LinkedIn is currently the largest and one of the most popular social media platforms. At the same time, with more than a billion users, this social network is the only place designed to find a job. In fact, this aspect of LinkedIn is often the first thing that draws people to this platform.

To message someone on LinkedIn about a job opportunity, start by introducing yourself briefly and expressing your interest in the role. Mention where you came across the job posting and why you believe you're a strong fit. Highlight a few key qualifications or experiences that align with the job requirements. Politely inquire about the next steps in the application process or express your eagerness to discuss the opportunity further. Keep the message concise, professional, and focused on how you can add value to the company. Personalizing the message and showcasing your enthusiasm for the position can increase the likelihood of a positive response.
How to Message Someone on LinkedIn about a Job?

That’s why many people ask how to message someone on LinkedIn for a job. I mean, this message can determine whether you will get invited for an interview for a suitable job or not. That’s why I decided to write a comprehensive guide about it. So, keep reading.

How to Message Someone on LinkedIn about a Job?

Messages sent on LinkedIn about a job posting can be very important. Honestly, recruiters are very busy people. They may receive dozens and in some cases hundreds of messages a day. That’s why you should write your message about a job in such a way that it stands out among other messages and can attract their attention.

How to Message Someone on LinkedIn about a Job

If you want to connect with someone on LinkedIn about a job, there are a few key things to keep in mind to make sure your message is effective and professional.

1. Do your research

Before you even think about posting a LinkedIn message about a job, it’s important to do your research. This means taking some time to learn about the company and the person you’re contacting.

To learn more about the company’s mission, values, and current projects, visit the company’s website. Look at the person’s LinkedIn profile to see what kind of experience they have, where they’ve worked in the past, and what their current role is. This will help you craft a message that matches their specific experience and interests. You might even find out that they are your alumni, who knows?

2. Personalize your message

One of the most important things you can do when messaging someone on LinkedIn about a job is to personalize your message. This means that instead of sending a generic message that can be sent to anyone, take the time to tailor your message to the person you are contacting.

Begin by addressing the person by name and mentioning something specific about their experience or background that caught your attention. For example, you might say something like, “Hi John, I came across your profile and was impressed with your project management experience.”

Personalize your message

3. be clear about your intentions

When posting on LinkedIn about a job, it’s important to be clear about your goals. Let the person know that you are interested in learning more about the company and the role and hope to explore potential career opportunities.

This will help set the tone for your conversation and ensure that the person understands why you are reaching out. For example, you might say something like, “I’m calling because I’m interested in learning more about the Marketing Manager role at UH One Company.”

4. Highlight your relevant experience

When posting on LinkedIn about a job, it’s important to highlight your relevant experience. This means mentioning your skills and qualifications that make you a good fit for the role you are interested in.

Make sure to provide concrete examples of your experience, such as specific projects you’ve worked on or achievements you’ve achieved in previous roles.

For example, you might say something like, “In my current role at CUFinder, I had the opportunity to lead a successful marketing campaign that resulted in a 25 percent increase in sales.”

Highlight your relevant experience

5. Keep your message brief

When messaging someone on LinkedIn about a job, it’s important to keep your message brief. You want to provide enough information to attract the person’s interest and start a conversation, but you don’t want to overwhelm them with too much information.

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Stick to the most important details and keep your message to a few paragraphs at most. For example, you might say something like: “I have 5 years of experience in marketing, and I am specifically interested in the role of Marketing Manager at TGU Company. I would like to know more about the role and how my skills and experience can contribute to the company’s success.”

6. Follow up

If you haven’t heard back from the person you messaged after a few days, it’s okay to follow up. Send a polite message reminding them of your initial message and expressing your continued interest in the company and the role.

Keep in mind that people are often busy, so they may not have time to respond yet. For example, you might say something like, “Hi John, I wanted to follow up on my message from last week. I’m still very interested in learning more about the SEO manager role at Co.Star. And I’d love to chat more about the situation with you.”

