Konstantinos Ravanis

About Konstantinos Ravanis

Konstantinos Ravanis, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Patras, specializes in the field of Physics Education, Science Education, Preschool Education, ICT Education.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Water state changes and the water cycle in nature: A research review for early childhood education

How Does Science Learning Happen During Scientific Play? A Case Example of the Dissolution Phenomenon

Sciences Physiques et Technologie dans les programmes scolaires de l’enseignement secondaire de 3 pays méditerranéens: le cas de l’Algérie, du Maroc et de la Grèce

Developing a research instrument to record pre-school teachers’ beliefs about teaching practices in natural sciences

Does Air Exist in Vases? Mental Representations of Children 4-6 Years Old

The Construction of Precursor Models in the Thinking of Young Children: The Case of Expansion and Contraction of Metals

Efficacité d’un modèle précurseur dans l’enseignement-apprentissage et la formation en science au préscolaire: le cas de la lumière

An Experimental Investigation of Alternative Ideas of Force in Autistic Adolescents

Konstantinos Ravanis Information



Professor of Physics Education Greece



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Konstantinos Ravanis Skills & Research Interests

Physics Education

Science Education

Preschool Education

ICT Education

Top articles of Konstantinos Ravanis

Water state changes and the water cycle in nature: A research review for early childhood education


How Does Science Learning Happen During Scientific Play? A Case Example of the Dissolution Phenomenon


Glykeria Fragkiadaki
Glykeria Fragkiadaki

H-Index: 7

Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Sciences Physiques et Technologie dans les programmes scolaires de l’enseignement secondaire de 3 pays méditerranéens: le cas de l’Algérie, du Maroc et de la Grèce

Mediterranean Journal of Education


Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Developing a research instrument to record pre-school teachers’ beliefs about teaching practices in natural sciences

South African Journal of Education


Does Air Exist in Vases? Mental Representations of Children 4-6 Years Old

Preschool Education: Global Trends


George Kaliampos
George Kaliampos

H-Index: 3

Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

The Construction of Precursor Models in the Thinking of Young Children: The Case of Expansion and Contraction of Metals

Education Sciences


Efficacité d’un modèle précurseur dans l’enseignement-apprentissage et la formation en science au préscolaire: le cas de la lumière


Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

An Experimental Investigation of Alternative Ideas of Force in Autistic Adolescents

Research in Science Education


An investigation on mental representations on coagulation and melting phenomena of preschool pupils with learning disabilities and typical development

Journal of Physics: Conference Series


George Kaliampos
George Kaliampos

H-Index: 3

Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Contribution à l'étude de l'apprentissage de la programmation en grande section et en cours préparatoire à travers le logiciel ScratchJr: une approche didactique exploratoire.


Mental representations of children 4-6 years old about air in ‘open’and ‘closed’space

Mediterranean Journal of Education


George Kaliampos
George Kaliampos

H-Index: 3

Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Transforming 5-year-old children’s mental representations of melting: A storytelling approach

AIP Conference Proceedings


Mental Representations and Cognitive Schemata of Ninth Grade Students for the Refraction of Light

Education Sciences


Thermal concepts and phenomena in early chidhood science education: a literature review


Representations of children 5-6 years old about electric current: a qualitative approach

Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction


George Kaliampos
George Kaliampos

H-Index: 3

Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Precursor Model and Preschool Science Learning About Shadows Formation


Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Constructing a Precursor Model for clouds and rain in the thinking of 4–6-year-old children


The axes of a Precursor Model for Electricity in the thinking of 5–6-year-old children


What use is a precursor model in early science teaching and learning? Didactic perspectives


Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

Teaching interaction strategies with children 5–6 years in the mental construction of a Precursor Model: the case of water state changes


Konstantinos Ravanis
Konstantinos Ravanis

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Konstantinos Ravanis University(University of Patras)

