Email and email marketing are significant in today’s digital marketing world and the difference between winning and losing businesses in the future market is the use of cold email. What is a cold email? Cold emails can be a valuable business tool for connecting with people you have already never interacted with. So to write a cold email that effectively works, you need a comprehensive cold email guide.

To write a professional thank you email, begin with a polite greeting, express your gratitude clearly and specifically, and conclude with a professional closing and your name.

What is a cold email?

In this article, we’ll cover the ultimate guide to writing a powerful and killer cold email, and also everything you want to know about cold emailing, therefore, you can get the most expert tips for doing cold email campaigns. Stay tuned!

Let’s get started.

The exact meaning of a cold email

The exact meaning of a cold email

Today, digital marketing is essential for online business growth and brand awareness. If you want to succeed as a professional marketer in your business. You need to conduct an email marketing campaign with the most engagement and best click-through rate on the web or social media like LinkedIn.

In the digital era, cold emailing is an excellent way to build effective communication that can turn your email marketing campaigns into success.

It’s worth keeping in mind that a cold email campaign can only be effective if you fully know the nature of cold emails.

Let’s start with the basics. What is a cold email?

According to Wikipedia, “a cold email is an unsolicited email that is sent to a receiver without prior contact” and, based on its proponents, isn’t spam.

Cold emails are the first emails marketers and businesses send to individuals or companies. In simple terms, recipients of cold emails have never heard of them or their company before.

cold email sample

Cold emailing is the most broadly used outreach email strategy.

It’s interesting to know that cold email is a popular solution for making extensive B2B connections. That’s why according to research conducted in this regard, nearly 80% of people prefer to be reached out to by the company’s sales reps via email rather than phone numbers.

As a matter of fact, the process of cold emailing is very similar to cold calling, except that it’s much less annoying and imposing. Cold calling is an unreliable marketing strategy. In contrast, cold emailing is the safest way to engage with people.

Considering what was said about cold emails, it will also be easy to understand the meaning of warm emails. When you email someone who knows you and your company, it’s a warm email.

Sample of cold email

It’s very important to know that a well-targeted and intelligent cold email outreach campaign can lead to huge revenue for you. You don’t believe it! Here we tell you about the importance of cold email.

The importance of cold emailing

Regarding the importance of cold email for marketing campaigns, here are the benefits of cold email for business:

1. Lead generation

One of the core reasons cold emails are so vital in the digital marketing world is that they extend your reach to fresh leads anywhere in the world and convert your cold leads into potential customers.

Cold emailing is an approach that is used to generate leads and discover customers who are interested in your products or services.

The process of cold emailing is that it begins with establishing a relationship and slowly turns them into ideal and targeted prospects.

Because the greatest perk of cold emailing is that it’s extremely targeted. This means that it helps you focus on your target audience. And as a result of reaching out to the clients who know about your products, your sales pipelines will accelerate.

2. Networking

Do you have any connections with your prospects? To have a closer connection with one of the potential clients, you need to use a powerful cold emailing strategy.

In today’s digital marketing world, cold emailing is a great tool for networking, communicating, and increasing your audience circle.

All marketers and sales professionals know the importance of using cold email in growing their prospective customer base.

For this reason, sometimes it’s impossible to meet face-to-face for various causes like the Covid-19 pandemic in recent years. Consequently, individuals and companies are bound to utilize cold emailing to expand their audience and customer network.

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On top of that, by sending cold emails, business owners can invite their consumers to special events such as webinars and boost their attendance at the events.

As a whole, cold emailing gives rise to customer engagement.

3. Brand awareness

Did you know that cold emails are a great way to build brand awareness? Cold emailing campaigns go a long way in raising your brand awareness due to the nature of email.

As we read in this article, cold emails basically identify your ideal leads and target your prospects who haven’t previously engaged with your brand.

Having said that, by dint of a cold email strategy, you can introduce your products and services to a wider set of customers and thus develop your brand awareness.

