Daria Khanolainen

About Daria Khanolainen

Daria Khanolainen, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Jyväskylän yliopisto, specializes in the field of Teacher education, Arts-based methods, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Familial risk.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Predicting reading fluency growth from grade 2 to age 23 with parental and child factors

Exploring student and teacher perceptions of the ideal teacher in Russia

The complexity of student-led research: from terminology to practice in a case study of three countries

Developing and validating an abbreviated adult reading history questionnaire in the Finnish and Dutch contexts

Parental factors in the development of foundational academic skills from childhood to adolescence

Reframing teacher education around inclusion, equity, and social justice: towards an authentically value-centred approach to teacher education in Europe

Examining maternal cardiometabolic markers in pregnancy on child emotional and behavior trajectories: Using growth curve models on a cohort study

Parental influences on the development of single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency

Daria Khanolainen Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Daria Khanolainen Skills & Research Interests

Teacher education

Arts-based methods



Familial risk

Top articles of Daria Khanolainen

Predicting reading fluency growth from grade 2 to age 23 with parental and child factors


Exploring student and teacher perceptions of the ideal teacher in Russia

Pedagogy, Culture & Society


Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova

H-Index: 3

Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

The complexity of student-led research: from terminology to practice in a case study of three countries

Oxford Review of Education


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Developing and validating an abbreviated adult reading history questionnaire in the Finnish and Dutch contexts

Journal of Research in Reading


Parental factors in the development of foundational academic skills from childhood to adolescence

JYU Dissertations


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Reframing teacher education around inclusion, equity, and social justice: towards an authentically value-centred approach to teacher education in Europe

European Journal of Teacher Education


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Examining maternal cardiometabolic markers in pregnancy on child emotional and behavior trajectories: Using growth curve models on a cohort study

Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science


Parental influences on the development of single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency

Learning and Individual Differences


Intergenerational transmission of dyslexia: How do different identification methods of parental difficulties influence the conclusions regarding children's risk for dyslexia?

Reading Research Quarterly


Self and others in school bullying and cyberbullying: Fine-tuning a new arts-based method to study sensitive topics.

Qualitative Psychology


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova

H-Index: 3

Reading difficulties identification: A comparison of neural networks, linear, and mixture models

Scientific Studies of Reading


Maternal cardiometabolic markers in pregnancy on child emotional and behaviour trajectories

Available at SSRN 4264831


Indigenous education in Russia: opportunities for healing and revival of the Mari and Karelian Indigenous groups?

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova

H-Index: 3

A Systematic Review of Music Intervention Studies for Remediating Reading Disorders in Children


Georgia Gerike
Georgia Gerike

H-Index: 0

Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Teacher Quality Driven by Equity and Social Justice: Arguments for an Alternative Values-Centred Vision of Teacher Education


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Development of numeracy and literacy skills in early childhood—A longitudinal study on the roles of home environment and familial risk for reading and math difficulties

Frontiers in Education


‘Teachers see nothing’: exploring students’ and teachers’ perspectives on school bullying with a new arts-based methodology

Pedagogy, Culture & Society


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova

H-Index: 3

Indigenous language education in Russia: Current issues and challenges

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development


Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova

H-Index: 3

Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Longitudinal effects of the home learning environment and parental difficulties on reading and math development across grades 1–9

Frontiers in psychology


School bullying through graphic vignettes: Developing a new arts-based method to study a sensitive topic

International Journal of Qualitative Methods


Daria Khanolainen
Daria Khanolainen

H-Index: 4

Elena Semenova
Elena Semenova

H-Index: 3

See List of Professors in Daria Khanolainen University(Jyväskylän yliopisto)

