Have you ever taken Udemy courses? If your answer is yes, you must have access to your certificate. Now you may ask yourself this question: Can we share Udemy certificate to LinkedIn? How can we add it to LinkedIn?

Yes, you can share your Udemy certificate to LinkedIn. To do so, first, download the certificate from Udemy by clicking on the "Download Certificate" button on the course completion page. Then, go to your LinkedIn profile and click on the "Add profile section" button. Choose "Licenses and Certifications" from the dropdown menu and fill in the relevant information, including the name of the certificate, the issuing organization (in this case, Udemy), and the date of completion. Finally, upload the certificate as a file or include a link to the certificate in the "Certification URL" field.

Udemy courses to pad our pedigree of knowledge

If you’ve visited the Udemy website, you must be familiar with its online courses. But if you’ve never heard of it, we suggest you take a look at it and familiarize yourself with its learning courses.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

Passing a training course and getting a degree from Udemy is not only a bad idea, but it’s a requirement to join LinkedIn’s professional club, and who wants to spend their valuable time and energy on something they can’t use?

By the way, spending time and money on your own learning is very significant and respectable, especially if you get a certificate from a safe and reliable place, just like Udemy Online Academy.

The good thing about these courses is that they can be easily added to your LinkedIn profile and can make your resume more robust and more acceptable.

And, of course, most of the time, they specify an excellent career path for you to reach the ideal position you’re considering.

Is it worth it to share our Udemy certificate on LinkedIn?

Having a strong and professional LinkedIn profile will help you introduce yourself or your brand to famous people, users, employers, and others, and they’ll be well aware of your capabilities, skills, and motivations.

It’s better to know that one of the best things that help to make your profile professional on LinkedIn is to share the image of educational certificates of practical and powerful training courses such as Udemy courses.

For example, if you’ve finished Udemy or LinkedIn learning courses, recruiters and employers will believe in you by seeing these certificates that you have professional and specialized information in the fields you have been trained in.

Can we share the Udemy certificate to LinkedIn?

You may say to yourself that we’ve completed the work experience section. What proof is required?

In fact, certificates are the best way to show your expertise, skills, and career achievements to recruiters and professionals on the LinkedIn social network.

However, the existence of these licenses and certificates increases the credibility of your content in the work experience section and strengthens the trust flow.

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For example, after completing the Udemy learning courses, they’ll provide you with a certificate. The best thing is to put this certificate in your LinkedIn profile so that other members will be encouraged to take these courses.

Since thousands of people successfully complete Udemy courses online every month, you can be one of the millions of learners who share your certification on your LinkedIn profile so others can get to know your knowledge, skills, and educational experience.

Now, if you don’t know how to do this, don’t worry; we’ll tell you how to share and add your Udemy certificate on LinkedIn in the rest of the article.

How to share a Udemy course on LinkedIn via the Udemy website?

It’s interesting to know that you can share any course you have taken at Udemy Academy on your LinkedIn page, as follows:

  1. Go directly to your profile in Udemy.
  2. Click on the My Learning tab.
  3. Select the course you wish to share the certificate of.
  4. Click the Share button.


  • This button on Udemy allows you to share your target course as a social media post on LinkedIn.
  • Remember that to get your certificate from Udemy, you need to click the Get Certificate button in the My Learning section. You can download and save it as a PDF file.

Where is the best place to put our certifications on LinkedIn?

If you head to the profiles of professionals on LinkedIn, you’ll see that they include their certifications from accredited courses in the Licenses & certifications section of their LinkedIn profile.

Although there are other options, such as Featured and Education sections, to add a Udemy certificate to your LinkedIn profile, it seems that the best and the most appropriate place is the Licenses & certificates section.

By adding and sharing your Udemy certification, you can easily impress recruiters with your unique skills and expertise.

Bear in mind that if you’ve never added a certificate before, you’ll first need to add the Licenses & Certificates section on your LinkedIn profile.

How to add the Licenses & Certificates section on our LinkedIn profile?

So now that you have your Udemy certificate in front of you, it’s time to navigate to your LinkedIn profile.

To add the “Licenses & Certificatessection, you must:

Step 1: Click the “Me” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then tap the “View Profile” tab.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

Step 2: In the introduction section of your profile, click on the “Add profile section” button.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

At this step, a window will open where you can add your licenses and certificates to your LinkedIn profile (Add to profile).