4. Scalability

Can you send cold emails in bulk? Yes, of course. Cold emails are always scalable. Cold email scalability refers to the fact that you’ll be able to send cold emails to a huge number of your target audience without limits. Besides, you can measure their success.

Owing to this success, you’ll be able to make plans for your next cold emailing campaigns strategically.

With the help of a cold email outreach tool, you’ll have access to a far-reaching database of new leads in no time.

The LinkedIn cold message

Just as cold email is used for marketing, networking, lead generation, etc., you can also take advantage of the cold message feature on LinkedIn.

The LinkedIn cold message

Although the writing style and the way LinkedIn cold message works are different from cold email, they both serve the same purpose. By messaging someone on LinkedIn, you can connect with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd LinkedIn connections.

If you can’t send messages on LinkedIn, you need to navigate to LinkedIn, sign in, and then use this platform for free without a LinkedIn premium subscription.

How to write a cold introduction email?

With a smart and attractive cold introduction email, you can get the most interaction and the best result.

However, it often seems tricky to start a cold email.

Its difficulty is a result of the fact that most of us always want to sell our products and advertise our company in the first email, and that’s exactly where we don’t know how to start our cold email text.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, how should a cold email be introduced in a way that gets the most feedback?

To ensure you receive positive responses from your cold email recipients, you need to implement the following tips for writing your cold introduction email.

1. Your cold email should be concise and understandable:

No one wants to read long emails. The longer and more wordy your cold emails are, the less likely they are to reach their intended target.

Write your cold email in short and sweet so that it’s easy to read and the recipient can instantly take a look at it.

Don’t write your text one after the other; divide it into parts to make it easier to read.

Ideally, your cold email should have this standard structure:

  • First line: Introductory sentence or a few words that introduce your brand.
  • Second line: making an offer or request including the special sale, stating the reason for sending the email, putting your website link, etc.
  • Third line: summary and buttons related to social media.

Also, another great trick to make your cold email more understandable is to start the email with a question.

2. You should pay enough attention to the introduction of the cold email:

Considering that the introduction section is the most important part of any content on the web, it needs to be well written.

The bottom line is that you only have a few golden seconds to write your cold email introduction in order to draw your prospects‘ attention to your cold email and get them to read a two-line introduction.


  • Bear in mind that a cold email introduction should be no longer than one or two sentences.
  • In the introduction of the cold email, it’s necessary to introduce yourself, your company, and your brand. Besides, if you know your prospect’s name, be sure to include it here.
  • Since nearly 65% of email users only read the first sentence of an email, write compelling and catchy sentences that will persuade readers not to send your cold email directly to the trash.

3. Use a catchy and short email subject:

Try to keep the subject you choose for the cold email concise & catchy and include exactly the main issue of the email. Over 35% of email recipients open it based on the subject of the email.


  • Since most people open their emails via their mobile phones, try to shorten the subject of your cold email so that it can be read well on a mobile phone.
  • Never send an email without a subject as it usually won’t get opened.
  • Your subject should target the needs of your potential customer.

Best times to send cold emails

Why are your cold email campaigns failing?

Cold emailing is a continuous process; This means that you need to properly plan your cold emailing to improve its performance. This way, the further you go, the better your cold emailing will be.

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Some issues cause you to be unsuccessful in your email marketing campaigns. One of the most influential factors for killer cold emails is choosing the best time to send them.

So it’s necessary to research the best time for launching your cold emailing campaign.

That’s why the timing of your cold email will affect the response rate of your email marketing campaigns.

Accordingly, to ensure that cold emails bring the best conversion rates, you as a marketer should find the best time to send cold emails to your recipients.

By planning correctly in opting for the best time to start cold email campaigns, you can make sure of saving time and energy and achieve a positive result for your investment.

So what’s the best time to do cold emailing?

