If you’re a member of LinkedIn and you’ve visited the profiles of LinkedIn users, you’ve definitely heard the question: does LinkedIn notify when you view a profile?

LinkedIn instantly tells you who has viewed your profile through its professional feature called “Who’s Viewed Your Profile“. Read on to learn more about this capability.

You might have thought that you’d have to spend a great deal of time finding out who viewed your LinkedIn profile. The good news is that now you can easily catch the number and details of people who’s viewed your LinkedIn profile using this feature.

Bear in mind that you can know more about individuals who’ve visited your profile based on your LinkedIn account type.

Yes, LinkedIn typically notifies users when someone views their profile, unless the viewer has their privacy settings set to "anonymous". In some cases, LinkedIn may also withhold profile view notifications if the viewer is a third-party recruiter using LinkedIn Recruiter or if the viewer is using the LinkedIn Sales Navigator tool. However, generally speaking, LinkedIn will notify a user when their profile is viewed.

What kind of LinkedIn account do you have?

LinkedIn has both free/ basic and premium/ subscription accounts.

It’s worth mentioning that your access to the feature mentioned above depends on the type of account, the privacy settings of the account, and the people who visit your profile.

LinkedIn Premium account

LinkedIn Premium subscription users have no restrictions on viewing their history for the past 90 days.

LinkedIn offers Premium users information such as where visitors are from, their standard job titles, company, industry, and how they found you on LinkedIn.

Just remember that you won’t be able to see any additional information about visitors who have private mode enabled.

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How to see who’s visited your LinkedIn profile through your Premium account?

If you’re a Premium member of LinkedIn, to find out who’s viewed your profile and other data, you can follow these steps:

1. Click on the Me icon on your LinkedIn page and then click on View profile.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

2. Tap the See who’s viewed your Profile under the Recommended for you section.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

Basic (free) LinkedIn account

If you have a free account on LinkedIn, as well as you’ve set your profile viewing options to exhibit your name and headline when viewing someone’s profiles, you can see up to five most recent visitors who viewed your account in the last 90 days, along with their total number and also the number of times you were shown in search results.

On top of that, you’ll also see a list of suggestions for upturning your profile views.

According to LinkedIn, the list shows you the following three factors that can help you build a professional network:

  • Their job title
  • Where your profile viewers work
  • Where they found your profile

Keep in mind that to see the items listed, you need to enable the display of your name and headline on your profile settings page.

How to activate your name and headline on LinkedIn?

To enable the name and headline, click the Me icon on your LinkedIn homepage and then follow these steps:

1. Click on Settings & Privacy

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

2. Select the Visibility tab.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

3. Click on Profile viewing options from the Visibility of your profile & network section.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

4. In the Profile viewing section, select Your name and headline under Select what others see when you’ve viewed their profile.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

Note: Changes will be saved automatically.

Three ways to display information on Who’s Viewed Your Profile

Likewise, said that the information you can see about your visitors on LinkedIn depends on how you set up your profile settings. Accordingly, there are three ways LinkedIn show information on its feature:

  • Regarding the visitors who’ve enabled the name and headline option, you can view their name, headline, location, and industry.
  • Regarding those who have a semi-private profile, you can view limited information such as their job title, company, school, and university.
  • Regarding users who are LinkedIn members, as well as have activated the private mode for anonymity, you’ll only see their overview.

Does LinkedIn notify you when you view a profile without any LinkedIn account?

As far as we know and up to this point, it’s impossible for people who don’t have a LinkedIn account to view LinkedIn user profiles. As such, LinkedIn won’t notify you in such circumstances.

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How to discover who’s viewed your profile through a free or basic LinkedIn account?

Undoubtedly, it can be said that profile views are visible only when visitors come to your page.

If you’d like to explore who has viewed your LinkedIn profile, head to your LinkedIn homepage and follow the two steps below:

1. Click on the Me icon at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then select View profile.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

2. Click on the profile views link from the Analytics section to discover who’s visited your profile.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

In the Analytics section, you can detect the number of people who have viewed your profile on LinkedIn in the past 90 days.

Does LinkedIn Notify When You View a Profile?

