Thomas Halfmann

About Thomas Halfmann

Thomas Halfmann, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 19 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Technische Universität Darmstadt, specializes in the field of quantum optics, nonlinear optics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Detection of HCl molecules by resonantly enhanced sum-frequency mixing of mid-and near-infrared laser pulses

Confining atomic populations in space via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a doped solid

Spatially strongly confined atomic excitation via a two dimensional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Few-photon storage on a second timescale by electromagnetically induced transparency in a doped solid

Ultrabright and narrowband intra-fiber biphoton source at ultralow pump power

Optical parametric oscillator and amplifier providing tunable, narrowband nanosecond laser pulses in the mid-infrared with mJ pulse energy

Loading and spatially resolved characterization of a cold atomic ensemble inside a hollow-core fiber

Statistical evaluation of geo-referenced indicators for the design of electric drives

Thomas Halfmann Information



Institute of Applied Physics



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Thomas Halfmann Skills & Research Interests

quantum optics

nonlinear optics

Top articles of Thomas Halfmann

Detection of HCl molecules by resonantly enhanced sum-frequency mixing of mid-and near-infrared laser pulses

Physical Review A


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Confining atomic populations in space via stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a doped solid

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Spatially strongly confined atomic excitation via a two dimensional stimulated Raman adiabatic passage

Optics express


Few-photon storage on a second timescale by electromagnetically induced transparency in a doped solid

New Journal of Physics


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Ultrabright and narrowband intra-fiber biphoton source at ultralow pump power

Quantum Science and Technology


Chia-Yu Hsu
Chia-Yu Hsu

H-Index: 14

Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Optical parametric oscillator and amplifier providing tunable, narrowband nanosecond laser pulses in the mid-infrared with mJ pulse energy

Applied Physics B


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Loading and spatially resolved characterization of a cold atomic ensemble inside a hollow-core fiber

Physical Review A


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Statistical evaluation of geo-referenced indicators for the design of electric drives


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Frequency up-conversion of intense, ultrashort laser pulses at maximal atomic coherence

Physical Review A


Fabian Cipura
Fabian Cipura

H-Index: 1

Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Single-photon-level narrowband memory in a hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber

Optics Express


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Third harmonic generation and microscopy, enhanced by a bias harmonic field

Optics Communications


Kaloyan Zlatanov
Kaloyan Zlatanov

H-Index: 4

Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

Universal composite pulses for efficient population inversion with an arbitrary excitation profile

Physical Review A


Thomas Halfmann
Thomas Halfmann

H-Index: 21

See List of Professors in Thomas Halfmann University(Technische Universität Darmstadt)