To choose the right time to send a cold email that has a good response rate for you, you need to consider two important factors: the time of day and the day of the week.

According to research conducted in this respect, with a statistical population of billions of email addresses, the ideal time to send cold emails is between 8 to 10 AM PST, because this is when most emails are opened, and the chances of your emails being opened increase significantly. Based on these reports, cold email worked best at this time.

Hot tip: it’s worth noting that if you don’t have a compelling reason, never send a cold email around 3 or 4 AM, since it will look very strange in the recipient’s inbox.

In addition, as for the best day to send cold emails, it’s better to do cold emailing on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. That’s why marketers believe that these are usually the best days of the week to send B2B cold emails and receive good responses from company managers.

In general, sending cold emails is not a waste; It should only be done thoughtfully, suitable for the audience, and at the best time to achieve the desired result as well.

How to follow up cold emails?

Sometimes the recipient reads the cold email but forgets to reply to it. If you’ve sent cold emails to your prospects, you’ve noticed that people don’t respond to the first cold email they receive but do to subsequent emails.

So it’s important to follow up on cold emails. That’s why following up is not only harmless but also very effective. In addition, to follow up on a cold email, you must master the art of following up.

These are some of the most important tips you should mind when following up on your cold emails:

1. Be polite: Try to use polite messages for cold email follow-ups. As a matter of fact, most people don’t mind a polite reminder.

2. Don’t disturb: Remember not to disturb the recipients to follow up on your cold emails. If you haven’t received any response from them after two or three attempts, they’re probably not interested in answering your email.

3. Write differently: Since cold emails are notorious for getting lost in spam, try sending a different message than the previous ones. You’re strongly advised to write something unique and don’t send the same messages, as well as the same style.

4. Don’t forget to space your timing: For cold email follow-up, stick to proper timing. Leave a few days between the cold emails sent and then follow up. You can wait up to a week.

Cold emailing tips: Do’s and don’ts

Since most people hate having their inboxes filled with cold emails, let’s face it.

Unfortunately, due to the commerciality and intrusiveness of cold emails, marketers perform cold email marketing poorly, that is, they don’t receive the right result for the process of their cold emailing campaign. What do you think are the solutions to this problem?

You should put a great deal of effort into writing cold emails in such a way that your cold emails don’t go straight to spam recipients. So if you want your cold emails to instantly grab the customer’s attention, generate potential leads, and increase your conversion rate, you can run a successful cold email marketing campaign. How?

It’s no matter of concern! In this guide, we’ll provide you with the do’s and don’ts of cold emailing and some tried-and-tested cold email templates so you can start using them without delay.

1. Build a database of relevant email lists:

Cold email outreach campaigns are effective as long as you collect a comprehensive database of email address lists of your target audience so that email addresses that companies refer to that are relevant to what the company has to offer.

It’s important to know that revealing and uncovering the right target audience for cold email outreach campaigns can considerably impact getting the best results.

To run cold email campaigns, you need a widespread and reliable database of your potential customer email lists.

In fact, LinkedIn is the largest professional network with more than 850 million users in the world that you can enter into a business and professional conversation with LinkedIn 2nd-degree connections through cold email and as a result, expand your prospects base.

To find email addresses from LinkedIn, we recommend the best LinkedIn email finder tool.

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Now, let’s take a look at it.

Build a database of relevant email lists

With CUFinder, you can quickly & easily grab complete and accurate information from your target leads, including email addresses, phone numbers, company names, LinkedIn profiles & other social media profiles, and more data by entering filters such as location, industry, etc.

Moreover, you can export your LinkedIn search results to Excel and view LinkedIn profiles without logging in using CUFinder.

2. Make sure your cold email isn’t spam:

To prevent your cold emails from ending up in the spam folder, you can take advantage of email checker tools to test your email’s spamming and see how likely your cold emails are to be spammy. With the email tester websites, you’ll be able to check an email address that’s entirely unique to you.

