Maike Tietjens

About Maike Tietjens

Maike Tietjens, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, specializes in the field of self-concept, motor-diagnostic, physical literacy, leadership.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Jugendliche mit psychischen Erkrankungen im Sport–das Setting macht’s


Motor skill competence and moderate-and vigorous-intensity physical activity: a linear and non-linear cross-sectional analysis of eight pooled trials

A conceptual model for performance crises in team sport: a narrative review

Does COVID-19 facilitate gender inequality in article submission behavior? To what extent is article submission behavior influenced by career status? An exploration using the …

Testing the Applicability of a Competing Values Framework-based 360° Leadership Feedback with Coaches in the German Gymnastics Federation

The role of expectations, attributions, and consequences in the appraisal of threat for upcoming competitions: an online and a field study

The Meaning of School Grades and Self-Concept for General Self-Esteem in Secondary School Students

Maike Tietjens Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Maike Tietjens Skills & Research Interests



physical literacy


Top articles of Maike Tietjens

Jugendliche mit psychischen Erkrankungen im Sport–das Setting macht’s

Forum Kinder-und Jugendsport


Dennis Dreiskämper
Dennis Dreiskämper

H-Index: 9

Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12


Forum Kinder-und Jugendsport


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Motor skill competence and moderate-and vigorous-intensity physical activity: a linear and non-linear cross-sectional analysis of eight pooled trials

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


A conceptual model for performance crises in team sport: a narrative review


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Does COVID-19 facilitate gender inequality in article submission behavior? To what extent is article submission behavior influenced by career status? An exploration using the …

German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Testing the Applicability of a Competing Values Framework-based 360° Leadership Feedback with Coaches in the German Gymnastics Federation

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

The role of expectations, attributions, and consequences in the appraisal of threat for upcoming competitions: an online and a field study

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Katherine Tamminen
Katherine Tamminen

H-Index: 27

Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

The Meaning of School Grades and Self-Concept for General Self-Esteem in Secondary School Students

Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Dennis Dreiskämper
Dennis Dreiskämper

H-Index: 9

Psychometric properties of the French and German versions of the physical self-concept questionnaire for elementary school children–revised (PSCQ-CR)

Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science


Dennis Dreiskämper
Dennis Dreiskämper

H-Index: 9

Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

German, Portuguese and Spanish Versions of the Revised Short Form of the Physical Self-Inventory (PSI-S-R)

Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

David Sánchez-Oliva
David Sánchez-Oliva

H-Index: 28

Did we get up? Leadership in sport SCIence 5 years after the wake up call

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

What Influences Children’s Physical Activity? Investigating the Effects of Physical Self-Concept, Physical Self-Guides, Self-Efficacy, and Motivation

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Psychometric properties of the French version of the Pictorial Scale of Physical Self-Concept for Younger Children (P-PSC-C).

Annales Medico-Psychologiques


15 Motorische Leistungsfähigkeit, Motorische Kompetenz, Selbstkonzept und physische Aktivität im Kindesalter


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Dennis Dreiskämper
Dennis Dreiskämper

H-Index: 9

The physical self-concept across childhood: Measurement development and meaning for physical activity

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


The multidimensionality of the physical fitness self-concept: A recommendation to consider competence and affect components in childhood.

Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Dennis Dreiskämper
Dennis Dreiskämper

H-Index: 9

The interplay of actual and perceived physical fitness in children: Effects on motivation and physical activity

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


An extension of the internal/external frame of reference model to the physical domain: Are there contrasting and assimilating achievement-self-concept relations in specific sports?

Self-concept, motivation and identity: Underpinning success with research and practice


The mediating role of perceived motor competence in the relationship between actual motor competence and physical activity in children

Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Pictorial scale of physical self-concept for Brazilian children: Validity and reliability

Journal of Motor Learning and Development


Maike Tietjens
Maike Tietjens

H-Index: 12

Nadia Cristina Valentini
Nadia Cristina Valentini

H-Index: 30

See List of Professors in Maike Tietjens University(Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)