Colum Cronin

About Colum Cronin

Colum Cronin, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Liverpool John Moores University, specializes in the field of Sport coaching, youth sport.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Systematic review of sport coaches’ and teachers’ perceptions and application of game-based and constraints-led pedagogy: A qualitative meta-study

Client-Led Applied Sport Psychology Practitioners’ Narratives about Helping Athletes

Teaching efficacy of undergraduate PE students; what are the key predictors and what can PE educators learn from this?

Care in sport coaching; different perspectives and alternative voices

Understanding elite rugby league players’ experience of collision, effective contact coaching techniques, and player contact psychology: A focus group study

Developing Coaches’ Knowledge of the Athlete–Coach Relationship Through Formal Coach Education: The Perceptions of Football Association Coach Developers

How did we get here; a historical and social exploration of the construction of English FA coach education

An examination of content knowledge in formal coach education curriculum

Colum Cronin Information



Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching and Physical Activity



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Colum Cronin Skills & Research Interests

Sport coaching

youth sport

Top articles of Colum Cronin

Systematic review of sport coaches’ and teachers’ perceptions and application of game-based and constraints-led pedagogy: A qualitative meta-study


Client-Led Applied Sport Psychology Practitioners’ Narratives about Helping Athletes

The Sport Psychologist


David Tod
David Tod

H-Index: 31

Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

Teaching efficacy of undergraduate PE students; what are the key predictors and what can PE educators learn from this?

Frontiers in Education


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

Care in sport coaching; different perspectives and alternative voices

Sports Coaching Review


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

Understanding elite rugby league players’ experience of collision, effective contact coaching techniques, and player contact psychology: A focus group study

Journal of sports sciences


Developing Coaches’ Knowledge of the Athlete–Coach Relationship Through Formal Coach Education: The Perceptions of Football Association Coach Developers

International Sport Coaching Journal


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

Amy Whitehead
Amy Whitehead

H-Index: 10

How did we get here; a historical and social exploration of the construction of English FA coach education

Sport, Education and Society


Ed Cope
Ed Cope

H-Index: 15

Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

An examination of content knowledge in formal coach education curriculum

Sport, Education and Society


Normalising the conversation: a qualitative analysis of player and stakeholder perceptions of menstrual health support within elite female soccer

Science and Medicine in Football


Carbohydrate fear, skinfold targets and body image issues: a qualitative analysis of player and stakeholder perceptions of the nutrition culture within elite female soccer

Science and Medicine in Football


Introducing esports coaching to sport coaching (not as sport coaching)

Sports Coaching Review


Perceptions of Current Issues in Female Sport Nutrition From Elite Athletes, Practitioners, and Researchers

Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

15 Care in Community Sport Coaching

Community Sport Coaching: Policies and Practice


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

Creating and disseminating coach education policy: A case of formal coach education in grassroots football

Sport, Education and Society


A model for practice and change

Developing and Supporting Athlete Wellbeing: Person First, Athlete Second


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

What is Esports Coaching?: A Qualitative Examination of the Experiences of Professional League of Legends Coaches


Less may be more: How do coach developers reproduce'Learner-centred'policy in practice?

Sports coaching review


Learning from the past; a Freirean analysis of FA coach education since 1967

Sport, Education and Society


Ed Cope
Ed Cope

H-Index: 15

Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

Skill Acquisition Methods Fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in 5–6 …

Frontiers in Psychology


Sociology, Curriculum Studies and Professional Knowledge: New Perspectives on the Works of Michael Young: edited by David Guile, David Lambert and Michael J. Reiss, London …


Colum Cronin
Colum Cronin

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Colum Cronin University(Liverpool John Moores University)

