As we mentioned before and are saying again right now, pictures were always more popular than words. They are the only documents we have from cavemen. They are easier to communicate with and can say thousands of words. Rumi says: “everyone became my fellow from his own opinion”. It is just what a picture does; anyone can have their own interpretation of them. Of course, it usually is not what happens on LinkedIn but still, pictures are worth thousands of words on this platform. So how to post multiple photos on LinkedIn?

To post multiple photos on LinkedIn, click on the "Start a post" button on your LinkedIn homepage, and then select the "Photo" icon. You can select up to nine photos from your computer or mobile device. Once you have selected your photos, you can add a caption or a message to go along with them. Then, click on the "Post" button to share your photos with your LinkedIn network.

How to Post Multiple Photos on LinkedIn?

Yes, you can do it. Users could only publish a single photo per post until 2017, but thankfully, now the limitation is up to 9 slides per post. The photos we usually see on LinkedIn are some educational stuff.

You know what I am talking about, right? Those slides with clipart and some sentences. To be honest, they remind me of PowerPoint slides that teachers or lecturers use for better learning, and I must admit mission accomplished! I usually just scroll down most of the text-based posts but watch these kinds of photos and read the texts the author chose for each one of them and learn much more manageable with these visual tools.

Doesn’t really matter if you are presenting a service or product, promoting an industry event, sharing some team photos, trying to educate people about one specific topic, etc. multiple pictures are it still more effective it than a it long text.

How to post multiple photos on LinkedIn?

Doing this is just like posting any photos. Maybe you needed special tricks in the past (which I do not know about); all you need to do is to log in to your account, click on ‘Photo’ on top of your homepage, and select the photos you want to post (up to 9) and click open, tag anyone you want on any photos you like and tap on the ‘Done’ button.

Then you can add a caption and hashtag to the post and click on the ‘Post’ button. Tada! You just posted multiple pictures on LinkedIn.

How to Post Multiple Photos on LinkedIn?

You need to know that you cannot edit or rearrange the photos after you post them. To arrange them in your desired order, you can select them in that specific order. Also, you need to know that the file size must be 5 megabytes maximum. The photos you select must be 552 × 276 pixels. You cannot resize the uploaded photos.

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Related Questions & Answers

How many photos can you post on LinkedIn at once?

LinkedIn allows you to post up to 9 photos at once in a single post. When creating a post, you can click on the photo icon to upload images from your device. Select the desired photos and they will be added to your post. It’s worth noting that each photo should adhere to LinkedIn’s content guidelines and terms of service. Posting multiple photos can be a great way to visually showcase your work, events, or projects, and engage your LinkedIn network with compelling visuals.

Why can’t I add multiple photos to LinkedIn post?

If you are unable to add multiple photos to your LinkedIn post, there could be a few reasons for this. First, ensure that you are using the latest version of the LinkedIn mobile app or web interface, as older versions may have limitations on photo uploads. Additionally, make sure that the file sizes and formats of the photos you are trying to upload meet LinkedIn’s requirements. LinkedIn supports common image formats such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF, and there may be restrictions on the file size and dimensions. Lastly, check if there are any temporary technical issues or maintenance on the LinkedIn platform that could be affecting your ability to add multiple photos. If the problem persists, you can reach out to LinkedIn support for further assistance.

LinkedIn multiple images post size

When posting multiple images on LinkedIn, it’s important to keep in mind the size and dimensions of your images. LinkedIn recommends using images that are at least 552 pixels wide and 368 pixels tall for optimal display. It’s also recommended to keep the file size of each image under 5 MB to ensure smooth uploading and loading on the platform. By adhering to these size guidelines, you can create visually appealing and professional-looking posts with multiple images on LinkedIn.

How to arrange photos in the LinkedIn post?

To arrange photos in a LinkedIn post, you can follow these simple steps. First, click on the “Create a post” button on your LinkedIn homepage or profile. Then, click on the camera icon to add photos to your post. Once the photos are added, you can click and drag the photos to rearrange their order. LinkedIn allows you to reorder the photos by simply clicking and dragging them to the desired position. This way, you can easily arrange the photos in the order you want them to appear in your post. After arranging the photos, you can add any accompanying text or captions and then click the “Post” button to share your visually appealing and well-organized LinkedIn post with your network.

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How to add a picture to an existing LinkedIn post?

