Travis Seaborn

Travis Seaborn

University of Idaho

H-index: 10

North America-United States

About Travis Seaborn

Travis Seaborn, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 9 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Idaho, specializes in the field of landscape ecology/genetics, species' ranges, ecological modelling.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Using social‐ecological models to explore stream connectivity outcomes for stakeholders and Yellowstone cutthroat trout

Using decision analysis to determine the feasibility of a conservation translocation

Genetic Distinctness and Diversity of American Aberdeen Cattle Compared to Common Beef Breeds in the United States

Individual-Based Models for Incorporating Landscape Processes in the Conservation and Management of Aquatic Systems

Simulating plasticity as a framework for understanding habitat selection and its role in adaptive capacity and extinction risk through an expansion of CDMetaPOP

Whole genome resequencing identifies local adaptation associated with environmental variation for redband trout

Using riverscape genetics to investigate the genetic response of two species and their life-history forms to dam removal

Using RAD Sequencing and Bioinformatics to Quantify the Frequency and Dynamics of Hybridization of Yellowstone Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout in the Teton River Basin

Travis Seaborn Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Travis Seaborn Skills & Research Interests

landscape ecology/genetics

species' ranges

ecological modelling

Top articles of Travis Seaborn

Using social‐ecological models to explore stream connectivity outcomes for stakeholders and Yellowstone cutthroat trout

Ecological Applications


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Morey Burnham
Morey Burnham

H-Index: 14

Using decision analysis to determine the feasibility of a conservation translocation

Decision Analysis


Genetic Distinctness and Diversity of American Aberdeen Cattle Compared to Common Beef Breeds in the United States



Individual-Based Models for Incorporating Landscape Processes in the Conservation and Management of Aquatic Systems


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Rongsong Liu
Rongsong Liu

H-Index: 12

Simulating plasticity as a framework for understanding habitat selection and its role in adaptive capacity and extinction risk through an expansion of CDMetaPOP

Molecular Ecology Resources


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Christopher C Caudill
Christopher C Caudill

H-Index: 22

Whole genome resequencing identifies local adaptation associated with environmental variation for redband trout

Molecular Ecology


Using riverscape genetics to investigate the genetic response of two species and their life-history forms to dam removal

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Alexandra K Fraik
Alexandra K Fraik

H-Index: 6

Using RAD Sequencing and Bioinformatics to Quantify the Frequency and Dynamics of Hybridization of Yellowstone Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout in the Teton River Basin


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Applying genomics in assisted migration under climate change: Framework, empirical applications, and case studies


Zhongqi Chen
Zhongqi Chen

H-Index: 6

Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Influence of environmental conditions at spawning sites and migration routes on adaptive variation and population connectivity in Chinook salmon

Ecology and Evolution


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Modeling tree canopy height using machine learning over mixed vegetation landscapes

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation


Building a bridge between adaptive capacity and adaptive potential to understand responses to environmental change


Integrating genomics in population models to forecast translocation success


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Ecological adaptation drives wood frog population divergence in life history traits



Emily H Le Sage
Emily H Le Sage

H-Index: 5

Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Drivers of distributions and niches of North American cold‐adapted amphibians: evaluating both climate and land use

Ecological Applications


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Evaluating the Influence of Beaver Ponds on Nonnative Brook Trout in Idaho Streams Using Species Distribution Models


Integrating genetics and metapopulation viability analysis to inform translocation efforts for the last Northern Leopard Frog population in Washington State, USA

Journal of Herpetology


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Designing environmental DNA surveys in complex aquatic systems: Backpack sampling for rare amphibians in Sierra Nevada meadows

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems


Travis Seaborn
Travis Seaborn

H-Index: 4

Integration of dispersal data into distribution modeling: what have we done and what



See List of Professors in Travis Seaborn University(University of Idaho)