Bente Wold

About Bente Wold

Bente Wold, With an exceptional h-index of 52 and a recent h-index of 35 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Bergen, specializes in the field of health promotion, developmental psychology, youth physical activity.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Social inequality in the association between life transitions into adulthood and depressed mood: a 27-year longitudinal study

Civic engagement and mental health trajectories in Norwegian youth

Enhancing Teachers’ Emotional Awareness Through Continuing Professional Development: Mission Possible?

Tracking of depressed mood from adolescence into adulthood and the role of peer and parental support: a partial test of the adolescent pathway model

Adolescent determinants of life-course leisure-time vigorous physical activity trajectories: a 27-Year longitudinal study

Leisure-time physical activity trajectories from adolescence to adulthood in relation to several activity domains: a 27-year longitudinal study

Measurement invariance of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire-coach in youth sport

Associations between early life transitions and depressed mood over time: A 27-year study

Bente Wold Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Bente Wold Skills & Research Interests

health promotion

developmental psychology

youth physical activity

Top articles of Bente Wold

Social inequality in the association between life transitions into adulthood and depressed mood: a 27-year longitudinal study

Frontiers in Public Health


Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Civic engagement and mental health trajectories in Norwegian youth

Frontiers in Public Health


Enhancing Teachers’ Emotional Awareness Through Continuing Professional Development: Mission Possible?

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research


Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Tracking of depressed mood from adolescence into adulthood and the role of peer and parental support: a partial test of the adolescent pathway model

SSM-Population Health


Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Tormod Bøe
Tormod Bøe

H-Index: 16

Adolescent determinants of life-course leisure-time vigorous physical activity trajectories: a 27-Year longitudinal study

BMC Public Health


Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Leisure-time physical activity trajectories from adolescence to adulthood in relation to several activity domains: a 27-year longitudinal study

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity


Torbjørn Torsheim
Torbjørn Torsheim

H-Index: 46

Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Measurement invariance of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire-coach in youth sport

Frontiers in psychology


Associations between early life transitions and depressed mood over time: A 27-year study

European Journal of Public Health


Nordic adolescents responding to demanding survey scales in boring contexts: Examining straightlining

Journal of Adolescence


Schooling as a contribution or threat to wellbeing? A study of Norwegian teachers’ perceptions of their role in fostering student wellbeing

Pastoral Care in Education


Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Trends in the utilization of youth primary healthcare services and psychological distress

BMC health services research


Bente Wold
Bente Wold

H-Index: 33

Exposure to bullying behaviors at work and depressive tendencies: The moderating role of victimization from bullying during adolescence

Journal of interpersonal violence


Initial psychometric testing of the coach-adapted version of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire: A Bayesian approach

Journal of Sports Sciences


Divorce and adolescent academic achievement: Heterogeneity in the associations by parental education

Plos one


Barn og unges helse og trivsel: Forekomst og sosial ulikhet i Norge og Norden


See List of Professors in Bente Wold University(Universitetet i Bergen)