To add a picture to an existing LinkedIn post, you can follow these steps. First, locate the post on your LinkedIn profile or news feed that you want to add a picture to. Then, click on the ellipsis (…) icon in the top right corner of the post. From the drop-down menu, select the “Edit” option. This will allow you to make changes to the post. Next, click on the camera icon within the post editor to add a picture. You can choose to upload a picture from your computer or select one from your LinkedIn photo library. Once the picture is added, you can resize and position it within the post. After making any desired changes, click the “Save” or “Update” button to apply the changes to your LinkedIn post with the added picture.

How to post video and picture together on LinkedIn?

To post a video and picture together on LinkedIn, you can follow these steps. First, click on the “Start a post” button on your LinkedIn homepage or profile. Then, click on the camera icon within the post editor to add a picture. You can choose to upload a picture from your computer or select one from your LinkedIn photo library. Once the picture is added, you can resize and position it within the post.

Next, click on the video icon within the post editor to add a video. You can choose to upload a video from your computer or share a video link from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. LinkedIn supports various video formats, including MP4, MPEG-4, and MOV. After the video is uploaded or linked, you can add a caption or description to provide context for your post.

Once you have added both the picture and video, you can review your post and make any necessary edits. When you are satisfied with the content, click the “Post” button to share your video and picture together on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn is an all-in-one platform in which you can share everything. From the stories of your everyday life to the experiences you like to share with people or the product or service you have and like to promote it.

You can post plain text or publish a multimedia post. You can always count on photos to get you more engagements.

It doesn’t really matter what the image is about; it can be suggesting some points about a specific topic, promoting a product, or protesting an environmental issue. Whatever the image is about, it will definitely get more impressions, reactions, comments, shares, etc., than long plain text. Why?

Human focus power is getting weaker by the day, which is not that odd. We are getting bombarded by different information in this era which is probably why people do not read as they used to.

We can get the same information by listening to a podcast, watching a video, or a series of photos.

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Do you need to promote a product or service? Do you want to give some information to your connection and want to grab their attention? Use photos. All you need is to know how to post multiple photos on LinkedIn.


Can you post multiple photos at once on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn doesn’t support posting multiple photos in a single post natively. You can only upload one image or document per post. If you have multiple images you want to share, you can create a carousel-style post by uploading one image at a time and then adding them to the same post in sequence. This allows you to share a series of images or documents as a single post with multiple swipable images. Keep in mind that LinkedIn’s features may have evolved since my last update, so it’s a good idea to check the platform’s current capabilities for any changes.

How do you put multiple pictures on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn doesn’t have a direct feature for posting multiple pictures in a single post. However, you can create a post with multiple images by using a workaround:

  1. Create a Carousel Post: Upload one image to your post and write your caption.
  2. Click “Document”: While creating your post, click on the “Document” icon (paperclip) to add another image or document to the same post.
  3. Repeat: Continue adding images or documents one at a time until you’ve included all the visuals you want to share in your post.
  4. Arrange Order: You can arrange the order of the images/documents by dragging and dropping them in the post editor.
  5. Publish: Once you’re satisfied with your carousel post, click “Post” to share it with your network.

This allows you to create a single post with multiple images or documents that users can swipe through. Keep in mind that LinkedIn’s features may have changed since my last update, so you may want to check for any new posting options on the platform.

How do I post a carousel on LinkedIn?

To post a carousel on LinkedIn and share multiple images or documents in a single post:

  1. Create a New Post: Begin by clicking on “Start a post” on your LinkedIn feed.
  2. Add the First Image or Document: Click on the image icon in the post editor and select the first image or document you want to include. Write your caption or description.
  3. Add More Images/Documents: After adding the first item, you’ll see a “+” icon at the bottom of the post. Click on it to add additional images or documents one at a time.
  4. Arrange Order: You can drag and drop the images/documents to rearrange their order within the carousel.
  5. Write Captions: Write captions or descriptions for each image/document as needed.
  6. Publish: Once you’ve added all the items and are satisfied with your carousel post, click “Post” to share it with your LinkedIn network.

This creates a single post with a carousel of images or documents that users can swipe through to view all the content you’ve shared.

What is the limit for pictures on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn allows you to post up to 10 images or documents in a single carousel post. This means you can share a series of up to 10 visuals, such as images, slides, or documents, within one post. Keep in mind that LinkedIn’s features and limits may have evolved since then, so it’s advisable to check the platform’s current guidelines for any updates regarding the number of pictures you can post in a single carousel.

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