After checking that your email address is active, you can start slowly sending cold emails and increasing the number of emails per day. You can use a good ramp-up plan for sending cold email outreach, for example, on the first day: 10 cold emails are sent, second day: 20 cold emails, and so on.

3. Use cold emailing templates:

Utilizing appropriate and standard cold email templates is suggested to save time and energy.

Suppose you want to send cold emails to a large number of your target audiences, as well as make the email personal. In that case, you’ll figure out that rewriting cold email information will be very time-consuming and tedious. Hence, depending on the topic of your cold email, you’ll have to use the right cold email template to email.

However, you need to consider the overall structure of the email to write a text and consequently, by means of an email template, you no longer need to write all parts of your email such as your name, title, company, call-to-action, etc., because they’re already written for you.

The good news is that there are many websites that offer ready-made and attractive cold email templates and also allow you to design your desired templates and then use them.

Here are some samples of cold email templates that you can check out.

cold email sequence sample
cold email sequence sample
cold email sequence sample
cold email sequence sample
cold email sequence sample

Although it’s recommended to use cold email templates to save time, some email marketing experts believe marketers should not utilize them because they are repetitive.

4. Don’t write duplicate cold emails

Keep in mind that not repeating your messages. Sending cold emails with the same content is not effective. Write several cold emails and try to have different samples for cold emails to avoid sending duplicate cold email templates and similar content to every email address in your email list.

Additionally, it will help you find out which type of cold email works best for specific recipients.

It’s worth noting that as spam emails are exact duplicates, attempt not to send the same messages to your intended customers.

5. Don’t overdo the use of spam trigger words:

Although it’s tempting to use sensational language to grab your audience’s attention in a cold email, it can backfire if abused or overused. As a result, try to eliminate such words that are related to spam or at least use them less.

Related Questions & Answers

Cold email to potential client sample

Dear [Client’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am reaching out to you as I believe there may be an opportunity for us to collaborate and mutually benefit from our respective expertise.

I wanted to introduce myself and express my interest in [mention the specific area or service related to your potential client’s business]. I have been following your company’s success and have been impressed by your achievements in [mention a relevant industry or area]. I believe that our [product/service/solution] could greatly benefit your business by [highlight the potential benefits, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, or improved performance].

I would be delighted to schedule a call or meeting at your convenience to further discuss how we can support your business objectives. Please let me know if you would be interested in exploring this opportunity further. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Cold email marketing

Cold email marketing is a strategy used to reach out to potential customers or clients who have not previously engaged with your business. The goal of a cold email is to initiate a conversation, build interest in your product or service, and ultimately convert leads into customers.

To effectively implement cold email marketing, it is important to personalize your messages, clearly communicate the value proposition of your offering, and respect the recipient’s time. Start by researching your target audience and crafting a compelling subject line that grabs their attention. In the body of the email, introduce yourself, explain why you are reaching out, and highlight the benefits or solutions you can provide. Keep the email concise and focused, ending with a clear call to action and contact information. Remember to follow up on your initial email and track the performance of your campaigns to continually refine your approach and improve results.

The Roundup

To promote your business and prospect potential customers, cold email is a really powerful method that can greatly help facilitate and make your marketing campaigns more effective. Generally speaking, cold emails aim to connect with prospective clients and move them forward to the sales funnel.

Undoubtedly, you can make the most of the high potential of cold emails by following the key points of the cold email outreach strategy mentioned in this perfect cold email guide.


What does cold email mean?

A cold email is an outreach message you send to someone you have no prior connection with.

How to cold email someone?

By observing the key tips for a cold email strategy in our cold email guide and with the help of the cold email outreach tool, you can send a great cold email to your audience.

What is the difference between a cold email and a warm email?

A cold email is an initial email where the sender u0026amp; recipient don’t know each other, but a warm email occurs when the recipient has been already identified as a prospect.

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