Ho Kwong Kwan

About Ho Kwong Kwan

Ho Kwong Kwan, With an exceptional h-index of 45 and a recent h-index of 40 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at China Europe International Business School, specializes in the field of Leadership, mentoring, deviant behavior, work-family interface.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Are humorous frontline employees hotels’ secret weapons? Investigating when and why employee sense of humor promotes service performance

Power distance orientation alleviates the beneficial effects of empowering leadership on actors’ work engagement via negative affect and sleep quality

Green knowledge management: A key driver of green technology innovation and sustainable performance in the construction organizations

Dealing with negative mentoring experiences: the roles of ‘can‐do’and ‘reason‐to’factors

The nexus between high-involvement work practices and employees’ proactive behavior in public service organizations: a time-lagged moderated-mediation model

Workplace ostracism and family social support: a moderated mediation model of personal reputation

Perceived organizational exploitation and organizational citizenship behavior: a social identity perspective

Why and when job insecurity hinders employees’ taking charge behavior: The role of flexibility and work-based self-esteem

Ho Kwong Kwan Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ho Kwong Kwan Skills & Research Interests



deviant behavior

work-family interface

Top articles of Ho Kwong Kwan

Are humorous frontline employees hotels’ secret weapons? Investigating when and why employee sense of humor promotes service performance

International Journal of Hospitality Management


Xinyu Liu
Xinyu Liu

H-Index: 6

Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Power distance orientation alleviates the beneficial effects of empowering leadership on actors’ work engagement via negative affect and sleep quality

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Yang Chen
Yang Chen

H-Index: 25

Green knowledge management: A key driver of green technology innovation and sustainable performance in the construction organizations

Journal of Innovation & Knowledge


Ali Nawaz Khan
Ali Nawaz Khan

H-Index: 15

Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Dealing with negative mentoring experiences: the roles of ‘can‐do’and ‘reason‐to’factors

Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Yingying Zhang
Yingying Zhang

H-Index: 10

The nexus between high-involvement work practices and employees’ proactive behavior in public service organizations: a time-lagged moderated-mediation model

Psychology Research and Behavior Management


Workplace ostracism and family social support: a moderated mediation model of personal reputation

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Perceived organizational exploitation and organizational citizenship behavior: a social identity perspective

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Xinyu Liu
Xinyu Liu

H-Index: 6

Why and when job insecurity hinders employees’ taking charge behavior: The role of flexibility and work-based self-esteem

Economic and Industrial Democracy


Rebellion under exploitation: How and when exploitative leadership evokes employees’ workplace deviance

Journal of Business Ethics


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

The antecedents of moral identity: A meta-analytic review

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Effects of sexual harassment on work–family enrichment: The roles of organization-based self-esteem and Polychronicity

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

The antecedents and consequences of workplace envy: A meta-analytic review

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Why do they slack off in teamwork? Understanding frontline hospitality employees’ social loafing when faced with exploitative leadership

International Journal of Hospitality Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Putting customer service at risk: Why and when family ostracism relates to customer-oriented behaviors

International Journal of Hospitality Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

The impact of exploitative leadership on hospitality employees’ proactive customer service performance: A self-determination perspective

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Is behaving unethically for organizations a mixed blessing? A dual-pathway model for the work-to-family spillover effects of unethical pro-organizational behavior

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

CEO self-monitoring and corporate entrepreneurship: a moderated mediation model of the CEO-TMT interface

Journal of Management


The need to belong: how to reduce workplace ostracism: 归属感的需求: 如何减少职场排斥

The Service Industries Journal


Exploitative leadership and service sabotage

Annals of Tourism Research


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Carry the past into the future: the effects of CEO temporal focus on succession planning in family firms

Asia Pacific Journal of Management


Ho Kwong Kwan
Ho Kwong Kwan

H-Index: 32

Bin Ma
Bin Ma

H-Index: 2

See List of Professors in Ho Kwong Kwan University(China Europe International Business School)

