To expand your professional network on LinkedIn or create better and newer job opportunities, asking for referrals on LinkedIn can be one of the best ways. So, how to ask for referral on LinkedIn?

To ask for a referral on LinkedIn, send a personalized message to your connection explaining why you're interested in the role and politely ask if they would be willing to refer you.

Although it can be a bit challenging, by following some key tips you can make getting referrals on LinkedIn in a way that feels natural:

  • Identify your target audiences to ask for
  • Reach out to them via the LinkedIn messaging platform
  • Ask them to refer you to others
  • Follow up
  • Thank you

How to Ask for Referral on LinkedIn?

If you want to learn more about how to ask for referral on LinkedIn, as well as exactly where and how to start, you’re in luck because we have some great steps and tricks that can help you navigate the referral request process and increase your chances of landing that dream job and your business goals.

How to Ask for Referral on LinkedIn?

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Build relationships

Before you start asking for referrals, it’s important to build strong relationships with other professionals on LinkedIn.

This means connecting with people whom you don’t know in your industry, engaging with their posts and content, and taking an interest in their work.

You can also join industry-specific groups on LinkedIn and participate in discussions to connect with like-minded professionals.

Remember that by establishing these connections, you’ll build a level of trust and credibility in your communication, which will make it easier to ask for referrals.

Step 2: Identify potential referrers

Once you’ve built a strong and professional network of connections on LinkedIn, it’s time to identify potential referrals.

They can be people who may be able to introduce you to job opportunities or refer you to others in your industry.

It’s important to know that to identify potential referrals, start by looking at your existing connections such as 1st-degree, 2nd-degree, or 3rd-degree connections.

Meaning, who do you know in your industry who has a strong network and might be able to refer you?

Additionally, you can use LinkedIn‘s search feature to find target audiences who work in your desired companies or industries.

Step 3: Reach out to and ask

Now that you’ve identified potential referrals, it’s time to reach out to them and ask for their help.

However, it’s worthwhile to do this in a manner that is polite, professional, and not too pushy.

We recommend that you start by sending a personalized message or email to each potential referrer.

Always keep in mind that the goal is to build a relationship and open doors to future opportunities, not to pressure someone to refer to you.

Step 4: Follow up

Never give up if you don’t hear back from a potential referrer right away. They may be busy or may have missed your message.

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A gentle follow-up message after a week or two can be a good way to remind you of your request and show that you’re still interested.

Just make sure to keep your follow-up message polite & professional and avoid coming off as a desperate person as well.

Step 5: Thank them for their time

Whether or not a potential referrer can introduce you to any job openings or new clients, it’s important to thank them for their time and support.

Immediately sending them a thank you message for considering your request can go a long way in building a positive relationship and increasing your chances of future referrals.

As a whole, asking for referrals is common practice on LinkedIn, so don’t be afraid to reach out and make the most of your professional network!

How to Ask Someone to Refer You for a Job Sample?

How to Ask Someone to Refer You for a Job Sample?

If you know someone who works at a company you’re interested in, or who has connections in your industry area, they may be able to refer you for a job opening.

A referral from someone you know is one of the most valuable recruiting resources you can tap into.

That’s because, according to a LinkedIn blog post, nearly half of recruiters hire people through referrals, and asking for a referral is four times more likely to get you a response from the company.

However, asking someone for a referral for a job sample can feel awkward or uncomfortable.

Here are some killer practices on how to ask someone to refer you for a portfolio:

Tip 1. Choose the right person to refer

Before anything else, it’s best to start discovering the person you want to refer you to for a portfolio on your LinkedIn network.

This could be a former colleague, boss, mentor, or even a client.

Tip 2. Be specific about the job you’re interested in

Let the person know what company you’re applying for and what job position you’re seeking.

This will make it easier and more reliable for them to recommend you for the right role.

Tip 3. Explain why you want their help

It’s highly recommended that you be honest and upfront about why you’re reaching out to them.

Maybe you either admire their work and insights or just may need an opportunity to enter the company.

Tip 4. Provide them with your resume

Send them your updated resume so they have all of your relevant experience and qualifications when they talk to your target contacts.

