Farid Bardid

Farid Bardid

University of Strathclyde

H-index: 19

Europe-United Kingdom

About Farid Bardid

Farid Bardid, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Strathclyde, specializes in the field of Physical Activity, Health, Child Development.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Practical steps needed to achieve impact of the WHO 2019 movement behaviour guidelines for children under the age of 5: the SUNRISE Study Europe Group evaluation

A systematic evaluation of physical activity and diet policies in Scotland: results from the 2021 Active Healthy Kids Report Card

Motor competence and body mass index in the preschool years: a pooled cross-sectional analysis of 5545 children from eight countries

Evaluation of physical activity policies in Scotland: results from the 2021 Active Healthy Kids Scotland Report Card

Assessing the motivational climates in early physical education curricula underpinned by motor learning theory: SAMPLE-PE

Results from Scotland's 2021 report card on physical activity and health for children and youth

Motor competence among children in the United Kingdom and Ireland: an expert statement on behalf of the International Motor Development Research Consortium

Is motor milestone assessment in infancy valid and scaled equally across sex, birth weight, and gestational age? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study

Farid Bardid Information






Citations(since 2020)


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Farid Bardid Skills & Research Interests

Physical Activity


Child Development

Top articles of Farid Bardid

Practical steps needed to achieve impact of the WHO 2019 movement behaviour guidelines for children under the age of 5: the SUNRISE Study Europe Group evaluation

The Lancet Regional Health–Europe


A systematic evaluation of physical activity and diet policies in Scotland: results from the 2021 Active Healthy Kids Report Card

Journal of Public Health


Motor competence and body mass index in the preschool years: a pooled cross-sectional analysis of 5545 children from eight countries

Sports Medicine


Evaluation of physical activity policies in Scotland: results from the 2021 Active Healthy Kids Scotland Report Card


Assessing the motivational climates in early physical education curricula underpinned by motor learning theory: SAMPLE-PE

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy


Results from Scotland's 2021 report card on physical activity and health for children and youth


Motor competence among children in the United Kingdom and Ireland: an expert statement on behalf of the International Motor Development Research Consortium

Journal of Motor Learning and Development


Is motor milestone assessment in infancy valid and scaled equally across sex, birth weight, and gestational age? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study

Frontiers in psychology


Assessing motor skills in children and adolescents: Current practices, common challenges, and future directions


Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

Learning to cycle: a cross-cultural and cross-generational comparison

Frontiers in public health


Profiles of physical fitness and fitness enjoyment among children: associations with sports participation

Research quarterly for exercise and sport


Examining early adolescents’ motivation for physical education: associations with actual and perceived motor competence

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy


The mediating role of perceived motor competence in the relationship between actual motor competence and physical activity in children

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Development and validity of the Motivation Assessment Tool for Physical Education (MAT-PE) among young children

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Long‐term effectiveness of a fundamental motor skill intervention in Belgian children: a 6‐year follow‐up

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports


Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

Developmental perspectives on motor competence and physical fitness in youth

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports


Differences in weight status and autonomous motivation towards sports among children with various profiles of motor competence and organized sports participation



An De Meester
An De Meester

H-Index: 10

Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

The impact of motor competence on energy expenditure during object control skill performance in children and young adults

Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

Global levels of fundamental motor skills in children: a systematic review


Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

Affective learning in physical education: a systematic review


David Kirk
David Kirk

H-Index: 25

Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Farid Bardid University(University of Strathclyde)

