Ratih Hurriyati

About Ratih Hurriyati

Ratih Hurriyati, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 23 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, specializes in the field of Business, Management, Marketing, Service Management, Strategic Entreupreuneurship nt.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Dimensions of Market-Sensing Capability Identifying SMEs Created: A Systematic Literature Review

Persaingan industri ride-hailing di Indonesia: Peran country of origin, perceived quality, dan brand credibility terhadap purchase intention

Implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy in Facing Business Competition: A Startup Case Study of Lapangbola. Com

The Role of Influencer Marketing and Sales Promotion on the Purchase Decision of Scarlett Whitening Products

Developing models of environment uncertainty, incoterms on strategic alliance and competitive advantage

Future Directions in Strategic Brand Management Research Using Bibliometric Analysis: A Decade Review

The Influence of Social Media Endorsement Credibility on Customers-Based Brand Equity

E-Customer Behavior Mediates Promotion on E-Commerce Purchase Decision MSME Industry

Ratih Hurriyati Information



Professor of Marketing



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Ratih Hurriyati Skills & Research Interests




Service Management

Strategic Entreupreuneurship nt

Top articles of Ratih Hurriyati

Dimensions of Market-Sensing Capability Identifying SMEs Created: A Systematic Literature Review


Persaingan industri ride-hailing di Indonesia: Peran country of origin, perceived quality, dan brand credibility terhadap purchase intention

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Bambang Widjajanta
Bambang Widjajanta

H-Index: 5

Implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy in Facing Business Competition: A Startup Case Study of Lapangbola. Com

Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis


The Role of Influencer Marketing and Sales Promotion on the Purchase Decision of Scarlett Whitening Products

Jurnal Digital Bisnis, Modal Manusia, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Finance, & Strategi Bisnis (DImmensi)


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Hilda Monoarfa
Hilda Monoarfa

H-Index: 2

Developing models of environment uncertainty, incoterms on strategic alliance and competitive advantage

Uncertain Supply Chain Management


Future Directions in Strategic Brand Management Research Using Bibliometric Analysis: A Decade Review


The Influence of Social Media Endorsement Credibility on Customers-Based Brand Equity

ASEAN Journal of Economic and Economic Education


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

H-Index: 5

E-Customer Behavior Mediates Promotion on E-Commerce Purchase Decision MSME Industry

Jurnal Riset Multidisiplin dan Inovasi Teknologi


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

H-Index: 5

Impact of Brand Personality Customer Brand Identification on Brand Loyalty the Mediating Role of Trust

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Leveraging Marketing Automation to Enhance Customer Relationship Management and Improve Management Performance in MSME B2B

Jurnal Riset Multidisiplin dan Inovasi Teknologi


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

H-Index: 5

Unveiling the Link between Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty on Blibli: The Mediating Role of Trust

Journal of Business Management and Economic Development


Influence of Brand Equity on Electronic-Word of Mouth Mediated by Brand Love on Shopee E-commerce

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

H-Index: 5

[P] Marketing in Indonesia Islamic Banking and Finance A Systematic Literature Review


The Effect of Customer Value on Customer Retention at Merdeka Toyota Dealers


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

The Analysis of Consumers’ Behavioral Intention in Using Mobile Banking Through the UTAUT Model Approach: A Case Study on New Livin by Mandiri Application


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

A Bibliometric Analysis of Consumer Behavior Research Using Vosviewer Application


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Bambang Widjajanta
Bambang Widjajanta

H-Index: 5

Encourage Impulse Buying on E-commerce: Using Positive Emotion and Price Discount to Tapping into Shoppers Desires


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Bambang Widjajanta
Bambang Widjajanta

H-Index: 5

The Influence of Social Media and E-WOM on Tourists’ Intention to Revisit Teluk Kiluan, Lampung


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Vanessa Gaffar
Vanessa Gaffar

H-Index: 11

The Impacts of E-Service Quality on Repurchase Intention


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Lili Adi Wibowo
Lili Adi Wibowo

H-Index: 9

Analysis of Millennials Consumer Behavior in Choosing a Coffee Shop


Ratih Hurriyati
Ratih Hurriyati

H-Index: 13

Puspo Dewi Dirgantari
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Ratih Hurriyati University(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)