Tip 5: Give them your LinkedIn profile URL

You can optimize your LinkedIn profile for recruiters. This can help you impress hiring managers.

After you’ve made sure your profile is complete and up-to-date by adding different sections such as Summary, Featured, Skills, Recommendations, etc., then provide your LinedIn profile link to the people you want to refer you for a portfolio.

LinkedIn Job Referral Messages Structure

Job referral messages on LinkedIn can be structured differently, but typically include the following components:

How to Ask Someone to Refer You for a Job Sample?

1. Greetings:

It can be either casual or formal depending on whether you are familiar with the person or not.

2. Introduction & common points:

Begin by introducing yourself and explaining how you relate to the recipient.

For example, you can mention you both attended the same university or worked at the same company.

3. Job opportunity:

Briefly describe the job opportunity you’re looking for and would like them to refer you for.

You can include key details such as job title, company name, and location.

4. Reason for referral:

Explain why you think this job is right for you based on your skills and experience.

Don’t forget to highlight any relevant achievements or experience that make you a strong candidate.

5. Call to action (CTA):

Try to encourage the recipient to take an action, such as applying for a job or contacting you for more information.

Keep in mind that you provide any necessary contact information or links to the job posting.

6. Thanks:

Don’t forget to end your referral with a thank you for their attention and let them know you appreciate their support.

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Additionally, express your willingness to help in any way possible.

LinkedIn Job Referramplates

Here are some successful LinkedIn job referral message templates:

Template 1:

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I came across an exciting job opportunity that I thought might be of interest to you.

As a fellow graduate of [University Name], I know we share an interest in [Common Interest or Field].

Given your strong background in [Skills or Experience], I believe this role would be a good fit for you. Especially with your recent success in [Advancement or Relevant Experience], I have no doubt that you’ll excel in this position.

If you’re interested, please let me know and I’ll be happy to provide more details about the role.

Also, you can find more information and apply directly through this link: [Job Posting URL]

Thank you for paying attention to my referral message.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 2:

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

It’s been a while since we last spoke, but I wanted to reach out to you about an exciting job opportunity that I think might be a good fit for you.

[Company Name] is currently hiring for a [Job Title] based in [Location], and I immediately thought of you based on your experience in [Skill or Field].

As someone who has worked alongside you at [Previous Company Name] and seen your impressive performance in [Related Task or Project], I have no doubt that you’ll excel in this role.

Please let me know if you’re interested in learning more about the position or applying.

You can find the job posting here: [Job Posting URL].

Thank you for considering my introduction and I hope to hear from you soon.

[Your Name]

Template 3:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well when you read this message. I recently came across a job opening at [Company Name] for the role of [Job Title], and I immediately thought of you because of your experience in [Related Skill or Field].

Having worked with you before during our time at [Previous Company Name], I know firsthand how exceptional you’re at [Related Task or Project].

With your ability to [Related Accomplishment or Experience], I believe you’ll be an incredible asset to the team at [Company Name].

This could be a great opportunity to take the next step in your career.

Thank you for paying attention to my referral. If there’s anything else I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


[Your Name]

Why do these templates work well?

  • Introducing yourself and the job opportunity
  • Including greetings
  • Referring to a person’s skills and expertise
  • Including CTA
  • Expressing thanks
  • Pointing to common points
  • Expressing the reason for interest
  • Including the Job posting URL

How to Ask for Referrals Examples?

You can use the following examples to request a referral:

Example 1.

Hi Jack,

I hope you are well. I had a question and thought maybe you could help me. Can you introduce me to a friend who specializes in AI?

Thank you for your support

Best regard,


Example 2:

Dear Christina,

If possible, please introduce me to a good friend who works in social media marketing.

I will be grateful!


Example 3:

Hey Mike,

I hope everything goes well. I am looking for someone who has expertise and professional skills in the field of IT.

Can you help me? Maybe you or one of your friends can refer me.

If you want more information, contact me

Thank you!


How to Refer Someone for a Job on LinkedIn Job Posting?

The process of referring someone for a job on LinkedIn job posting is very simple, provided you follow these steps:

1. Go to the “Jobs” tab and then the “My Jobs” page on your LinkedIn account.

How to Refer Someone for a Job on LinkedIn Job Posting?

