LinkedIn, a platform with more than 875 million users, is one of the most influential social platforms right now. It is said that more than one-third of the B2B online traffic flows on LinkedIn. So, this is a perfect place to try to grow your business reputation and find more leads. To do this, you have to be active and that means creating regular posts (text, photo, or videos with a message) and articles.

How to post an article on LinkedIn and why?

What is an article on LinkedIn? Do you always just publish posts and wish you could write more than just 300-400 words? Why not write articles? They are perfect for attracting those pickier targets. Articles are like blogs, except they get published on your LinkedIn page and/or your company page. As we said, they are perfect for attracting those who trust harder. Why is that? Well, it is hard to write a good article.

How to post an article on LinkedIn and why?

Many people believe that it is unnecessary to publish an article. Why should they do this challenging and unpaid task when they can just post a short text? Well, there are a lot of benefits to publishing articles which we will get to at the correct time. But you can use it to share professional activities, industry insights, tutorials, feature releases, etc. Articles are longer, so you can write much more details, not like when you are writing a post and you are in a limited cell. In fact, many experts believe that LinkedIn articles are the greatest tool for content sharing about:

  • Thought leadership
  • Professional experiences and anecdotes
  • Industry insights and expertise
  • Advice for other professionals
  • Opinions on developments in your field
  • Content marketing messages in support of your brand

As LinkedIn claims: “All members and admins (super admins or content admins) of a LinkedIn Page have the ability to publish articles about their expertise and interests. Articles are displayed in the Activity section of your profile, and sometimes people get notifications about them. Articles can be shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter.”

How to post an article on LinkedIn and why?

It is so easy to post an article and now that you know an article is different from a post, let’s see how to publish one:

  1. Get to your account
  2. If you want to publish it in your feed, click on ‘write an article ‘ on top of your feed page
  3. Click on the headline field and type an appealing headline
  4. Click on the ‘write here’ field and start writing
  5. Add images, media, hashtags, tag people if necessary just like you do in a post, etc.
  6. Click Publish

If you are going to write and share an article on a company page:

  1. Get to your account
  2. Click on ‘write an article ’
  3. Select the company page that you are its super admin
  4. Click ‘Next’
  5. Click on the headline field and type an appealing headline
  6. Click on the ‘write here’ field and start writing
  7. Add images, media, hashtags, etc.
  8. Click ‘Publish’

You can define at least three hundred target audiences for your article on a company page. You can also control who can add comments to your article. Personally advise not to close or even limit the comment section. The more people can get engaged in the comment section, the more people might see that article which is the route to getting viral. You can also edit your article whenever you want, just like how you edit a post. C:UsersWorkDesktopjb.PNG

How to publish an article on LinkedIn for its pros and cons?

As we said, there are different benefits to posting an article on LinkedIn. So let’s take a look at them.

  1. You are increasing visibility

It is proven that articles promote your brand and increase the visibility of your account and/or company page. Since these articles can be found in searches within LinkedIn (if you used proper keywords, hashtags, have enough engagement, etc.). But more importantly, it increases the chance of people finding your article in their Google organic searches. You can always publish the blog you posted on your website as an article on your LinkedIn, and let me tell you that, the second that “LinkedIn” gets into the blog URL, it ranks higher than on your website.

How to post an article on LinkedIn and why?
  1. Keep people on your post

One of the things that LinkedIn algorithms consider while ranking your page is the time your followers spend on your posts. Obviously, people do not just scroll your article down (especially if it is exciting for them). So, an article is beneficial for your page ranking as well.

  1. Becoming a thought leader

Let’s be honest, 3000 characters do not give you enough space to publish deeper and more thoughtful content. Longer content lets you express your expertise and authority on a special topic in your industry (it is suggested to write about different topics related to your industry).

  1. Bring your old but gold blogs to life

Is there any old blog on your website that you believe is still valuable and credible in a specific industry? Why not update it and posts it as an article on LinkedIn? This way, people will read that valuable content, and you might get more exposure, find new leads, etc.

