it to more people and continue testing, or to stop showing it in the feed.

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

Let’s take a look at the table below:


Good Grammar

Multiple external links

Tag more than 5 people

Post more than every 3 hours

Hashtags like “comment”

Strong keywords

Valuable content

Easy to read




High quality


Low quality




Another thing that is a very effective factor is called the golden hour. It is the first hour after you publish the post. LinkedIn AI measures the engagement of people with that post in that first hour and then decides if it is worthy enough to be moved to other people’s feed. So the more people react, comment or share your post within the first 60 minutes after you publish it, it will be more successful.

There are some strategies that you can use to spice up the engagement rate when you are posting, like having a regular schedule for content publishing that we will talk about its benefits in a short while.

When is the best time to post on LinkedIn?

So, you’ve identified some specific audience, produced the content that you think will hit them in their soft spot and you are going to publish it, but wait! When is the best time to post on LinkedIn, hour wise?

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First of all you need to know that content has an expiration date on LinkedIn and every other social network. It doesn’t matter when you post, it will get washed away in the mass of new content that is being posted every minute on these platforms. So it is critical to be aware of the posts lifespan in the social media platforms to know when and how frequently you are to post in each network to make sure that the target audience will see it.

Thankfully this matter was always so important to inspire so many researches. We reviewed four mainstream social media post’s lifespan.

  1. Twitter: the fastest moving platform in the world when the average life of a post is 18 minutes.
  2. Facebook: your posts hold for little more than five hours on Facebook.
  3. Instagram: in this case posts lifespan can be 21 hours on average.
  4. LinkedIn posts will stay on the connections feed for over 48 hours.

You need to reach your target audience when they log into their LinkedIn account. When do they check their social media? Is there a specific hour for that? For example, I check LinkedIn when I am at work and the other social media networks in my free time, like I check Instagram once I wake up or in the subway when I am going to the office. It is really rare for me to check LinkedIn at lunchtime. But that is really what I do, maybe so many other people have another time schedule. But as I said, there are so many researchers conducted over this matter and I am going to tell you what we found reading and reviewing most of them.

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

So there is a general guideline and I agree with it. It is said that people usually check their social media during breaks at work or while they are going to work and at the same time social media usage decreases significantly during the weakened and so is the view rate of the posts. There is a “but” here about LinkedIn. You know that this platform consists mostly of professionals and many of them actually work on this platform. So as I said, it would not be so odd if the best time was during normal work hours.

There are many very credible websites that aim to find the best time to post on LinkedIn. I decided to put their results into a table for you to compare them to each other and since Facebook and Instagram and Twitter are LinkedIn rivals in the matter of social media, I thought why not also bring their best time to post as well? Let’s take a look at this table (there were about 45 valid researches about this that I decided to bring to the top seven).







10AM and 11AM

1PM and 4PM

11AM to 1PM, 7PM to 9PM

12PM to 1PM


1AM and 12PM

1AM and 12PM

1AM and 12PM

1AM and 12PM


10AM and 12PM





5PM to 6PM

1PM to 4PM


1PM to 3PM


7AM to 8AM, 12PM, and 5PM to 6PM

9AM, 1PM, and 3PM

2AM, 8AM to 9AM, and 5PM

12PM, 3PM, and 5PM to 6PM

Mariah Althoff

7AM to 8AM, 12PM, and 5PM to 6PM

9AM, 1PM, and 3PM


Impulse Creative

7AM to 9AM and 5PM to 6PM

6AM to 8AM


1PM to 3PM

You see the difference in the opinions right? That is the reason that you need to find your own best time of the day. Why? Because it depends on the content you are publishing. Are you sharing a post on the company page? Are you promoting a product or service? Are you looking for lead generations? Is your post a regular everyday one or a piece of news? Are you trying to do some self-branding? Did you repost it on your company page? The best time to post really depends on your content. But still I consulted the CUFinder marketing team and I brought some of their suggestions about the best time for some industries.

For example, for the software business they suggested reaching out to them before they start their work or during lunchtime, for they would not check their social media when they are working.

If you are aiming to reach the media companies’ employees the best time would be in the morning. Post your updates to make them read it like a morning newspaper. In the case of reaching the B2B and B2C experts, the best time would be around lunchtime.

What are the best days to post on LinkedIn 2022?

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

To be honest there are no definite days to call it the best day to post on LinkedIn but still we did some researches and believe that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays tend to be the busiest days and the best time for attracting engagement and make sure about your post visibility, especially on 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. but still we thought maybe you like to know some other opinions as well. So let’s take a look at the table below:







Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays


Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays



Wednesdays and Thursdays

Tuesdays through Fridays

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Tuesdays and Wednesdays


Any day

Mondays to Thursdays


Any day


Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays


Any days except the weekends

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays

Mariah Althoff

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays

Sundays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays

Mondays, Wednesday

Mondays, Wednesdays

Impulse Creative

Tuesday through Thursday



Monday through Thursday

How often should a business post on LinkedIn?

