Martin Gartmeier

About Martin Gartmeier

Martin Gartmeier, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität München, specializes in the field of Lernen aus Fehlern, Professionelle Kommunikation, Medical Education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Dataset for: Feedback study–Advancing the Video-Based Assessment of Medical Communication Competence (VA-MeCo): Development and Evaluation of Features for Participant Feedback.

Training in medical communication competence through video-based e-learning: How effective are video modeling and video reflection?

Structure and quality of bedside teaching: A videographic analysis

Student mistakes and teacher reactions in bedside teaching

Interfakultäre Entwicklung und Transfer digitaler Lehrmaterialien zur Förderung ärztlicher kommunikativer Kompetenzen

Measuring informal workplace learning outcomes in residency training: a validation study

Learning from errors in digital patient communication: professionals’ enactment of negative knowledge and digital ignorance in the workplace

Professional identity and motivation for medical school in first-year medical students: a cross-sectional study

Martin Gartmeier Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Martin Gartmeier Skills & Research Interests

Lernen aus Fehlern

Professionelle Kommunikation

Medical Education

Top articles of Martin Gartmeier

Dataset for: Feedback study–Advancing the Video-Based Assessment of Medical Communication Competence (VA-MeCo): Development and Evaluation of Features for Participant Feedback.


Training in medical communication competence through video-based e-learning: How effective are video modeling and video reflection?

Patient Education and Counseling


Johannes Bauer
Johannes Bauer

H-Index: 12

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Structure and quality of bedside teaching: A videographic analysis

Medical Teacher


Alexander Hapfelmeier
Alexander Hapfelmeier

H-Index: 33

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Student mistakes and teacher reactions in bedside teaching

Advances in Health Sciences Education


Bernhard Haller
Bernhard Haller

H-Index: 35

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Interfakultäre Entwicklung und Transfer digitaler Lehrmaterialien zur Förderung ärztlicher kommunikativer Kompetenzen


Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Measuring informal workplace learning outcomes in residency training: a validation study

BMC Medical Education


Markus Heim
Markus Heim

H-Index: 47

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Learning from errors in digital patient communication: professionals’ enactment of negative knowledge and digital ignorance in the workplace

Journal of Workplace Learning


Charlotte Jonasson
Charlotte Jonasson

H-Index: 13

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Professional identity and motivation for medical school in first-year medical students: a cross-sectional study

Medical Science Educator


Stuart Mclennan
Stuart Mclennan

H-Index: 13

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Flipping the classroom in neurological bedside teaching: a prospective controlled study

BMC Medical Education


Philipp Wagner
Philipp Wagner

H-Index: 4

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Learning from failure in digital transformation. A process view


Das BMBF-Verbundprojekt voLeA–Validierung eines Situational Judgement Tests zur Erfassung basaler Gesprächsführungskompetenzen im Medizinstudium

Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung (GMA)


Is there an increase over time in the complexity of teacher questions and student responses in case-based clinical seminars? A cross-sectional video study

BMC Medical Education


Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Alexander Hapfelmeier
Alexander Hapfelmeier

H-Index: 33

How is modern bedside teaching structured? A video analysis of learning content, social and spatial structures

BMC Medical Education


Ann-Kathrin Schindler
Ann-Kathrin Schindler

H-Index: 8

Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Förderung der Kompetenz angehender Lehrpersonen zum Führen von Elterngesprächen: Wirksamkeit einer Kurzintervention

Herausforderung Lehrer* innenbildung-Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion


Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

VA-MeCo. Video-Based Assessment of Medical Communication Competence


A video-based situational judgement test of medical students’ communication competence in patient encounters: development and first evaluation

Patient Education and Counseling


Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Johannes Bauer
Johannes Bauer

H-Index: 12

Prüfen im Kontext kompetenzorientierter Hochschulbildung


Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Theoretischer Beitrag: Befunde zur Förderung kommunikativer Kompetenz aus dem medizinischen Kontext: Welche Perspektiven ergeben sich daraus für die Ausbildung von Lehrpersonen …

Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht


Martin Gartmeier
Martin Gartmeier

H-Index: 12

Silke Hertel
Silke Hertel

H-Index: 15

Just showing is not enough: first-person-view-videos as a feedback tool in resuscitation simulation

Studies in Educational Evaluation


See List of Professors in Martin Gartmeier University(Technische Universität München)