  1. Reach a new audience
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Audiences are your treasure on a social platform and creating valuable and engaging content is one of the keys to enriching this treasure. LinkedIn articles let you create that key in a society with more than 875 million members. There is a great chance that you can attract some perfect leads with a valuable article.

How to post an article on LinkedIn and why?
  1. Improve your business

LinkedIn is a very popular business-oriented social platform, so there are a whole lot of entrepreneurs and experts in it. It is the perfect place for networking, job seeking, demonstrating your expertise, etc. thankfully LinkedIn provided us with its article feature for both personal and company pages. So, you can write anything anytime you want in an article and publish it. Articles can be about your knowledge, experiences, etc., which can help your branding and grab the trust of your prospects. How does it work? Let’s have a look.

  • Prove your expertise

LinkedIn articles are not like a Facebook update or a little post on LinkedIn or Instagram, it is written by an expert to prove their knowledge in an industry. And of course, people can trust you much easier once they made sure of your expertise. You can write about anything you Like, the point here is to try to go for the more related topics (to the industry you are working in) and don’t get too complicated about the topics. That is fine to talk as an expert, but when the language gets complicated, the engagement decreases a lot.

  • Share your connections’ article

There is no problem in sharing your connections’ articles. In fact, it can be a great idea for the times you are not in the mood to write a huge piece. You are networking with this and making them notice you and your brand.

  • The online appearance

Let’s be honest, appearance is everything in this era, and on a platform like LinkedIn, your appearance is defined by how creative and active you are and that means creating posts and articles often. You should assure your audiences of your presence. What is worse than entering a company page and seeing their last update was posted three years ago? That is why I always suggest having a schedule for posting.

How to share an article on LinkedIn to get trended or viral?

What do we mean when we say a getting a post is trending or an article gets trended? It means that our content is getting shown to people outside our network, which is a huge deal. Because it attracts people whom we usually cannot reach out to without an InMail. When this happens, your article sticks around for a longer time than usual.

How does an article get trended? It needs to get trended under a hashtag and that is how users out of your network who are following that very hashtag you used in your article will find and read it and get engaged by commenting, sharing, etc. obviously the more people get to see and read your articles and posts, the more valuable connections you can attract. Considering the invitation limit of LinkedIn, it is one perfect chance for networking.

Trending usually happens for the posts under a hashtag you used in it. When you receive that message that says “your post has been trending”, that moment is a perfect time to celebrate. Articles can also get trended or go viral too, even when it is not that usual. But how to get your article trended? Just like when you are creating a post. You just need to know some tips.

How to share an article on LinkedIn to get trended or viral?
  1. Quality content

As I mentioned, articles are already considered valuable content for it is hard to write one. But what if no one reads and engages with it? When you write too complicated or have a tone that makes people feel you are looking down on them, they will get scared out. That is when the quality content gets into the equation. Try to share helpful information in your article and explain the topic you chose, in detail. You do not have that word limitation like in posts when writing an article. Also, use proper keywords to make your article more visible. This way, people who are looking for information with that keyword can find you in LinkedIn search and Google organic search.

  1. Encourage engagement and interact in comments

It usually is the comments that make a post or an article get viral. So, let me clear that LinkedIn algorithms are different than any other social media. Although I always say that people’s comments can cause a snowball effect, it depends on the response you give them. Yeah, the comments are to be responded to if you want them to be effective for your article’s ranking. To encourage engagement, it is suggested to ask a question at the end of the article. The more your article is about the usual problems people might have in their everyday life at work, the more they will get engaged and the more chance you might get viral.

  1. Hashtags

As we mentioned, posts and articles get trended under a hashtag. That is why you should use related and trending hashtags in your content. It helps people who are following or searching that hashtag to find your article. So, find and follow those hashtags which are more related to your industry and use them in your posts and articles.

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How to share an article on LinkedIn to get trended or viral?
  1. Media

It is always a perfect idea to add photos and videos to your article. Articles and posts which contain visuals are much more likely to receive relations and engagement, according to the stats and my own experiences. It makes sense, doesn’t it? I mean, it is just hard to simply scroll down an article or leave it unread when you see it contains photos or a video.

