Till Utesch

About Till Utesch

Till Utesch, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, specializes in the field of Health, Assessment & Counceling, Sport Science, Educational Science, Psychology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on body mass index of primary school children from different socioeconomic backgrounds

Motor performance before, during and after COVID-19 and the role of socioeconomic background: A 10-year cohort study of 68,996 third grade children

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest dancer of them all? A naturalistic lens model study on the judgment of dance performance

Qualität statt Quantität? Zum Zusammenhang von Schreibförderungs-und Feedbackpraktiken mit Textqualität unter Berücksichtigung von migrationsbedingter Mehrsprachigkeit

Understanding the interplay between text quality, writing self-efficacy and writing anxiety in learners with and without migration background

Motor competence assessment in physical education–convergent validity between fundamental movement skills and functional movement assessments in adolescence

A natural experiment on the influence of physical education and physical activity outside school on physical self-concept in children and adolescents during the second lockdown …

Motor performance in children before, during and after COVID-19 pandemic and the role of socioeconomic background: A 10-year cohort study of 68,996 third grade children

Till Utesch Information



Institute of Educational Sciences



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Till Utesch Skills & Research Interests


Assessment & Counceling

Sport Science

Educational Science


Top articles of Till Utesch

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on body mass index of primary school children from different socioeconomic backgrounds

Sports Medicine-Open


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Motor performance before, during and after COVID-19 and the role of socioeconomic background: A 10-year cohort study of 68,996 third grade children


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Katharina Geukes
Katharina Geukes

H-Index: 17

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest dancer of them all? A naturalistic lens model study on the judgment of dance performance

Psychology of Sport and Exercise


Qualität statt Quantität? Zum Zusammenhang von Schreibförderungs-und Feedbackpraktiken mit Textqualität unter Berücksichtigung von migrationsbedingter Mehrsprachigkeit



Understanding the interplay between text quality, writing self-efficacy and writing anxiety in learners with and without migration background

Frontiers in Psychology


Motor competence assessment in physical education–convergent validity between fundamental movement skills and functional movement assessments in adolescence

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy


A natural experiment on the influence of physical education and physical activity outside school on physical self-concept in children and adolescents during the second lockdown …


Katharina Geukes
Katharina Geukes

H-Index: 17

Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Motor performance in children before, during and after COVID-19 pandemic and the role of socioeconomic background: A 10-year cohort study of 68,996 third grade children


Katharina Geukes
Katharina Geukes

H-Index: 17

Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Health-related quality of life in school children during COVID-19 pandemic based on changes in physical activity


Sportmotorische Tests: Messverfahren für die Sportpraxis und Sportwissenschaft


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Geschlecht von Studierenden und Prüfenden sowie der Prüfungsformate auf den Studienerfolg im Lehramtsstudium Sport

Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre in der Sportwissenschaft


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

A skill acquisition perspective on the impact of exergaming technology on foundational movement skill development in children 3–12 years: a systematic review and meta-analysis


18 Sportmotorische Testverfahren zur Diagnostik von motorischer Leistungsfähigkeit

Kognition und Motorik: Sportpsychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungen im Sport


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Physical activity promoting teaching practices and children’s physical activity within physical education lessons underpinned by motor learning theory (SAMPLE-PE)

PloS one


Self-tracking of daily physical activity using a fitness tracker and the effect of the 10,000 steps goal: A 6-week randomized controlled parallel group trial

German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Katharina Geukes
Katharina Geukes

H-Index: 17

Normalised step targets in fitness apps affect users’ autonomy need satisfaction, motivation and physical activity–a six-week RCT

International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Sportmotorische Tests: Messverfahren fur die Sportpraxis und Sportwissenschaft

Bewegung, Training, Leistung und Gesundheit


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Development and evaluation of the “Anstrengungsskala Sport”(Effort Scale Sport)

German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

The impact of motor competence on energy expenditure during object control skill performance in children and young adults

Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior


Till Utesch
Till Utesch

H-Index: 11

Farid Bardid
Farid Bardid

H-Index: 12

Developmental perspectives on motor competence and physical fitness in youth

Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports


See List of Professors in Till Utesch University(Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)

