Webinars are a tricky thing right now. I mean, they were popular from the first day, but to tell the truth, not everyone liked them; I was one of the haters myself. But the Covid-19 pandemic made us test this kind of seminar; boy, they worked perfectly for us.

Many B2B marketers regret not using webinars sooner. Do you know why? Because there are no geographical conditions in webinars. People can attend them from everywhere.

LinkedIn is called the perfect platform for advertising any webinars, especially if it is targeting a B2B marketing population. It is said that more than 46% of B2B social media traffic comes from LinkedIn, so they generate heavy demand in different fields. It is the platform’s nature, so how to promote a webinar on LinkedIn? There are some ways to make sure there are qualified people attending your webinars.

To promote a webinar on LinkedIn, create a post with an eye-catching image, clear and concise text, and a strong call-to-action. Use relevant hashtags and tag relevant individuals or organizations to increase visibility. You can also create LinkedIn ads targeted towards your desired audience. Additionally, consider sharing the webinar in relevant LinkedIn groups and messaging it to your connections.

How to Promote a Webinar on LinkedIn?

Why LinkedIn?

Before talking about how to promote a webinar on LinkedIn, let’s say why you should bother promoting it on LinkedIn. There are many reasons to do that. LinkedIn is a society with 830 million members; even if you can persuade 0/001% of this population to attend your webinar, you have 8300 lead generators who are interested in what you will tell them; this is a massive population of potential clients, right?

The other thing is that, as the stats suggest, 80% or 4 out of 5 users on LinkedIn are decision-makers. These people are the ultimate target population for any B2B marketer.

How to Promote a Webinar on LinkedIn?

Let me share another shocking news with you! There are 55 million active company pages on LinkedIn right now. Even if you can interest 2% of them, you will have more than 1 million companies to deal with and to promote your webinar and/or your products and services.

You just need an exciting topic that aims to solve real business problems. You need to have some assets we will talk about, know your audience, and correctly advertise your webinar.

How to promote a webinar on LinkedIn?

There are thousands of tricks to get the best out of promoting webinars, and we are going to talk about the most critical and main ones.

1. Mind the necessary basics

The basics are always essential. First, you will need to create an event page. Believe it or not, having an event page can help you a lot in building authority.

You can share some resources related to the topic and some webinar information that can act as an appetizer for those who registered to attend and users who still have doubts about eating the main course.

Creating an exciting and friendly landing page that tells the audience why they need to attend this webinar is also necessary. It is suggested to provide them with a preview of what they will learn and even use some headshots of the panelists and a concise biography for them.

How to Promote a Webinar on LinkedIn?

To create that event page:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click on the ‘Me’ button
  3. Select your company page
  4. Once you are in, click on the admin tool button
  5. Select ‘Create an event’
  6. Upload a professional picture for your webinar
  7. Fill in the necessary information in the pop-up window (choose an encouraging title with less than 75 characters)
  8. Provide an external link (to the website you are going to hold the webinar)
  9. Write a catchy and exciting paragraph for the description section
  10. It is also suggested to check the “Use a LinkedIn registration form?” to Let LinkedIn collect the attendants’ information through a simple form. Then, you can download the list later in a CSV or XLS format.
  11. Don’t forget to check the online box on the event type
  12. Make a grammar check; there are a few things that can hurt your credibility like grammar mistakes and miss-spelling.
  13. Create the page
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2. A single image worth thousands of words

Now that you have a good landing page, it is time to try and attract people with updates about the webinar. It is suggested to use custom images for promoting the webinar. An image can get people to the event page and encourage them to attend.

Is one of the best websites to customize an image, and an exciting thing is that it automatically resizes the pictures to fit LinkedIn-defined dimensions. Start publishing different posts three weeks before the event and try to write compelling content.

3. Sampling for teammates, partners, and groups

Give your partners and teammates some LinkedIn update samples about the webinar and encourage them to share them on their personal accounts.

4. CTA

Enrich your webinar-related content with call-to-action sentences.