  1. Find the best day to publish the article

It is very important to get your audience at the act, meaning that people are usually at their office when they check their LinkedIn. That is why engagement declines so much during the weekends. As my experience suggests, your article is best to be published on Tuesdays and Wednesdays morning. People just woke up or are going to their office, so they might check their LinkedIn and actually read your article in the subway or when they are eating breakfast, or even before they start their job and they might even leave a comment if your content is worthy enough. It also is not Monday that they just came back from their weekend and trying to get that engine run again for the rest of the week and it is not Friday that they are getting ready for the weekend again.

How to share an article on LinkedIn to get trended or viral?
  1. No to any external link

LinkedIn algorithms hate them. You can drastically decrease the views and engagement of your articles by adding external links to them. That is why I always suggest people upload the videos they want to add to their article directly on the LinkedIn article platform and do not just put a YouTube URL for that. If you think that external links are really necessary, just wait for one week after publishing the article and then add them. Because your engagement and impressions will decrease after this time.

  1. Mistakes and errors

They are normal! But not in an article you want to get viral or trended. Nothing kills the readers’ passion like a miss spelling or grammar mistake. I mean one or two is fine (better not have them though), but sometimes they become normal for the writer. As Susan Rooks suggests “If you are going to make a grammar mistake, just make sure it is not in the title or the first few lines.”

  1. Repost and link backs

Repost your article or post on your company page or your profile and link back to it in every related post. It helps people who are already engaged with your posts to see that article as well.

LinkedIn article vs post

You obviously know that LinkedIn posts and articles are different. I use them both because both have their own benefits. You see, articles are just like blog posts, an article that you publish in your profile can get to your connections notification and it can also be searched for, you know, for the headline and stuff.

LinkedIn article vs post

They are the evergreen content which means doesn’t matter when someone searches for them on LinkedIn, they can always find it (time-wise). They can find it even after ten years, articles do not get washed off like posts. And they can guide people to your profile even after years of being published. It means that it doesn’t matter the time, valuable articles can always get a decent impression. But posts are much more time-dependent, when you publish a post, everything depends on how much engagement it gets in a defined amount of time. The amount of engagement tells the algorithms what to do with it. If you spend a lot of time creating different posts to solve people’s problems or give them information on a specific topic and you are looking for a certain amount of engagement, I suggest you go for an article.

LinkedIn articles and posts are both types of content that can be published on the platform. LinkedIn articles are longer-form content pieces that can be up to 125,000 characters and can include multimedia elements like images and videos. LinkedIn posts, on the other hand, are shorter-form updates that can be up to 1,300 characters and can include multimedia elements as well. While both types of content can be effective for building a professional brand and engaging with your audience on LinkedIn, articles are generally more suited for in-depth thought leadership pieces, while posts are better for sharing quick updates and insights.

It is not like there are no benefits to posting, there are many. While an article gets kind of hidden in your profile and people sort of need to view your profile to find them, posts get into your connections feed. That is why I always share any article I publish, through a LinkedIn post. In those posts, I always add hashtags, keywords, tag different people, etc. It just makes that post I shared on my company page or feed stick around for a longer period.

The other difference is in the word’s amount. Although they never officially claimed, experts believe that posts’ word limitation is about 300 to 400, while articles can contain up to 125,000 characters, which can be about 17,000 words. So, you obviously have a huge space to express your thoughts without anyone nagging that it is too long and people would not like it. The ones who do not like long texts can always just read those posts, here you are talking more professionally. At the same time, since posts are shorter, they can grab more attention which you can use to intrigue people about your recently published article, and then you can add the article URL at the end of that post. It definitely spikes up the engagement rate of your article even more.

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How to post a blog on LinkedIn?

