Johann Issartel

About Johann Issartel

Johann Issartel, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Dublin City University, specializes in the field of Motor Control, Motor Development, Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Can Special Olympics coaches accurately report on the motor competence of children with intellectual disabilities?

Feasibility and acceptability of the Promoting Pupils’ Physical Literacy (3PL) intervention and its effectiveness research design: A study protocol

Comparing the fundamental movement skill proficiency of children with intellectual disabilities and typically developing children: a systematic review and meta‐analysis

Exploring the motor skill proficiency barrier among children with intellectual disabilities: Analysis at a behavioural component level

The structural and convergent validity of the FMS2 assessment tool among 8- to 12-year-old children

Moving Well-Being Well: Evaluating the Efficacy, Impact on Gender, and Role of Teacher Fidelity of a Fundamental Movement Skill-Based Intervention in Irish Primary School Children

Influence of Visual and Haptic Cues on Motor Learning: Insights from Tennis Skill Acquisition in Children

Moving well‐being well: Using machine learning to explore the relationship between physical literacy and well‐being in children

Johann Issartel Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Johann Issartel Skills & Research Interests

Motor Control

Motor Development

Behavioural Neuroscience

Cognitive Neuroscience

Top articles of Johann Issartel

Can Special Olympics coaches accurately report on the motor competence of children with intellectual disabilities?

Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities


Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Mika Manninen
Mika Manninen

H-Index: 2

Feasibility and acceptability of the Promoting Pupils’ Physical Literacy (3PL) intervention and its effectiveness research design: A study protocol

Plos one


Comparing the fundamental movement skill proficiency of children with intellectual disabilities and typically developing children: a systematic review and meta‐analysis


Mika Manninen
Mika Manninen

H-Index: 2

Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Exploring the motor skill proficiency barrier among children with intellectual disabilities: Analysis at a behavioural component level

Plos one


Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Mika Manninen
Mika Manninen

H-Index: 2

The structural and convergent validity of the FMS2 assessment tool among 8- to 12-year-old children

European Physical Education Review


Sarahjane Belton
Sarahjane Belton

H-Index: 19

Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Moving Well-Being Well: Evaluating the Efficacy, Impact on Gender, and Role of Teacher Fidelity of a Fundamental Movement Skill-Based Intervention in Irish Primary School Children

Journal of Teaching in Physical Education


Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Sarahjane Belton
Sarahjane Belton

H-Index: 19

Influence of Visual and Haptic Cues on Motor Learning: Insights from Tennis Skill Acquisition in Children

Journal of Motor Behavior


Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Moving well‐being well: Using machine learning to explore the relationship between physical literacy and well‐being in children

Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being


Assessing the Fundamental Movement Skills of Children With Intellectual Disabilities in the Special Olympics Young Athletes Program

Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly


Mika Manninen
Mika Manninen

H-Index: 2

Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

A new method for studying non-stationary signals in human movement: The cross-wavelet transform


Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Physical literacy in children: Exploring the construct validity of a multidimensional physical literacy construct

European Physical Education Review


Moving Well-Being Well: a process evaluation of a physical literacy-based intervention in Irish primary schools

Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy


Sarahjane Belton
Sarahjane Belton

H-Index: 19

Johann Issartel
Johann Issartel

H-Index: 20

Current Practices, Willingness and Perceived Ability to Implement an Injury Prevention Exercise Program Among Post‐Primary Physical Education Teachers

Journal of School Health


Cook like a Boss Online: an adapted intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic that effectively improved children’s perceived cooking competence, movement competence and wellbeing

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


Do our movement skills impact our cognitive skills? Exploring the relationship between cognitive function and fundamental movement skills in primary school children

Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport


Design of a new movement competence assessment for children aged 8–12: A Delphi poll study

European Physical Education Review


S03-4 3PL: Promoting pupils’ physical literacy: a pilot study testing feasibility and acceptability of the Y-PATH intervention in a Danish school setting

European Journal of Public Health


LifeLab: Co-design of an interactive health literacy intervention for socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents’



A new curriculum model for second-level physical education: Y-PATH PE4Me

Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education


Using co-design to develop a health literacy intervention with socially disadvantaged adolescents

Environmental Research and Public Health


See List of Professors in Johann Issartel University(Dublin City University)