5. High interaction and the right hashtags

Try to publish a collection of different posts. Posting one webinar banner repeatedly will only sicken your followers and connections and decrease engagement.

Instead, publishing different types of content about the webinar is suggested. You know, things like related articles, videos, infographics, quote banners of the speakers, etc. These things have a high rate of engagement probability and will help more and more users know about your webinar.

6. The right hashtags

Do you follow one or two hashtags on LinkedIn? So, You probably saw that different hashtags have thousands (if not millions) of followers. So adding the correct hashtags to your webinar-related posts can and will help you get more visible.

How to Promote a Webinar on LinkedIn?

7. Groups

You can also spread the word in the relevant groups. Be careful, don’t spam the groups but let people know about the webinar.

Although LinkedIn is not a mono-task platform, it is basically a business-oriented network. So there are millions of professionals with common interests in it that are constantly sharing and exchanging information, especially in different groups.

So it is obviously one of the best-promoting ways to advertise your webinars in the related groups.

Being in a group not only helps you talk to many people (who are not in your connections) all at once, but it also lets you message them privately.

Besides, there can be a lot of people there who are effective in the industry you are working in.

Many people join different groups to promote their webinars, you can be one of them, and you can join up to 50 groups on LinkedIn.

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Related Questions & Answers

Webinar Post on LinkedIn Examples

When creating a webinar post on LinkedIn, there are a few key elements to include to make it engaging and informative. Here are some examples of what you can include in your webinar post:

  • Catchy headline: “Join our Exclusive Webinar: Mastering Social Media Marketing Strategies!”
  • Compelling description: “Learn the latest tactics and strategies to boost your social media presence. Our webinar will feature industry experts sharing insights and practical tips for success.”
  • Date and time: “Save the date: July 20th, 2023, at 2 PM EST.”
  • Registration link: “Register now to secure your spot: [insert registration link]. Limited seats available!”
  • Key takeaways: “Discover how to increase engagement, reach your target audience, and measure ROI effectively.”
  • Speaker introduction: “We’re excited to have [Speaker Name], an experienced digital marketing specialist, as our keynote speaker.”
  • Eye-catching visuals: Include an attention-grabbing image or video relevant to the webinar topic. Remember to make your post concise, engaging, and focused on the value participants will gain from attending your webinar. Use a clear call-to-action and encourage others to share the post to increase visibility.

LinkedIn Webinar Ads

LinkedIn webinar ads are a powerful way to promote your webinar to a targeted professional audience. With LinkedIn’s advertising platform, you can create engaging ads that reach specific demographics, industries, or job titles. Some key elements to include in your LinkedIn webinar ad are an attention-grabbing headline, a compelling description highlighting the benefits and value of attending the webinar, a captivating image or video, and a clear call-to-action with a link to register. You can also use LinkedIn’s targeting options to refine your ad’s reach and ensure it reaches the right audience. By leveraging LinkedIn’s advertising capabilities, you can effectively promote your webinar and generate registrations from a highly relevant professional audience.


All right, you now know how to promote a webinar on LinkedIn, so if you are holding an event, try promoting it with the mentioned strategies, or you can also use different paid services like LinkedIn ads to promote your webinar. Anyhow, a webinar can be a perfect tool to generate leads and boost your marketing strategies.


How do I promote a webinar on LinkedIn ads?

To effectively promote a webinar on LinkedIn using ads:

  1. Create a LinkedIn Ad Campaign: Start by setting up a LinkedIn ad campaign in the LinkedIn Campaign Manager.
  2. Select Ad Objective: Choose the campaign objective that aligns with your webinar promotion goal, such as “Website Visits” or “Lead Generation.”
  3. Audience Targeting: Define your target audience by job title, industry, company size, and other relevant criteria. Ensure your audience matches the people who would be interested in your webinar.
  4. Ad Creatives: Design engaging ad creatives that include compelling visuals, concise ad copy, and a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages users to register for the webinar.
  5. Landing Page: Create a dedicated, user-friendly landing page for webinar registration. Ensure it’s mobile-responsive and loads quickly.
  6. Ad Format: LinkedIn offers various ad formats, including sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads. Choose the format that best suits your webinar promotion.
  7. Budget and Bidding: Set your budget and bidding strategy. You can choose between cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-impression (CPM) bidding.
  8. Ad Scheduling: Determine the schedule for your ads, considering the optimal days and times to reach your target audience.
  9. Monitoring and Optimization: Continuously monitor the performance of your ads, adjust targeting and ad creatives as needed, and A/B test different elements to optimize for better results.
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By following these steps, you can effectively promote your webinar to a targeted audience on LinkedIn and drive registrations.

How do you promote a webinar?

Promoting a webinar effectively involves several key steps:

  1. Plan Early: Start promoting well in advance to build anticipation. Set a clear date and time for your webinar.
  2. Create Compelling Content: Develop an engaging webinar topic and content that addresses your audience’s pain points or interests.
  3. Build a Landing Page: Create a dedicated landing page with a registration form, a clear webinar description, speaker bios, and any additional details.
  4. Use Email Marketing: Send email invitations to your existing email list and subscribers. Include details about the webinar and a prominent call to action (CTA) for registration.
  5. Leverage Social Media: Promote the webinar on your social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Use relevant hashtags and visuals to attract attention.
  6. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with industry influencers who can help you promote the webinar to their followers.
  7. Paid Advertising: Consider using paid advertising on platforms like LinkedIn, Google Ads, or Facebook to reach a broader audience.
  8. Engage Your Network: Encourage your employees, colleagues, and network to share the webinar details with their connections.
  9. Webinar Reminders: Send reminder emails and social media posts as the webinar date approaches.
  10. Follow-Up Plan: After the webinar, send follow-up emails with recorded sessions, resources, and next steps to engage further with attendees.

Effective promotion combines various channels and strategies to reach your target audience and maximize webinar attendance. Tailor your approach based on your audience’s preferences and behaviors.

Can you run a webinar on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn doesn’t offer a built-in feature to directly host webinars on the platform like some other platforms do. However, you can use LinkedIn to promote and drive registration for your webinars hosted on other platforms, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or dedicated webinar hosting services. Here’s how:

  1. Create an Event Post: Post about your webinar on your LinkedIn profile or company page. Include compelling visuals, details about the event, and a clear call to action with a registration link.
  2. Leverage LinkedIn Live: If you have access to LinkedIn Live, you can use it to broadcast live webinars to your LinkedIn audience. This feature is available to selected users and requires application and approval from LinkedIn.
  3. Share Updates: Continue to share updates and reminders about the upcoming webinar in your LinkedIn feed, engaging with your network and encouraging them to register.

While LinkedIn itself doesn’t host webinars, it’s a powerful platform to promote and drive attendance for your webinars hosted on other platforms, thanks to its professional networking capabilities.

How do I hold a webinar on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn doesn’t have a native feature for hosting webinars directly on the platform. However, you can use LinkedIn to promote and drive traffic to webinars hosted on other platforms, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or dedicated webinar hosting services. Here’s how:

  1. Create a Webinar Landing Page: Use a dedicated webinar platform or your website to create a landing page for your webinar. Include details, registration forms, and the webinar date and time.
  2. Promote on LinkedIn: Share posts and updates on your LinkedIn profile and company page about the upcoming webinar. Use engaging visuals, compelling descriptions, and registration links to encourage your LinkedIn network to sign up.
  3. Engage Your Audience: Interact with comments and questions on your LinkedIn posts to build interest and answer inquiries about the webinar.
  4. Send Invitations: For LinkedIn connections who express interest in your webinar, consider sending personalized messages with registration details.

While LinkedIn itself doesn’t host webinars, it serves as a valuable tool for promotion and audience engagement. By directing interested LinkedIn users to your dedicated webinar landing page, you can effectively host webinars and connect with a professional audience. Be sure to keep an eye on any updates or new features LinkedIn may introduce in the future related to webinars.

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