Jørn Hetland

About Jørn Hetland

Jørn Hetland, With an exceptional h-index of 49 and a recent h-index of 43 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Bergen, specializes in the field of Organizational Psychology, Leadership, Motivation, Health.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily negative and positive affect: exploring the moderating role of neuroticism

Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?

Workplace bullying and mental health problems in balanced and gender-dominated workplaces

Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: The moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety

Virtual team-cooperation from home-office: a quantitative diary study of the impact of daily transformational-and passive-avoidant leadership–and the moderating role of task …

Exposure to negative acts at work and self-labelling as a victim of workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying

When the going gets tough and the environment is rough: The role of departmental level hostile work climate in the relationships between job stressors and workplace bullying

The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction

Jørn Hetland Information



Associate Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Jørn Hetland Skills & Research Interests

Organizational Psychology




Top articles of Jørn Hetland

Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily negative and positive affect: exploring the moderating role of neuroticism

Anxiety, Stress, & Coping


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Daily transformational leadership: A source of inspiration for follower performance?

European Management Journal


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Workplace bullying and mental health problems in balanced and gender-dominated workplaces

Work & Stress


Michael Rosander
Michael Rosander

H-Index: 10

Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Daily interpersonal conflicts and daily exposure to bullying behaviors at work: The moderating roles of trait anger and trait anxiety

Applied Psychology


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Virtual team-cooperation from home-office: a quantitative diary study of the impact of daily transformational-and passive-avoidant leadership–and the moderating role of task …

Frontiers in Psychology


Kari Wik Ågotnes
Kari Wik Ågotnes

H-Index: 1

Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Exposure to negative acts at work and self-labelling as a victim of workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying

Current Psychology


Øystein Løvik Hoprekstad
Øystein Løvik Hoprekstad

H-Index: 2

Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

When the going gets tough and the environment is rough: The role of departmental level hostile work climate in the relationships between job stressors and workplace bullying

International journal of environmental research and public health


The impact of follower leadership position on transformational leadership as moderator of the association between work-related ambiguity and job satisfaction

Frontiers in Psychology


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Guy Notelaers
Guy Notelaers

H-Index: 34

Daily work pressure and task performance: The moderating role of recovery and sleep

Frontiers in psychology


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Daily autonomy and job performance: Does person-organization fit act as a key resource?

Journal of vocational behavior


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Exposure to bullying behaviors at work and depressive tendencies: The moderating role of victimization from bullying during adolescence

Journal of interpersonal violence


Work pressure and recovery during a cross-atlantic voyage: A test of the stressor-detachment model.

International journal of stress management


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Evangelia Demerouti
Evangelia Demerouti

H-Index: 85

Passive avoidant leadership and safety non-compliance: A 30 days diary study among naval cadets

Safety science


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Øystein Løvik Hoprekstad
Øystein Løvik Hoprekstad

H-Index: 2

Job crafting and playful work design: Links with performance during busy and quiet days

Journal of Vocational Behavior


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Outcomes of a proximal workplace intervention against workplace bullying and harassment: A protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial among Norwegian industrial workers

Frontiers in Psychology


Kari Einarsen
Kari Einarsen

H-Index: 6

Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Organizational prevention and management strategies for workplace aggression among child protection workers: a project protocol for the Oslo Workplace Aggression Survey (OWAS)

Frontiers in psychology


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Person-Organization Fit in a military selection context

Military Psychology


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

It's been a hard day's night: A diary study on hardiness and reduced sleep quality among naval sailors

Personality and individual differences


Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

Ståle Pallesen
Ståle Pallesen

H-Index: 65

How do employees adapt to organizational change? The role of meaning-making and work engagement

The Spanish journal of psychology


Evangelia Demerouti
Evangelia Demerouti

H-Index: 85

Jørn Hetland
Jørn Hetland

H-Index: 36

See List of Professors in Jørn Hetland University(Universitetet i Bergen)