Step 3: From the drop-down menu of the “Recommended” section, select the Add licenses & certifications button.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

At this step, a pop-up window with the title “Add license or certification” will appear, in which you must fill in the fields provided.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

Step 4: In the box that appears above, enter all the certificate details of the course you’ve completed in Udemy in the specified fields as per your certificate. This information includes:

Step 5: When you’re done, click the Save button to save the entered information.

Hot tips:

To share this news (adding Udemy certificate on LinkedIn) with your LinkedIn network, you can click the Next button from the next opened box.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

By publishing this post, all your network of connections, friends, colleagues, employers, and recruiters can see your new certificate.

If you want to add more certificates, after that, go to your LinkedIn profile and scroll down to the Licenses & Certifications section. Then, tap on the “+” icon to add a new certificate.

Can We Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn?

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Related Questions & Answers

Udemy credential ID LinkedIn

LinkedIn does not have a specific field to add a Udemy Credential ID to your profile. However, you can still showcase your Udemy certifications and credentials in other sections of your LinkedIn profile to highlight your skills and expertise.

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One way to showcase your Udemy credentials is by including them in the “Education” or “Certifications” sections on your LinkedIn profile. In the “Education” section, you can list the course or certification name, the platform (such as Udemy), and a brief description of the skills you acquired. In the “Certificationssection, you can provide the certification name and the issuing organization (in this case, Udemy). Additionally, you can mention your Udemy certifications in the “Summary” or “Experience” sections, highlighting specific skills gained or how the courses align with your professional goals. Remember to add relevant keywords and descriptions to optimize the visibility of your Udemy credentials for potential employers or connections viewing your LinkedIn profile.

Is Udemy Certificates Recognized?

Udemy certificates vary in recognition depending on the industry and employer. While some employers may value Udemy certificates as proof of skills and knowledge, others may not view them as equivalent to traditional academic credentials or certifications from well-established institutions. 

Udemy offers a wide range of courses taught by experts in various fields, and many students find the content valuable for personal and professional development. 

However, the credibility of Udemy certificates can be questioned due to the self-paced nature of the courses and the lack of standardized testing or accreditation. 

That said, individuals can still benefit from completing Udemy courses by gaining relevant skills and knowledge that they can apply in real-world scenarios. 

It’s essential to research the specific industry or employer to determine whether Udemy certificates hold weight in their hiring or promotional processes. 

Ultimately, the recognition of Udemy certificates depends on the context and the perception of the recipient.

Can We Share Certificate to LinkedIn?

Yes, you can share your Udemy certificates on LinkedIn to showcase your skills and accomplishments to your professional network. 

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account.
  2. Go to your profile page.
  3. Scroll down to the “Licenses & Certifications” section or click on the “Add profile section” button and select “Licenses & Certifications.”
  4. Click on the “+” icon to add a new certification.
  5. Fill in the relevant details such as the certification name (e.g., “Udemy Certificate in [Course Name]”), the certification authority (Udemy), and the license number or URL (you can include the URL to your Udemy certificate).
  6. Add the issue date and expiration date if applicable.
  7. Write a brief description highlighting the skills or knowledge gained from the course.
  8. Click on the “Save” button to add the certification to your LinkedIn profile. Once added, you will be asked if you would like your Udemy certificate to be shared by post.
  9. Click the “Next” button to share your Udemy certificate on LinkedIn.
Can We Share Certificate to LinkedIn?

Why Udemy Certificate URL Not Working

If you’re experiencing issues with your Udemy certificate URL not working, it could be due to several reasons. 

  • Check your internet connection first. 
  • Ensure you’re using the correct URL provided in your certificate email or on the Udemy platform. 

If the issue persists, contact Udemy support for assistance.

How to Copy Udemy Certificate URL?

To copy your Udemy certificate URL, simply locate the URL provided in your certificate email or on the Udemy platform. 

Highlight the URL using your cursor, then right-click and select “Copy” from the dropdown menu. 

Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + C on your keyboard after highlighting the URL to copy it.

Now, you can paste the Udemy certificate URL into your resume, profile, or any other place you want.

How to Copy Credential ID from Udemy Certificate?

