Christopher C Caudill

Christopher C Caudill

University of Idaho

H-index: 38

North America-United States

About Christopher C Caudill

Christopher C Caudill, With an exceptional h-index of 38 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Idaho, specializes in the field of Migration, aquatic ecology, spatial ecology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

How does extreme point sampling affect non-extreme simulation in geographical random forest?

Glaciers, snow, and rain: Water source influences invertebrate community structure and secondary production across a hydrologically diverse subarctic landscape

Simulating plasticity as a framework for understanding habitat selection and its role in adaptive capacity and extinction risk through an expansion of CDMetaPOP

Prespawn Mortality of Spring Chinook Salmon in Three Willamette River Populations

Whole genome resequencing identifies local adaptation associated with environmental variation for redband trout

Does Invertebrate Drift Vary Spatially within a Stream and Affect Food Availability for Salmonid Fishes?

Do Channel Characteristics and Local Hydraulics Predict the Concentration of Invertebrate Prey Available to Salmon and Trout in Streams?

Providing refuges for adult Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus inside fishways

Christopher C Caudill Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Christopher C Caudill Skills & Research Interests


aquatic ecology

spatial ecology

Top articles of Christopher C Caudill

How does extreme point sampling affect non-extreme simulation in geographical random forest?

Earth Science Informatics


Glaciers, snow, and rain: Water source influences invertebrate community structure and secondary production across a hydrologically diverse subarctic landscape

Limnology and Oceanography


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Simulating plasticity as a framework for understanding habitat selection and its role in adaptive capacity and extinction risk through an expansion of CDMetaPOP

Molecular Ecology Resources


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Prespawn Mortality of Spring Chinook Salmon in Three Willamette River Populations

North American Journal of Fisheries Management


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Whole genome resequencing identifies local adaptation associated with environmental variation for redband trout

Molecular Ecology


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Zhongqi Chen
Zhongqi Chen

H-Index: 6

Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Does Invertebrate Drift Vary Spatially within a Stream and Affect Food Availability for Salmonid Fishes?


Do Channel Characteristics and Local Hydraulics Predict the Concentration of Invertebrate Prey Available to Salmon and Trout in Streams?


Providing refuges for adult Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus inside fishways

Aquaculture and Fisheries


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Pacific Lamprey drag force modeling to optimize fishway design

Journal of Ecohydraulics


Ralph Budwig
Ralph Budwig

H-Index: 11

Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Evaluating the Influence of Beaver Ponds on Nonnative Brook Trout in Idaho Streams Using Species Distribution Models


Measuring Drift Density in Streams to Understand Invertebrate Food Availability for Redband Trout


Fish carcasses alter subyearling Chinook salmon dispersal behavior and density but not growth in experimental mesocosms



Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Technical fishway passage structures provide high passage efficiency and effective passage for adult Pacific salmonids at eight large dams

PloS one


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Modeling tree canopy height using machine learning over mixed vegetation landscapes

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation


Overwintering distribution and postspawn survival of steelhead in the upper Columbia river basin

North American Journal of Fisheries Management


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Building a bridge between adaptive capacity and adaptive potential to understand responses to environmental change


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

David Griffith
David Griffith

H-Index: 1

Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Elevated stream temperature, origin, and individual size influence Chinook salmon prespawn mortality across the Columbia River Basin

Fisheries Research


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

A biologically based measure of turbulence intensity for predicting fish passage behaviours

Journal of Ecohydraulics


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Daniele Tonina
Daniele Tonina

H-Index: 27

Genomic islands of divergence infer a phenotypic landscape in Pacific lamprey

Molecular ecology


Factors affecting the fate of Pacific lamprey carcasses and resource transport to riparian and stream macrohabitats

Freshwater Biology


Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Christopher C Caudill University(University of Idaho)

