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Are you ready to unleash the power of LinkedIn content strategy? In this guide, we introduce you to the most effective content marketing plans and practices for 2023.

Let’s dive in and discover the secrets that will take your LinkedIn game to the next level!

How to Create a LinkedIn Content Strategy?

According to an annual content marketing survey, 82% of B2B marketers use a content marketing strategy.

How to Create a LinkedIn Content Strategy?

On top of that, according to LinkedIn, over 90% of B2B marketers of all sizes use LinkedIn for their marketing strategies over other social media. That’s why the quality of the LinkedIn environment has made the audience choose the LinkedIn content strategy for their brand promotion.

Benefits of Creating a LinkedIn Content Strategy

Have you ever thought about the fantastic benefits of having a LinkedIn content marketing strategy? Let us tell you why it matters!

1. Stand out on LinkedIn:

By posting content and showcasing your expertise, you’ll find and attract a larger audience, as well as stand out from the crowd. It goes beyond having an account and a resume.

2. Increase Profile Views:

By 10X through content creation, you’ll attract more profile views. You’ll experience a significant increase in views just by regularly sharing valuable & engaging content.

Creating a LinkedIn content strategy helps you increase your visibility and reach on the platform.

3. Build your network faster:

By using LinkedIn’s marketing strategies and attracting like-minded individuals, you’ll establish a strong and professional network.

More people will view your profile and send connection requests, resulting in a 200% increase in just three months, according to an article published by Jordan Ogren on LinkedIn.

4. Overcome the Fear of Sharing Your Ideas:

By regularly posting content, you’ll conquer the fear of expressing your thoughts. Discover your voice, which will benefit you in various settings.

5. Develop a Personal Brand:

A personal brand entails having a unique standpoint and voice. Build one slowly and take it with you to any job.

By consistently delivering high-quality and relevant content, you can build a strong brand presence on the platform and stand out from competitors.

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6. Bring Value to Your Company:

By building a personal brand, you’ll add worth to your company. Stand out and attract attention to your workplace, positively influencing business opportunities.

7. Become an Expert in Your Field:

By creating content and establishing your unique perspective, you’ll master your field of expertise. Posting content accelerates the process of becoming an expert.

8. Generate High-Quality Leads:

LinkedIn offers excellent potential for generating leads. By incorporating lead generation tactics into your content strategy, such as compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) and gated content, you can attract qualified leads and nurture them into loyal customers.

Best Practices for Creating LinkedIn Content

Best Practices for Creating LinkedIn Content

No matter what platform you choose, there are some helpful practices to optimize your LinkedIn content marketing strategies.

1. Know Your Audience:

Tailor your messages to their interests and needs. Connect with sales professionals by addressing the topics they care about.

2. Engage with Your Audience:

Don’t just post and walk away. Interact with comments, ask for feedback, and spark discussions.

3. Be Genuine, Not Pushy:

Promote yourself and your brand authentically. Don’t rely on empty sales pitches. People can spot dishonesty.

4. Use Hashtags:

Sort your content into categories and connect with your intended audience. Find people with shared interests outside your network by using relevant tags.

5. Stay Consistent:

Regularly publish content to build trust and establish yourself as an expert in your field. It may be challenging at first, but it’s essential for a successful LinkedIn campaign.

6. Create Exclusive Content:

Offer something unique to your LinkedIn audience. Don’t duplicate content across platforms and overwhelm your followers.

7. Learn and Adapt:

Don’t be discouraged by initial response levels. Make adjustments and improve with every new post you share.

How to Implement a LinkedIn Content Marketing Strategy?

If you don’t know how to execute content distribution strategies on LinkedIn, here are some tips for effectively executing content:

Tip #1. Plan Your Content in Advance:

– Plan and organize your content.

– Find relevant articles, updates, and infographics.

– Utilize a content calendar template for scheduling your posts.

– Use software for advanced scheduling.

Tip #2. Determine Your Frequency Strategy:

– Find a balance between staying top-of-mind and avoiding overwhelm.

– Recommended frequency for status updates and long-form publishing.

– Adjust the schedule based on your industry.

Tip # 3. Utilize Content Creation Templates:

– Give your content a purpose and outline.

– Choose the appropriate template for your LinkedIn content strategy.

Tip # 4. Follow Up With Generated Activity:

– Monitor increased activity due to your content marketing efforts.

– Engage with viewers through conversations.

– Explore collaboration opportunities based on their interests.

LinkedIn Content Planner or Calendar

Stand out from the crowd of online content by creating an impressive LinkedIn content planner or calendar.