So many people ask how often you should post on LinkedIn. It is best to have a posting plan and it is suggested to post two to three times a week to stay in your audiences’ feed (consider LinkedIn posts 48 hours life span). Some people, including some of my colleagues, believe that they should post much more often to reach more users. I strongly disagree, because people might think of you as a spammer if you post more than usual (especially if you are posting marketing content). For instance, I remember that when I first created my account, I used to see too many posts from this phone company about different things, from news to marketing, etc. I mean that it was fine to advertise your products on LinkedIn, we all do that, but first of all when you see more than three posts of one person every day, you will get fed up with them, second, too many posts in a day increases the level of mistakes and lowers the quality. In fact, there were times when I thought they did not know how to edit their LinkedIn posts.

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People won’t think of you as absentees for posting only two to three times a week when you are posting valuable content. Also you probably must know that the algorithms do not work as you expect. How come? Imagine that you have 10,000 connections on LinkedIn. You make this perfect post and publish it in your company page or in your feed. Obviously LinkedIn will show it to every one of your connections, right? Unfortunately that is not the case.

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

In fact the statistics suggest that your posts are shown to only 20-30% of your connections at the best by the algorithms. Wait. What? Yeah, bummer and unfortunate, but very important to know. At first your post will be shown to a small number of your connections based on their interest and other factors like the content, time, hashtags, etc. Then in the first couple of hours LinkedIn measures your post’s performance. If people start to comment, react and share the content in the first hours, chances are that it gets to more people’s feed, even to those who are outside your network. Do you see the equation here? 20-30% + 48 hours lifespan = the times you should be posting.

Since people usually check their LinkedIn account during work hours, if you have this long video that you are going to post, it is best to share it around lunchtime or before or after work hours, since people really don’t have the time to watch that while working. The bottom line would be that you are the one who needs to test and see which content works the best for you and it can get much simpler if you take a look at the analytics of your page to define a good time for posting (in that case you need to be publishing regularly).

Things to know about posts on LinkedIn

So, now we know how to define the best time to post on LinkedIn, but still there are some points I Like to share with you. Like the LinkedIn posts character limit. Yes there is a 3,000 characters limit at this part, which can be good for the sake of not getting your audiences bored and at the same time have enough space to talk about what you want them to know. I mean let’s be honest, you do not even read 500-600 words posts on LinkedIn while you are at work, at least I don’t. You know that the professional readers just scan the long texts, right? If they do not find the thing they are looking for in this scan, they simply scroll it down, with no engagement. So you need to learn how to post on LinkedIn like an expert to attract them.

When Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

Also I like to give you some reasons to encourage you to have a regular posting schedule on LinkedIn:

  1. You are introducing yourself as an expert, a valid source of information, a person of authority. This makes people trust you much easier and that has a real positive effect on your personal brand and your marketing effort if you are having a company page.
  2. By posting regularly you are guaranteeing people visit your profile and a lot of them might decide to view your older posts as well.
  3. Your posts can get indexed by Google if it is good enough.
  4. You don’t know who will see your posts according to the things we told you about LinkedIn algorithms, so people out of your network might also see your posts and decide to contact you, not to mention your second and third-degree connections.
  5. When you post regularly, it really doesn’t matter if you have this small network, it will help you grow faster than any other methods.
  6. You can gather a lot of information by analyzing your posts performance and draw a pattern for when to post which type of content in your feed and/or company page.
  7. LinkedIn isn’t that little and simple tool that people only used to find jobs (even though they couldn’t do that sometimes) and to interact with their colleagues. It is a marketing and branding tool and experts know that they need LinkedIn to have a successful online business. What is the first condition to attract customers? Regular posting.


Does it matter to know when is the best time to post on LinkedIn? It is very important for increasing the impression and engagement rate of your post, and you know that the more engagement a post gets (especially during the first hour) the more people will see it and the more connections and followers you will attract to your personal or company page. So it is one of the most important strategies. But to be honest, there really is no definite and general correct hour and day to post on this platform to make sure that it will get the best result. Of course there are some suggestions you can use. For instance since most of the people log into their LinkedIn during work hours, it is better to post your content from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and it is the worst time to post on weekends (except for the posts that are about your picnics and/or the sweet home tips!). But to find the best time to post, you need to do experiments and have an eye on your analytics section. You will find the best time with those diagrams, I promise.

Related Questions & Answers

Best time to post on LinkedIn 2023

The best time to post on LinkedIn in 2023 will likely remain midweek, specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, during business hours, i.e., between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. However, as LinkedIn’s user base continues to grow and evolve, it’s important to stay updated on any changes in user behavior that may affect the best posting times. Additionally, with the increasing popularity of remote work and flexible schedules, it may be worth experimenting with posting at different times outside of traditional business hours to see if it resonates with your target audience.