What are the benefits of seeing who visits your profile on LinkedIn?

Although this feature of “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” on LinkedIn may be inconvenient for some members, it also has advantages, some of which are mentioned below:

  • The data that the “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” feature puts forward tells you if you’re attracting the right people.
  • This feature can now provide you with some potential leads and prospects.
  • You can use this feature to create and expand a strong network with extensive and rich connections.
  • You can use this feature to check if your resume interests other users.
  • You can use this feature to validate your efforts on LinkedIn and how well users receive them.

Related Questions & Answers

Does Linkedin Notify when you View a Profile Every Time

No, LinkedIn does not notify users every time someone views their profile. By default, your profile views remain private, and other members will not receive a notification when you visit their profile. However, there are certain instances where LinkedIn may send a notification, such as when you have a premium account, or if you choose to enable the “Anonymous LinkedIn Member” feature, which allows you to browse profiles anonymously. It’s important to note that these features may vary based on LinkedIn’s policies and updates, so it’s recommended to review the platform’s settings for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Does LinkedIn Show who Viewed your Profile from Google

LinkedIn does not display the specific identity of individuals who view your profile through Google or any external search engine. LinkedIn provides aggregated data and statistics on the number of profile views but does not reveal the individual identities of those viewers, regardless of whether they accessed your profile through a search engine or directly on the LinkedIn platform. Privacy is an important aspect of LinkedIn, and individual profile views are typically kept confidential unless the viewer chooses to interact or connect with you. However, please note that LinkedIn’s features and policies may change over time, so it’s always a good idea to check for any updates or changes on the LinkedIn platform itself.

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Bottom line

Does LinkedIn notify when you view a profile? Let’s be honest; sometimes, many of us don’t even know that when we view a LinkedIn member’s profile, she or he is being sent a notification by LinkedIn.

So when you take a look at other users’ LinkedIn profiles, LinkedIn will immediately notify them, and they’ll realize that it was you who viewed their LinkedIn profile.


Does LinkedIn tell you when someone looks at your profile?

Yes, LinkedIn provides a feature that allows you to see who has viewed your profile, but with some limitations. If someone views your LinkedIn profile while logged into their account, LinkedIn may show their name and profile photo in your “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” section. However, if they view your profile while logged out or in private mode, you won’t be able to see their identity. It’s worth noting that while LinkedIn provides this feature, it’s considered a standard practice on the platform, and users generally expect their profiles to be visible when they visit others’ profiles. It can be a useful tool for networking and connecting with people who show interest in your professional background.

How do I stop LinkedIn from showing I viewed the profile?

LinkedIn allows users to browse profiles in private or “anonymous” mode, where your name and information are hidden from the person whose profile you’re viewing. To enable this feature and prevent LinkedIn from showing that you viewed someone’s profile, follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Go to the LinkedIn website and log in to your account.
  2. Privacy Settings: Click on your profile picture in the top right corner to access the dropdown menu. Then, select “Settings & Privacy.”
  3. Privacy Tab: In the Settings & Privacy section, click on the “Privacy” tab.
  4. How Others See Your Profile and Network Activity: Under the “How others see your LinkedIn activity” section, click “Change” next to “Profile viewing options.”
  5. Choose Private Mode: You’ll see options for how your profile appears when you view others’ profiles. Choose “Private mode” to browse profiles anonymously.
  6. Save Changes: After selecting Private mode, click “Save changes” to apply the setting.

By enabling Private mode, LinkedIn will not reveal your identity when you view other users’ profiles. Keep in mind that you will also lose the ability to see who viewed your profile while in this mode.

Can you see who viewed your profile if you don t have LinkedIn Premium?

Yes, you can see who viewed your LinkedIn profile even if you don’t have a LinkedIn Premium subscription. LinkedIn offers a feature called “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” to all users, including those with free LinkedIn accounts. This feature allows you to see a limited number of people who have recently viewed your profile, along with some basic information about them. However, the level of detail you can see may vary depending on your account type and LinkedIn’s policies. While LinkedIn Premium offers additional insights and features for profile views, basic profile viewing information is accessible to all users at no cost.

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