You might publish this very interesting blog on a specific topic that you are sure can help people no matter how old it is or a recent article about a product or service you just launched, etc. Many of us would like to know if they can also publish a blog on LinkedIn. Well, the good news is that it is possible, thankfully LinkedIn introduced its articles platform. So the users can write a long article about a topic related or unrelated to the industry they are working in. They can also share other members’ articles, or use the platform to post a blog you believe is useful for their audience on LinkedIn.

How to post a blog on LinkedIn?

If the blog is newly written you can just post it with no changes necessary, I would change the sentences a little of course, because it is better for the Google ranking and I will ask the readers to visit my company website as well. But if the blog is old but gold, it’s better to do a little dusting and changing. Just give it a newer look to be able to interact with today’s readers, even if it is written just a couple of years ago.

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Benefits of LinkedIn articles

Publishing LinkedIn articles can provide several benefits for professionals and businesses. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Thought leadership: LinkedIn articles allow you to share your insights and expertise on a specific topic, positioning you as a thought leader in your industry or field. By sharing your unique perspective, you can attract followers and build a reputation as a trusted source of information.
  2. Visibility: LinkedIn articles can help increase your visibility on the platform, as well as in search engines like Google. By optimizing your articles for relevant keywords and sharing them with your network, you can attract new followers and expand your reach.
  3. Engagement: LinkedIn articles can also be a great way to engage with your audience and spark conversations around important topics. By encouraging comments and responding to feedback, you can build relationships with your followers and deepen your connections on the platform.

Overall, LinkedIn articles can be a powerful tool for building your professional brand and reaching your target audience on the platform.

LinkedIn article’s best practices

To ensure that your LinkedIn articles are effective and engaging, here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Choose a relevant topic: Select a topic that is relevant to your industry or area of expertise, and that will be of interest to your target audience.
  2. Structure your article: Use headers and subheaders to break up your content and make it easier to read. Additionally, use images and videos to add visual interest and context to your article.
  3. Optimize for SEO: Incorporate relevant keywords into your article to improve its visibility in search engines like Google. Additionally, use meta tags and descriptions to optimize your article for sharing on social media.
  4. Promote your article: Share your article with your network and encourage others to share it as well. Additionally, consider promoting your article through LinkedIn ads or other paid channels to reach a wider audience.
  5. Engage with your audience: Monitor comments and respond to feedback to foster engagement and build relationships with your followers.

By following these best practices, you can create LinkedIn articles that are engaging, informative, and effective for building your professional brand.


LinkedIn articles are one of the most attractive features of this platform. Many people constantly complain about LinkedIn post character limitations. I always tell them to try publishing an article on LinkedIn and believe it or not, most of them see perfect results in doing so. Not only can they attract more valuable connections using the article, but they also do strong branding and prove themselves as experts. So, use this feature and publish your article.


Where can I find articles on LinkedIn?

On LinkedIn, you can find articles by visiting the profile of a user who has published articles; they’ll be listed under the “Articles & activity” section. Additionally, articles often appear in your homepage feed when shared or published by your connections or when they’re trending in your industry or network. LinkedIn’s search bar also allows you to search specifically for articles by using relevant keywords.

What are articles on LinkedIn?

Articles on LinkedIn are long-form content pieces written and shared by LinkedIn users directly on the platform. Unlike regular posts, which are brief updates or shares, articles allow for more in-depth discussions, insights, or thought leadership pieces. They are accompanied by a headline, body text, and can include images, videos, and links.

How do I create an article on LinkedIn?

To create an article on LinkedIn, navigate to your homepage and click on “Write an article” located near the update box. This will open LinkedIn’s article editor where you can add a headline, body content, images, and other multimedia. Once you’ve composed your article, you can preview it and, when ready, click “Publish” to share it with your network and the broader LinkedIn community.

Are LinkedIn articles worth it in 2023?

Yes, LinkedIn articles are still worth it in 2023. Publishing articles on LinkedIn can establish you as a thought leader in your industry, increase your visibility, and help in networking with like-minded professionals. By sharing valuable content, you not only engage with your immediate network but also have the potential to reach a broader audience, especially if your articles gain traction and are featured by LinkedIn. It’s an effective way to showcase expertise and build credibility within your professional community.

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