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Another key factor to consider when determining the best time to post on LinkedIn in 2023 is your specific industry and target audience. For example, if you’re targeting individuals in the healthcare industry, you may find that posting during the evening or weekend hours when healthcare professionals have more free time is more effective. As with any social media strategy, it’s essential to track engagement metrics and adjust your posting schedule accordingly to maximize your reach and engagement.

Best time to post on LinkedIn Monday

While midweek is generally considered the best time to post on LinkedIn, Monday can still be an effective day to share content on the platform. Specifically, posting on Monday mornings between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. can be a good option as many professionals are starting their workweek and catching up on emails and social media. Additionally, posting early in the week can help set the tone for the rest of the week and keep your content top of mind for your followers.

It’s worth noting that the best time to post on LinkedIn can vary depending on your specific industry and target audience. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different posting times and track your engagement metrics to determine what works best for your audience. Regardless of the day and time you choose to post, make sure your content is relevant, valuable, and engaging to drive the most interaction and build a strong LinkedIn presence.

Best time to post on LinkedIn Tuesday

Tuesday is generally considered one of the best days to post on LinkedIn. Specifically, posting between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. or between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Tuesdays can be effective as it allows your content to be seen by professionals who are settled into their workweek and actively engaging with the platform. Additionally, Tuesday is a good day for sharing industry news, insights, and tips that can help your followers stay informed and engaged.

However, it’s important to note that the best time to post on LinkedIn can vary depending on your specific industry, target audience, and location. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different posting times and track your engagement metrics to determine what works best for your audience. Regardless of the day and time you choose to post, make sure your content is high-quality, relevant, and adds value to your followers’ LinkedIn experience.

Best time to post on LinkedIn on Saturday

While LinkedIn is primarily a platform for professional networking and business-related content, posting on weekends can still be effective for certain industries and audiences. However, Saturdays are generally not considered the best day to post on LinkedIn as many professionals are taking time off from work and may not be as active on the platform. If you do choose to post on a Saturday, it’s recommended to post in the morning between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. to catch professionals who may be checking their LinkedIn over the weekend.

Ultimately, the best time to post on LinkedIn depends on your specific industry, target audience, and goals. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different posting times and track your engagement metrics to determine what works best for your audience. Additionally, make sure your content is high-quality, relevant, and adds value to your followers’ LinkedIn experience, regardless of the day and time you choose to post.

Best time to post on LinkedIn on Friday

Friday is generally not considered the best day to post on LinkedIn as many professionals are winding down their workweek and may not be as active on the platform. However, if you do choose to post on a Friday, it’s recommended to post earlier in the day, between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. or later in the afternoon, between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. This allows you to catch professionals who may be checking their LinkedIn before or after work, rather than during the middle of the day when they may be busy wrapping up projects and meetings.

It’s important to note that the best time to post on LinkedIn can vary depending on your specific industry, target audience, and location. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different posting times and track your engagement metrics to determine what works best for your audience. Additionally, make sure your content is high-quality, relevant, and adds value to your followers’ LinkedIn experience, regardless of the day and time you choose to post.

Best time to post on LinkedIn on Thursday

Thursday is generally considered one of the best days to post on LinkedIn, as it falls in the middle of the workweek when professionals are settled into their routines and actively engaging with the platform. Specifically, posting between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. or between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Thursdays can be effective, as it allows your content to be seen by professionals who are looking for relevant and informative content during their workday. Additionally, Thursday can be a good day for sharing thought leadership pieces, industry news, and engaging with your followers through comments and discussions.

As with any social media strategy, the best time to post on LinkedIn can vary depending on your specific industry, target audience, and goals. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different posting times and track your engagement metrics to determine what works best for your audience. Ultimately, make sure your content is high-quality, relevant, and adds value to your followers’ LinkedIn experience, regardless of the day and time you choose to post.


What is the best time for a LinkedIn Post?

The optimal time for a LinkedIn post often aligns with typical working hours, as LinkedIn is a professional networking platform. Generally, weekday mornings, especially Tuesday to Thursday, between 7 AM and 10 AM local time, see higher engagement. However, the best time can vary based on your audience and their activity patterns.

What is the golden hour for LinkedIn posts?

The “golden hour” for LinkedIn posts refers to the crucial first hour after a post is published. Engagement received during this period, such as likes, comments, and shares, can significantly influence the post’s reach and longevity on others’ feeds. Rapid engagement in this window increases the likelihood of the LinkedIn algorithm promoting the content to more users.

What is the 4-1-1 rule on LinkedIn?

The 4-1-1 rule on LinkedIn is a guideline for content sharing. It suggests that for every self-promotional post you share, you should repost one relevant piece of content from others and share four pieces of value-driven content. This approach aims to strike a balance between self-promotion and providing genuine value to your network.

What are the best times to post on LinkedIn in 2023?

As of 2023, the best times to post on LinkedIn remain during peak professional activity hours, typically weekday mornings, especially from Tuesday to Thursday, between 7 AM and 10 AM local time. However, it’s essential to monitor engagement patterns specific to your audience and adjust accordingly, as industry and regional differences might influence optimal posting times.

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