2. From there, find the job posting you want to refer someone to.

3. Click the “More” button or three dots icon next to the job application.

4. Select “Send in a message” from the drop-down menu.

Select "Send in a message" from the drop-down menu

5. Type the name of the connection you want to refer to that job in the New message pop-up window.

Type the name of the connection you want to refer to that job in the New message pop-up window

6. Add a message explaining why you think they’re a good fit for this job.

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7. Click “Send”.

Add a message explaining why you think they're a good fit for this job

Related Questions & Answers

LinkedIn Referral Message Template

When reaching out for a referral on LinkedIn, it’s important to craft a thoughtful and concise message that clearly conveys your intentions. Here’s a simple template you can use:

Subject: Seeking Referral for [Job Title] Position

Hi [Referrer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across a job opening for a [Job Title] at [Company Name], and I was immediately drawn to the opportunity. Your extensive experience and connections in the industry make you an ideal person to seek a referral from.

I admire your work and believe that your recommendation would carry significant weight. I am confident that my skills and qualifications align well with the requirements of the role. I have [mention relevant experience or skills] and a strong passion for [mention relevant industry or company interests].

If you would be open to providing a referral or have any insights to share about the position or company, I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if you would like to connect further or if there is any additional information you may need from me.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Remember to personalize the message by customizing it based on your specific situation and the relationship you have with the person you’re reaching out to. Be polite, concise, and make it easy for them to understand why you’re seeking their referral.


Asking for referrals on LinkedIn can be an effective way to introduce you to employers or recruiters and guarantee you new business and career opportunities. When you’re hunting for a new job or business opportunity, you need to know how to ask for referral on LinkedIn.

Remember that asking for a referral is only one part of the job search process and not everyone can help you.

But if you approach it with a positive attitude and respect for the other person’s time and expertise, you may be surprised at how willing people are to help.


How do you politely ask for a referral on LinkedIn?

When asking for a referral on LinkedIn, begin by greeting the individual and mentioning how you value the connection you share. Briefly explain the position or opportunity you’re interested in and why you believe you’d be a good fit. Close by stating that a referral from them would greatly enhance your chances, and express gratitude for their time and consideration, regardless of their decision.

What do you say when making a referral?

When making a referral, start by explaining how you know the individual you’re referring and the duration of your association. Highlight their key strengths, achievements, and relevant skills that make them suitable for the position or opportunity. Conclude by expressing confidence in their capabilities and provide your contact details should there be any need for further information or clarification.

How to ask for a referral on LinkedIn template?

A template to ask for a referral on LinkedIn might be: “Hi [Name], I hope you’re doing well. I recently came across the [Position Name] at [Company Name] and believe my skills align well with the role. Given our professional association and your understanding of my expertise, I was hoping you might consider referring me for this position. I understand you’re busy, and I genuinely appreciate your time and consideration. Thank you.”

How to ask for a referral on LinkedIn email?

When asking for a referral via email, start by mentioning your mutual connection on LinkedIn. Describe the specific role you’re interested in, and highlight your qualifications or experiences that align with the position. Politely request if they’d be comfortable referring you. Close the email by thanking them for their consideration and time, and provide your LinkedIn profile link for reference.

LinkedIn referral bonus?

LinkedIn, like many companies, has had referral programs where employees can earn bonuses for referring qualified candidates who get hired. The exact bonus amount and program details may vary and are typically internal to LinkedIn. If interested in such a program, one would need to be an employee or check with LinkedIn’s current policies.

LinkedIn referral link?

LinkedIn users have personalized public profile URLs that can serve as a referral link when sharing their profile with others. To find or customize this link, go to your LinkedIn profile, and under the ‘Edit public profile & URL’ section on the right, you’ll find an option to ‘Edit your custom URL’. This URL can be shared with anyone to directly refer them to your LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn referral program?

LinkedIn’s referral program is generally aimed at its employees, incentivizing them to refer potential candidates for job openings within the company. Employees who refer candidates that get hired might receive bonuses or other incentives. The specifics of the program, including reward amounts and eligibility criteria, are subject to change and are usually outlined in internal company documentation.

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