If social media marketing feels overwhelming, don’t worry! Many others feel the same way. However, with a well-planned approach, you can successfully engage your audience and make more connections. So how?

LinkedIn has become a popular platform for reaching relevant readers and boosting your business’s visibility.

In fact, as mentioned before, 90% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as a content distribution channel.

By leveraging a LinkedIn content planner or calendar, you can ensure that you:

  • Focus on what your audience wants.
  • Engage and connect with your audience.
  • Plan for the future, not just the present.
  • Streamline your resources for content integration across social media platforms.

How to Make Your Content Calendar?

To make your content calendar user-friendly, include important elements such as:

1. Assigning a Content Owner:

Assigning a writer or owner for each piece of content helps with planning and meeting deadlines.

2. Content Title:

Have a working title for your project to provide a sense of direction.

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3. Monthly/Weekly Themes:

Plan themes for specific periods to maintain relevance and give your audience an idea of upcoming topics.

4. Target Audience:

Segment your audience into primary, secondary, and tertiary categories to align your content with their interests.

5. Call to Action (CTA):

Determine the purpose of your content and what action you want your audience to take.

6. Keywords and Hashtags:

Incorporate relevant keywords and trending hashtags to improve searchability and optimize content.

7. Schedule Content:

Utilize automated scheduling or manually set dates and times for posting to ensure consistency.

Hot Tip:

Remember, different calendars cater to various needs, so find one that suits your preferences.

Tools like Asana, Hootsuite, and CoSchedule offer free templates to get you started.

As you establish your content calendar, you’ll witness improvements in content quality, engagement rate, and overall brand value.

So, simplify your social media marketing strategy and enjoy the benefits of an organized approach.

LinkedIn Content Marketing Examples

LinkedIn Content Marketing Examples

Now you know how to create a LinkedIn content marketing strategy, let’s talk about LinkedIn content marketing examples. As you know, LinkedIn is a fantastic platform for content marketing, where you can reach a professional audience and showcase your expertise.

In this section of the article, we walk through some cool LinkedIn content marketing strategy examples to get you inspired!

Example 1#. Thought-Provoking Articles:

Share in-depth industry insights, actionable tips, and inspiring stories that resonate with your target audience through LinkedIn articles.

Example 2#. Engaging Video Posts:

Video content is incredibly successful, with 1200% more success than other types of content like text and images. It’s also considered an effective attention-grabbing strategy by around 85% of marketers.

So, create short, impactful videos highlighting your products, services, or interviews with industry experts.

Example 3#. Eye-Catching Infographics:

Present complex data in a visually appealing way, making it easy for your audience to grasp important information.

Example 4#. Interactive Polls and Surveys:

Ask thought-provoking questions to encourage engagement and gather valuable insights from your audience.

Example 5#. Compelling and Powerful Summary:

LinkedIn Summary is a good example of a LinkedIn content marketing strategy that can attract potential clients and employers to your LinkedIn profile.

Try to share success stories and include the achievements of your team members.

Also, articulate your unique value proposition well and highlight your key skills and experience at the end.

How to Master LinkedIn Content Marketing?

How to Master LinkedIn Content Marketing?

Are you ready to become a LinkedIn content marketing pro? Let’s get started!

Here are some simple and main tips to help you master the art of LinkedIn content marketing strategy:

1. Get to Know Your Audience:

LinkedIn users are typically older and have higher incomes compared to users on other social media platforms.

However, it’s important to dive deeper and understand who exactly your audience is and what information they’re seeking from your LinkedIn business page.

LinkedIn analytics can help you discover the specific demographics of your audience.

Bonus tip: You can use CUFinder’s LinkedIn contact data finder tool. It helps you find more LinkedIn profile data and get even more insights about your LinkedIn audience and how they interact with your content.

In addition, you can export your target audiences’ profile data in a CSV or Excel file.

2. Monitor and Improve Your Performance:

As you gain a better understanding of your audience, you’ll also start to discover the type of content that resonates with them the most.

Keep track of the results of your LinkedIn content to gain valuable insights. Use LinkedIn analytics as a starting point to get an overview of your LinkedIn Page and post performance.

Additionally, consider using LinkedIn or Google Analytics tools to gather more detailed information and evaluate your LinkedIn marketing efforts alongside your other social media channels.

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Bonus tip: Sharing regular LinkedIn marketing reports is an effective way to showcase your results. These reports can help you identify patterns and refine your strategy over time. They also open up opportunities for brainstorming and implementing strategic improvements.

3. Optimize Your LinkedIn Page:

Optimize Your LinkedIn Page

No matter what you’re aiming for, ensure that your LinkedIn company pages are comprehensive and utilize all the relevant tabs and sections.