Keep your message brief

7. be professional

Above all, it’s important to be professional when messaging someone on LinkedIn about a job. This means using proper grammar and spelling and avoiding slang or overly casual language.

You want to present yourself as a serious candidate who is interested in a career opportunity, so make sure your message reflects that. For example, you might say something like, “Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.”

Let us see an example, alright?

“Hi John,

I came across your LinkedIn profile and was impressed with your project management experience. I am calling because I would like to find out more about the Marketing Manager role at DUM Company. I have 3 years of experience in marketing and am very interested in what your company is doing in the digital marketing space.

Sample LinkedIn Message to Hiring Manager

Let us take a look at some samples of LinkedIn messages to hiring managers, Ok?

Sample LinkedIn Message to Hiring Manager

Sample message 1:

Subject: Interested in [job title] position at [company name]

Hello [Hiring Manager Name],

I came across your LinkedIn profile and was excited to hear that you are currently hiring for the [job title] position at [company name]. I am very interested in this opportunity and believe that my skills and experience can make me suitable for this role.

In my current role at [current company], I have gained extensive experience in [relevant skill or experience]. I am confident that I can bring this experience and passion for [industry or skill] to the [company name] team.

I would like the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and learn more about the [job title] position at [company name]. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

With respect,

[Your Name]
LinkedIn Message to Hiring Manager

Sample message 2:

Subject: [Your Name]: A strong candidate for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]

Hello [Hiring Manager Name],

I hope you are doing well when you read this message. I came across your LinkedIn profile and was impressed with your experience at [Company Name]. I’m messaging today because I’m interested in the [job title] position at [company name].

I have [number of years] years of experience in [relevant skill or industry], and I am confident that my experience and skills make me a strong candidate for the [job title] position at [company name]. In particular, I have experience in [specific skill or experience] that I believe would be valuable to the [company name] team.

I would like the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications and learn more about the [job title] position at [company name]. Please let me know if you are available to chat further.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]
LinkedIn Message to Hiring Manager

Sample Message to Recruiter on LinkedIn for Job

And some samples for messaging recruiters on LinkedIn for jobs:

Sample message 1:

Subject: Interested in opportunities in [industry/career function]

Hi [recruiter name],

I hope you are doing well when you read this message. you have an impressive profile and I was so impressed seeing your experience at [specific industry/job function]. I am calling today because I am interested in exploring new opportunities in this field.

I have [number of years] years of experience in [specific job function/industry], and I am confident that my skills and experience will make me a valuable asset to any organization.

In my current role at [current company], I have gained experience in [specific skills or achievements], which are relevant to many organizations in the [industry/job performance] space.

If you have any opportunities that you think might be a good fit for my background and experience, I’d love to learn more. Please let me know if we can connect and discuss further.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

With respect,

[Your Name]
Sample Message to Recruiter on LinkedIn for Job

Sample message 2:

Subject: [Your Name]: Potential Candidate for [Industry/Job Function] Roles

Hi [recruiter name],

How are you? I recently have seen your profile and let me tell you that your experience in [specific industry/job function]is so impressive.

I am contacting you today because I am interested in exploring new opportunities in this field and believe that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for [industry/job function] roles.

I have [number of] years of experience in [specific industry/job function], and I am confident that my skills and experience would be valuable to any organization in this space. Specifically, I have experience in [specific skills or achievements] that I believe are relevant to many organizations in the [industry/job function] space.

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If you have any opportunities that you think might be a good fit for my background and experience, I’d love to learn more. Please let me know if we can connect and discuss further.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

With respect,

[Your Name]

How to Reach Out To Someone on LinkedIn about a Job Sample?

I spoke from the job seekers’ point of view. But what if you are a recruiter or hiring manager in a company and you want to send a message to a suitable candidate about their work sample? how should you do this?

Whether it’s a project, essay, or presentation, a portfolio can be a valuable resource for learning and professional development. Here are some tips on how to effectively communicate with someone on LinkedIn about their portfolio.