If you want to know how to copy the Credential ID from your Udemy certificate, here’s a quick guide to do it:

  1. Locate the ID on the certificate document. 
  2. Highlight the ID using your cursor, 
  3. Then right-click and select “Copy” from the dropdown menu. 
  4. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + C on your keyboard after highlighting the Credential ID to copy it.
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Udemy Certificate Sample

A Udemy certificate sample typically includes details such as the course name, completion date, student name, and instructor name. 

It may also feature a unique Credential ID and a verification URL. 

The certificate design may vary depending on the course and instructor but generally follows a standardized format provided by Udemy.

How Can I Add Udemy Certificate in My Resume on LinkedIn?

If you’re wondering how to add Udemy certificate to resume on LinkedIn, here are simple steps, as follows:

  • First, ensure you’ve downloaded a copy of your certificate. 
  • Then, log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile. 
  • Click on the “+” icon in the “Licenses & Certifications” section.
  • Fill in the details including the certificate name, issuer (Udemy), completion date, and URL. 
  • Save your changes to add the certificate to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Click the “More” button and select the “Build a resume” option.
How Can I Add Udemy Certificate in My Resume on LinkedIn?
  • Click the “Create from profile” button.
  • Enter your job title and click the “Apply” button. 
Enter your job title and click the "Apply" button. 

That’s it. Now, you can download it as a PDF file or make a copy.

How to Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn Post?

Sharing your Udemy certificate in a LinkedIn post is a great way to showcase your achievements and skills to your professional network. 

Here’s a simple guide on how to do it:

1. Download Your Certificate: 

Start by downloading a copy of your Udemy certificate. You can typically do this by accessing your certificate through the Udemy platform and clicking on the download option.

2. Create a New LinkedIn Post: 

Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on the “Start a post” option on your LinkedIn homepage or profile.

3. Upload the Certificate Image: 

Click on the camera icon to upload an image, then select the downloaded Udemy certificate file from your device. Ensure the certificate is clear and legible.

4. Write a Caption: 

Craft a brief caption to accompany your certificate image. Mention the course name, completion date, and any key takeaways or skills you gained from the course. You can also tag relevant individuals or organizations if applicable.

5. Post Your Update: 

Once you’re satisfied with your caption and image, click on the “Post” button to share your Udemy certificate to your LinkedIn feed.

How to Share Udemy Certificate to LinkedIn Post?


Returning to the first question: Can we share the Udemy certificate with LinkedIn? When we take a course on Udemy and have access to its certification, now is the time to share our skills and expertise through the evidence on LinkedIn.

As everyone knows, by completing sections of your LinkedIn profile (e.g. by adding valid course certificates to the Licenses & certifications section), your credibility will increase, i.e., your credibility will be more visible to other professionals, including recruiters and prospective employers, as well as more and better job opportunities will be available to you.


How do I share a certificate from Udemy to LinkedIn?

To share a certificate from Udemy to LinkedIn:

  1. Go to the “My Courses” section on Udemy and click on the completed course for which you have earned a certificate. Access the certificate and click on the “Share” button. Select “LinkedIn” from the sharing options. This will redirect you to LinkedIn.
  2. On LinkedIn, you’ll be prompted to fill out details about the course. Once you’ve filled in the information, click “Save” or “Post.” Your certificate will then be displayed on your LinkedIn profile under the “Licenses & Certifications” section.

Can I use the Udemy certificate in my resume?

Yes, you can use a Udemy certificate on your resume. Include it in the “Education” or “Certificationssection, specifying the course name, platform (Udemy), and the date of completion. However, always consider the relevance of the certificate to the job you’re applying for, and remember that while Udemy courses can showcase your skills and commitment to learning, they might not hold the same weight as formal education or industry-recognized certifications.

Which is better Udemy or Coursera?

Udemy and Coursera serve different educational purposes. Udemy offers a wide range of courses on various topics, often taught by individuals or experts who want to share their knowledge; it’s ideal for those seeking specific skills or hobbies. Coursera, on the other hand, partners with universities and institutions to offer structured courses, specializations, and degrees in academic and professional fields, making it more suitable for those pursuing formal education or career advancement. Your choice depends on your learning goals and preferences.

Does Udemy provide CPE?

Udemy itself does not directly provide Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. However, some courses on Udemy may be relevant to CPE requirements in specific professions. It’s up to the individual or their certifying organization to determine if a particular Udemy course qualifies for CPE credits. If you’re seeking CPE credits, always consult with your professional association or certifying body before relying on a Udemy course for such purposes.

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