LinkedIn’s data reveals that complete Pages attract 30% more weekly views.

If you’re part of a larger organization, Showcase Pages can help target specific audiences for your content marketing. Consider creating them for different programs or initiatives within your company.

Don’t let your main Page content become outdated: LinkedIn advises updating your cover image at least twice a year.

4. Create a Community for Your Brand/Product on LinkedIn:

You may be wondering why it’s important to build a community around your brand. Well, the reasons are simple:

  • Build trust with your potential customers.
  • Your brand captures the attention of prospective customers.
  • Community members can recommend your brand to others.

In order to successfully develop your community, it’s crucial to understand your audience better.

Interact with your community through posts and surveys to gain their trust and understand their preferences. And the benefits? Let’s explore:

You can boost customer loyalty.

By being closer to your customers and addressing their issues, you establish a trusted relationship.

Your community becomes a powerful tool for building customer loyalty, and that’s pretty amazing!

Furthermore, You can turn members into brand ambassadors.

Imagine having some of your customers become members of your community. Yes, it’s true!

By inviting prospects to join your community, they can directly interact with existing members and discover your brand without your direct involvement.

Can you see the potential? Your community becomes a trust-building force for your potential customers!

Bottom Line

Now, you’ve discovered a treasure trove of LinkedIn content marketing strategies for 2023. It’s time to put your newfound knowledge into action and see your profile reach new levels.

Remember, using LinkedIn content strategy can be the key to success in expanding and growing your business.


How do I write a LinkedIn content strategy?

  1. Establish clear goals for your LinkedIn content marketing.
  2. Conduct thorough research to identify and understand your target audience on LinkedIn.
  3. Determine the topic areas and types of content you want to create and share.
  4. Customize your content to fit the format and style of LinkedIn’s platform.
  5. Create a publishing schedule to ensure consistent and timely content delivery.
  6. Actively engage with your audience by interacting, responding, and fostering meaningful connections.

How do I promote my content on LinkedIn?

You can promote your content on LinkedIn with the following steps:

  1. Update your content regularly.
  2. Join and participate in relevant groups on LinkedIn.
  3. Use LinkedIn’s publishing platform to write long-form content and articles.
  4. Use LinkedIn Ads
  5. Boost your business page posts

What are LinkedIn strategies?

A LinkedIn marketing strategy is like a roadmap that guides you on using LinkedIn to achieve your marketing goals. These strategies include optimizing your profile, creating valuable content, engaging with the audience, leveraging LinkedIn groups, and utilizing LinkedIn ad options.

What is an example of a content strategy?

A great example of content strategy on LinkedIn would be to create educational and informative posts focused on specific topics in your industry that resonate with your target audience.

What is the LinkedIn strategy for brands in 2023?

In 2023, the LinkedIn strategy for brands focuses on authentic engagement, storytelling, and leveraging data-driven insights. Brands are increasingly using LinkedIn to share behind-the-scenes content, highlighting company culture, and emphasizing corporate social responsibility. Video content, especially short-form and live videos, dominates the platform. Additionally, brands tap into the power of LinkedIn’s analytics and tools to target their content more effectively and measure ROI.

Do LinkedIn Videos Autoplay?

Yes, LinkedIn videos do autoplay. When a user scrolls through their LinkedIn feed, videos that have been uploaded directly to the platform will begin to play automatically, albeit without sound. The silent autoplay ensures minimal disruption to the browsing experience. However, users have the option to adjust this in their settings, either allowing videos to autoplay or requiring a manual play.

What are the content trends on LinkedIn in 2023?

The content trends on LinkedIn in 2023 lean heavily towards video, especially live broadcasts and short, engaging clips. Thought leadership remains essential, with professionals and brands sharing insights, case studies, and industry updates. Interactive content, like polls and Q&A sessions, has gained traction, fostering more engagement. Lastly, there’s a shift towards more personal and authentic content, where individuals and companies share failures, learnings, and real-life experiences, making connections more genuine.

What will be the top 5 content marketing trends of 2023?

In 2023, the top five content marketing trends include:

  1. Video Content: Short-form videos and live streams continue to dominate, catering to decreasing attention spans and the demand for engaging visuals.
  2. Voice and Audio: With the rise of podcasts and voice search, brands invest in audio content and optimize for voice search.
  3. Personalization: Advanced AI and data analytics allow for content tailored to individual user preferences and behaviors, making experiences more personalized than ever.
  4. Interactive Content: Quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics engage users more effectively, driving higher engagement rates.
  5. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Brands emphasize their commitment to sustainability and social issues, aligning their content strategies with global concerns and values.

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