If you’re a member of LinkedIn, you’ll come across connections 1, 2, and 3 whenever you open your connections on LinkedIn. But you might ask yourself this question, what does 2nddegree connection mean on LinkedIn, and what do 1st and 3rd mean on LinkedIn?

What Does 2nd Degree Connection Mean on LinkedIn?

If you take a look👀 at your daily life, you’ll notice that a great deal of your time is dedicated to various online social media.

However, all these platforms aren’t just entertainment tools and sometimes they can be used for more practical purposes like LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is one of the most worthwhile and specialized social networks that can become a good gadget for your business and connect you with a large number of professionals, businesses, and employers. So it’s enough to learn how to communicate with LinkedIn members and get acquainted with its various sections and connections.

We’ll tell you anything related to your connections on LinkedIn in this article.

Types of connections on the LinkedIn network

What Does 2nd Degree Connection Mean on LinkedIn?

One of the sections of your LinkedIn page is your network, which includes 1stdegree, 2nddegree, and 3rddegree connections. On top of that, followers and fellow members of LinkedIn groups also exist in your network.

Usually, in your network, you’ll be offered to connect with other people so that you can expand your circle of communication.

You may not know that you’ve connected and built this network by inviting LinkedIn members and your contacts and by accepting invitations from others.

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1st, 2nd, or 3rd: What do LinkedIn connections mean?

You’ve often noticed 1st, 2nd, or 3rd symbols next to people’s names in your feed or profile on LinkedIn. These numbers illustrate how connected you are with the person.

What is the meaning of first-degree connection on LinkedIn?

1stdegree connections are like your 1stdegree relatives or your family with whom you have more connections than other connections.

In fact, they’re individuals you can directly connect with through LinkedIn messaging. That’s why either they’ve agreed to your invitation request or you’ve agreed to their connection request.

What Does 2nd Degree Connection Mean on LinkedIn?

It’s worth mentioning that you can also have access to the contact details of your 1st connection such as emails or phone numbers.

Chances are you won’t be able to obtain the contact information of your first-degree connections. But in most cases, you can get their emails. As mentioned in Evaboot, 80% of people share their contact information with 1stdegree connections.


According to LinkedIn, you can have up to 30,000 1stdegree connections.

That being said, while there’s a restriction to the number of 1stdegree connections, LinkedIn doesn’t set a limit on your followers.

What does 2nd-degree connection mean on LinkedIn?

2nddegree connections are people who are related to your 1stdegree connections. As a matter of fact, you’re not connected to them. As mentioned earlier, they form part of your network.

To put it simply, first-class communication is a kind of intermediary between you and them.

If you visit their profile, you’ll see that your mutual connections are shown right above the Connect button.


  • Bear in mind that you can’t communicate with them directly. For this purpose, you need to send an invitation by clicking on the Connect button on their profile page.
  • If you don’t want to request a connection, you can send an InMail.

InMails are paid messages on LinkedIn that you can use to contact second and even third-degree connections.

What Does 2nd Degree Connection Mean on LinkedIn?

3rddegree connections are also people who are related to your 2nddegree connections.

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If you want to learn more about 3rddegree connections, you can see the article “What Does 3rd Mean on LinkedIn?” right now.

Related Questions & Answers

What Does 2nd and 3rd mean on LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, the terms “2nd” and “3rd” indicate the degree of connection between you and another LinkedIn member. “2nd” means that you are directly connected to that person, either by being accepted as a connection or through a shared connection. This indicates a closer level of connection and networking potential. “3rd” means that you are not directly connected to that person but share a mutual connection. It signifies a more distant level of connection but still provides some networking possibilities through introductions or reaching out to your shared connection. Understanding these terms can help you gauge your network and identify potential avenues for networking and expanding your professional connections on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Connections Explained

LinkedIn connections are individuals with whom you connect on the LinkedIn platform to establish professional relationships. When you connect with someone on LinkedIn, it means that you have agreed to have a digital connection with them, similar to a “friend” or “follower” on other social media platforms. Your connections can include colleagues, classmates, clients, industry professionals, or anyone else you choose to connect with. Having connections on LinkedIn allows you to expand your professional network, stay updated on their activities, share content, and potentially collaborate or seek career opportunities. It’s important to curate your connections wisely, focusing on quality relationships that align with your professional goals and interests.

Final word

Let’s go back to the first question: What does 2nddegree connections mean on LinkedIn? Now that you’ve gained enough information regarding types of LinkedIn connections, you can better grow your LinkedIn page and get in touch with more professionals and prospects.


What does 2nd connection mean on LinkedIn?

On LinkedIn, a “2nd” connection indicates someone who is not directly connected to you but is connected to one of your 1st-degree connections. In simpler terms:

  1. One Step Away: A 2nd-degree connection is a person who has a direct link with someone you’re already connected to. You and this 2nd-degree connection have a mutual contact in common.
  2. Networking Opportunity: Seeing someone as a 2nd connection offers a potential networking avenue. You can either connect directly or seek an introduction through your mutual 1st-degree connection.
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A 2nd-degree connection represents a person within your extended professional network on LinkedIn.

What is the difference between first degree and second degree connections?

On LinkedIn:

  1. First Degree Connections: These are individuals you’ve directly connected with. You either sent them a connection request that they accepted, or vice versa. You can see their posts and updates directly in your feed, and you can message them without any restrictions.
  2. Second Degree Connections: These are people who are connected to your first-degree connections. While you’re not directly linked, you have mutual connections in common. To interact privately, you’d typically send them a connection request or need an introduction through the mutual contact.

First-degree connections are your direct contacts, while second-degree connections are one step removed, linked to you through your direct connections.

What is an example of a second degree connection?

A second-degree connection on LinkedIn is someone who isn’t directly connected to you but is connected to one of your first-degree connections.

For example: Imagine you’re connected to John on LinkedIn, making John a first-degree connection. If John is connected to Lisa, but you’re not directly connected to Lisa, then Lisa is your second-degree connection. You, John, and Lisa share a mutual connection in this networking chain, with John serving as the link between you and Lisa.

How do I see mutual connections on LinkedIn second degree?

On LinkedIn, to see mutual connections with a second-degree contact:

  1. Profile Visit: Navigate to the profile of the second-degree connection you’re interested in.
  2. Mutual Connections Section: Once on their profile, look for a section labeled “mutual connections” or a similar description. Clicking on this section will display a list of people you both know, which are your first-degree connections and their first-degree (making them your second-degree).

In essence, LinkedIn provides an easy way to view shared professional contacts between you and a second-degree connection by showcasing mutual first-degree connections on their profile.

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