Demian Szyld

Demian Szyld

Harvard University

H-index: 24

North America-United States

About Demian Szyld

Demian Szyld, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harvard University, specializes in the field of Simulation, Emergency Medicine, Faculty Development.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Evolution of Leadership Mental Models of Final Year Medical and Nursing Students: A Mixed-Methods, Simulation-Based Team Training Study

I like what you are saying, but only if i feel safe: Psychological safety moderates the relationship between voice and perceived contribution to healthcare team effectiveness

Teaching, coaching, or debriefing With Good Judgment: a roadmap for implementing “With Good Judgment” across the SimZones

Accreditation of simulation fellowships and training programs: more checkboxes or elevating the field?

Critical event debriefing: a checklist for the aftermath

Clinical debriefing: TALK© to learn and improve together in healthcare environments

El debriefing clínico, retos y oportunidades en el ámbito asistencial; aprendizaje en la reflexión colectiva para mejorar los sistemas sanitarios y la colaboración interprofesional

Clinical debriefing, challenges and opportunities in healthcare; learning in collective reflection to improve healthcare systems and interprofessional collaboration

Demian Szyld Information



Center for Medical Simulation, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Demian Szyld Skills & Research Interests


Emergency Medicine

Faculty Development

Top articles of Demian Szyld

Evolution of Leadership Mental Models of Final Year Medical and Nursing Students: A Mixed-Methods, Simulation-Based Team Training Study


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

I like what you are saying, but only if i feel safe: Psychological safety moderates the relationship between voice and perceived contribution to healthcare team effectiveness

Frontiers in Psychology


Mona Weiss
Mona Weiss

H-Index: 12

Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Teaching, coaching, or debriefing With Good Judgment: a roadmap for implementing “With Good Judgment” across the SimZones

Advances in Simulation


Kate J Morse
Kate J Morse

H-Index: 6

Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Accreditation of simulation fellowships and training programs: more checkboxes or elevating the field?


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Critical event debriefing: a checklist for the aftermath


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Clinical debriefing: TALK© to learn and improve together in healthcare environments


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

El debriefing clínico, retos y oportunidades en el ámbito asistencial; aprendizaje en la reflexión colectiva para mejorar los sistemas sanitarios y la colaboración interprofesional

Simulacion Clinica


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Clinical debriefing, challenges and opportunities in healthcare; learning in collective reflection to improve healthcare systems and interprofessional collaboration


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Clinical debriefing during the COVID-19 pandemic: hurdles and opportunities for healthcare teams

Advances in Simulation


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Implementing clinical debriefing programmes

Emergency Medicine Journal


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Self-directed video versus instructor-based neonatal resuscitation training: a randomized controlled blinded non-inferiority multicenter international study

Journal of Perinatology


Le soutien aux étudiants des professions de santé par le débriefing clinique à distance: développement et résultats préliminaires du DISCERN-STUDENT


Quand le débriefing clinique à distance soutient les étudiants des professions de santé: développement et résultats préliminaires du DISCERN-STUDENT.


Paul Mullan
Paul Mullan

H-Index: 1

Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Debriefing in the Clinical Environment: before, during and after COVID-19


Implementing faculty development programs: Moving from theory to practice


Marc Auerbach
Marc Auerbach

H-Index: 26

Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Development and implementation of an end-of-shift clinical debriefing method for emergency departments during COVID-19

Advances in Simulation


Paul Mullan
Paul Mullan

H-Index: 1

Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Real-time debriefing after critical events: exploring the gap between principle and reality


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

COVID-19 crisis, safe reopening of simulation centres and the new normal: food for thought

Advances in Simulation


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

“Circle Up”: Workflow adaptation and psychological support via briefing, debriefing, and peer support


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

Bolstering clinician resilience through an interprofessional, web-based nightly debriefing program for emergency departments during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of interprofessional care


Demian Szyld
Demian Szyld

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Demian Szyld University(Harvard University)

