Marion Büttgen

About Marion Büttgen

Marion Büttgen, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Hohenheim, specializes in the field of Service Management, Leadership, Digital Transformation, Customer Participation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Designing Collaborative Intelligence Systems for Employee-AI Service Co-Production

How tech companies advance sustainability through artificial intelligence: Developing and evaluating an AI x Sustainability strategy framework

Sustainability in Service Research

A relational perspective on supervisor‐initiated turnover: Implications for human resource management based on a multi‐method investigation of leader–member exchange relationships

How can customers cope with cognitive demands of professional services? The role of employee coping support

Does It Pay Off? Brand Knowledge Dissemination and Its Effects on Corporate Brand Pride, Brand-and Service Behaviour of Frontline Personnel

No Benefits for Paradox Personalities? Narcissism and Humility in New Work Careers

Uncovering the complexities of remote leadership and the usage of digital tools during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative diary study

Marion Büttgen Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Marion Büttgen Skills & Research Interests

Service Management


Digital Transformation

Customer Participation

Top articles of Marion Büttgen

Designing Collaborative Intelligence Systems for Employee-AI Service Co-Production

Journal of Service Research


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

How tech companies advance sustainability through artificial intelligence: Developing and evaluating an AI x Sustainability strategy framework

Industrial Marketing Management


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Kristof Coussement
Kristof Coussement

H-Index: 20

Sustainability in Service Research

SMR-Journal of Service Management Research


A relational perspective on supervisor‐initiated turnover: Implications for human resource management based on a multi‐method investigation of leader–member exchange relationships

Human Resource Management


Laura Becker
Laura Becker

H-Index: 4

Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

How can customers cope with cognitive demands of professional services? The role of employee coping support

Psychology & Marketing


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Does It Pay Off? Brand Knowledge Dissemination and Its Effects on Corporate Brand Pride, Brand-and Service Behaviour of Frontline Personnel

International Business Research


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

No Benefits for Paradox Personalities? Narcissism and Humility in New Work Careers

mrev management revue


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Uncovering the complexities of remote leadership and the usage of digital tools during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative diary study

German Journal of Human Resource Management


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Customer Participation Stress In Service Encounters: Developing A Customer Participation Demands–Resources Model

SMR-Journal of Service Management Research


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

The digital transformation leadership framework: Conceptual and empirical insights into leadership roles in technology‐driven business environments

Journal of Leadership Studies


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

An imitation game–supervisors’ influence on customer sweethearting

Journal of Services Marketing


Laura Becker
Laura Becker

H-Index: 4

Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Should corporation care about negative brand publicity? Understanding the impact of negative brand publicity on employees' corporate brand pride

Journal of Business Strategies


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Leadership in innovation communities: The impact of transformational leadership language on member participation

Journal of Product Innovation Management


How to take employees on the digital transformation journey: An experimental study on complementary leadership behaviors in managing organizational change

Journal of Business Research


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Digital Leadership in Zeiten von digitaler Transformation und Krise

Handbuch Digitalisierung


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

“The more, the merrier?” – A Systematic Review of the Effects of Technology-Induced Employee Transparency on Frontline Service Employees

Journal of Service Management Research


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Corporate brand experience as a new construct and its effects on employees’ corporate brand pride and brand-supporting behaviours

International Journal of Business and Management


Philipp Egeler
Philipp Egeler

H-Index: 1

Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Value Co-Creation and Co-Destruction in Health Care: Analyzing Citizenship and Dysfunctional Patient Behavior in Nurse-Patient Encounters

SMR-Journal of Service Management Research


Jennifer Hendricks
Jennifer Hendricks

H-Index: 8

Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Effective coping strategies for stressed frontline employees in service occupations: outcomes and drivers

The Service Industries Journal


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

Don’t jump on the bandwagon: Negative effects of Sharewashing

Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research


Marion Büttgen
Marion Büttgen

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Marion Büttgen University(Universität Hohenheim)