How to Reach Out To Someone on LinkedIn about a Job Sample?

Start by doing your research first. Take the time to read and understand the portfolio you are interested in. This will help you ask informed questions and show your genuine interest in the candidate.

You should also research the person who created the portfolio and learn more about their background and experience. This will help you tailor your message and show that you’ve taken the time to understand their work and their perspective.

Next, personalize a message that clearly shows your interest in the portfolio. Be specific about what you liked about the work and what you hope to learn from the person who created it.

This could include asking questions about their approach, methodology, or experience. It’s important to respect the person’s time, so keep your message brief and to the point.

How to Reach Out To Someone on LinkedIn about a Job Sample

When contacting someone on LinkedIn, it’s important to be professional and polite. Start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself briefly. Be clear about why you want to contact them and what you hope to gain from the conversation. You might suggest a time to chat or ask for their email address to discuss the project further.

Reaching out to someone on LinkedIn about their portfolio can be a powerful networking tool. Networking on LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for connecting with professionals in your industry.

Reaching out to someone on LinkedIn about their portfolio can be a powerful networking tool.

To effectively communicate with someone about their portfolio, it’s essential to do your research, personalize your message, and follow up after the initial message.

By implementing these strategies, you can make meaningful connections and gain valuable insights from others in your field. With these tips in mind, you can unlock the power of networking on LinkedIn and take your professional development to the next level.

LinkedIn Message Examples for Job Seekers

Since this is a very crucial matter to make people notice you and your message when you are looking for a job, here are some real-life examples.

LinkedIn Message Examples for Job Seekers

1. Message to a recruiter:

Subject: Interested in Marketing Manager Opening at OpenDoor Company

Hello Sarah,

I hope this message finds you well. I came across your profile on LinkedIn and was impressed by your experience working with marketing professionals. I am reaching out today because I am interested in exploring new opportunities as a Marketing Manager, and I believe that my skills and experience would make me a strong candidate for the Marketing Manager opening at OpenDoor.

I have seven years of experience in marketing, and I am confident that my skills and experience would be valuable to any organization in this space. In particular, I have experience in developing and executing marketing campaigns that have delivered significant growth in customer acquisition and engagement.

I would love to learn more if you have any opportunities that you think might be a good fit for my background and experience. Please let me know if we can connect and discuss further.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Message to a recruiter

2. Message to a Hiring Manager:

Subject: Application for Software Engineer at Youtube Company

Hello Jennifer,

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across the Software Engineer opening at LU Motors and was impressed by the work that your team is doing. As a highly experienced software engineer, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my skills and experience to your organization.

I have ten years of experience in software engineering, and I am confident that my skills and experience would be valuable to Youtube. In particular, I have experience in developing scalable and high-performance software applications that have provided significant value to users.

Please find attached my resume and cover letter for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further, and I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Message to a Hiring Manager

3. Message to a Connection:

Subject: Reaching out for Career Advice

Hello Emily,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out today because I am currently exploring new career opportunities and would greatly appreciate your advice and guidance.

I have been following your work on LinkedIn and have been impressed by your expertise in project management. As someone who has had success in this area, I would love to hear your insights on the current job market and any advice you may have on how I can position myself for success.

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If you have any time in the coming weeks to chat, I would appreciate the opportunity to connect with you and discuss my career goals further.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Final Thoughts

Connecting professionally with people on LinkedIn is an excellent way to discover new opportunities and advance your career. Reaching out to employees at companies you want to work for can introduce you to possible openings and expand your network.

Start by targeting people you share connections or common ground with like school, previous workplaces, or mutual connections. Search by company name and job titles of people you might have something in common with.

Tailor a brief, straightforward message that mentions any shared background, your interest in the company, and the type of role you seek. Briefly explain why you are contacting them and what kind of role or information you hope to gain from them.

Keep it under 100-120 words and end with a question to gauge their interest and willingness to help. In the subject line, briefly mention your name and any connection you share to increase the chances of a response. Mention an achievement or post of theirs that caught your attention to show you took the time to learn about them before reaching out.

