Hajime Tanaka

About Hajime Tanaka

Hajime Tanaka, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Osaka University, specializes in the field of Semiconductor Physics, Carrier Transport.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Corrigendum:“Full-band Monte Carlo analysis of strain effects on carrier transport in GaN”[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 63 02SP35 (2024)]

Carrier transport simulations in twisted bilayer and turbostratic multilayer graphene systems

Theoretical study on high-field carrier transport and impact ionization coefficients in 4H-SiC

Tunneling current through non-alloyed metal/heavily-doped SiC interfaces

Analysis of tunneling probability in heavily doped 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes based on complex band structure considering barrier potential

Origin of hole mobility anisotropy in 4H-SiC

Monte Carlo simulation of mobility enhancement in multilayer graphene with turbostratic structure

Theoretical analysis of electron scattering by step-terrace structures at SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor interface

Hajime Tanaka Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Hajime Tanaka Skills & Research Interests

Semiconductor Physics

Carrier Transport

Top articles of Hajime Tanaka

Corrigendum:“Full-band Monte Carlo analysis of strain effects on carrier transport in GaN”[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 63 02SP35 (2024)]

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Carrier transport simulations in twisted bilayer and turbostratic multilayer graphene systems

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Theoretical study on high-field carrier transport and impact ionization coefficients in 4H-SiC

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Tunneling current through non-alloyed metal/heavily-doped SiC interfaces

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing


Analysis of tunneling probability in heavily doped 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes based on complex band structure considering barrier potential

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Origin of hole mobility anisotropy in 4H-SiC

Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Tsunenobu Kimoto
Tsunenobu Kimoto

H-Index: 38

Monte Carlo simulation of mobility enhancement in multilayer graphene with turbostratic structure

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Theoretical analysis of electron scattering by step-terrace structures at SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor interface

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Wannier–Stark localization of electronic states in 4H-SiC MOS inversion layer

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Full-band Monte Carlo analysis of strain effects on carrier transport in GaN

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Experimental determination of intrinsic carrier density in 4H-SiC based on electron diffusion current in an npn bipolar junction transistor

Journal of Applied Physics


Koichi Murata
Koichi Murata

H-Index: 15

Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Experimental and Theoretical Study on Anisotropic Electron Mobility in 4H‐SiC

physica status solidi (b)


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Tsunenobu Kimoto
Tsunenobu Kimoto

H-Index: 38

Numerical calculation method for the mean free path of single-mode semiconductor nanosheets with surface roughness

Applied Physics Express


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Impact of the split-off band on the tunneling current at metal/heavily-doped p-type SiC Schottky interfaces

Applied Physics Express


Tight-binding analysis of the effect of strain on the band structure of GaN

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Carrier trapping effects on forward characteristics of SiC pin diodes fabricated on high-purity semi-insulating substrates

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Tsunenobu Kimoto
Tsunenobu Kimoto

H-Index: 38

Analytical models for inter-layer tunneling in two-dimensional materials

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Theoretical analysis of tunneling current in 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes under reverse-biased condition based on complex band structure

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics


Hajime Tanaka
Hajime Tanaka

H-Index: 5

Nobuya Mori
Nobuya Mori

H-Index: 13

Simulation analysis of high-field carrier transport in wide-bandgap semiconductors considering tunable band structures and scattering processes

Journal of Applied Physics


Critical electric field for transition of thermionic field emission/field emission transport in heavily doped SiC Schottky barrier diodes

Applied Physics Letters


See List of Professors in Hajime Tanaka University(Osaka University)