Send a short follow-up message after a few days if needed, reiterating your interest in the company. Thank the person for any time or guidance they provide whether or not it leads to an interview. By personalizing thoughtful yet concise messages to the right people, you can tap into hidden opportunities and potentially find your ideal job.

When messaging someone on LinkedIn about a job opportunity, it’s crucial to approach the conversation thoughtfully and professionally. If you’re not already connected, consider sending a personalized connection request first, explaining your intention and expressing your gratitude for the potential connection. Once connected, craft a message that conveys your interest in the job and your enthusiasm for the company. You can use templates as a starting point, tailoring them to the specific job and individual. For instance, you might thank a recruiter for their work in identifying potential matches or inquire if they are currently seeking candidates for a specific role. Mention any relevant experience and skills you possess that align with the job’s requirements. Be concise and clear in your communication, and avoid generic messages. Leveraging LinkedIn’s features, such as InMail or LinkedIn Premium, can provide you with additional tools for effective prospecting and outreach. By sending thoughtful messages that demonstrate your genuine interest and qualifications, you increase your chances of making a positive impression and initiating a meaningful conversation about the job opportunity.


How to message someone on LinkedIn after applying for a job?

Go to their profile and send them a message. Remember that you should be in their first-degree connections for that.

Is it OK to message someone on LinkedIn about a job?

Sure, it is a way to get them to notice you. But please do not spam them with your message.

How do you message professionally on LinkedIn?

Message professionally on LinkedIn by being clear, concise, respectful, personalizing, highlighting skills, and proofreading.

What to say to connect with someone on LinkedIn about a job?

To connect with someone on LinkedIn about a job, introduce yourself, express your interest in the position, and highlight your relevant skills and experience briefly. Ask if they would be open to discussing the opportunity further.

How should I message someone on LinkedIn about a job?

When messaging someone on LinkedIn about a job, start with a proper introduction, mentioning any common connections or shared experiences. Clearly state your interest in the specific role at their company and briefly highlight how your qualifications or experience align with the position. Conclude by expressing gratitude for their time and a hope for further discussion. Example: “Hi [Name], I noticed we both attended [University/Event]. I’m very interested in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With my background in [Specific Experience], I believe I could bring value. Thank you for considering, and I’d love to discuss more.”

How do you message someone about their job?

When reaching out to someone about their job, start by introducing yourself and stating the reason for your interest. It’s helpful to mention any mutual connections or interests. Ask open-ended questions about their experience and role. Conclude by thanking them for their time. Example: “Hello [Name], I’m [Your Name], and I’ve been keenly interested in the [Specific Role/Field]. Since you’re currently working as [Job Title] at [Company Name], could you share a bit about your experience? I’d genuinely appreciate any insights. Thanks for your time!”

How do you politely message someone on LinkedIn?

To message someone politely on LinkedIn, begin with a friendly greeting. Introduce yourself briefly, stating any mutual connections or shared interests to establish common ground. Be concise and respectful in your request or reason for reaching out, ensuring that your message doesn’t feel too imposing. Finish by expressing gratitude for their time. Example: “Hi [Name], I’m [Your Name]. We both know [Mutual Connection] and share an interest in [Common Interest]. I wanted to reach out because [Reason]. Thanks for considering, and I appreciate your time!”

How do you ask someone for a job opportunity?

When asking someone for a job opportunity, it’s essential to be both professional and respectful. Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you’re reaching out. Highlight your qualifications and experiences relevant to the desired role or industry, and express genuine enthusiasm. Conclude by expressing your hope for potential opportunities and thanking them for their time. Example: “Hello [Name], I’m [Your Name], and I’ve always admired the work done at [Company Name]. With my experience in [Specific Field], I’m keen on exploring opportunities to contribute. If there are any openings or roles you feel might be a good fit, I’d love to discuss. Thank you for considering!”

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