Simon Dymond

Simon Dymond

Swansea University

H-index: 45

Europe-United Kingdom

About Simon Dymond

Simon Dymond, With an exceptional h-index of 45 and a recent h-index of 29 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Swansea University, specializes in the field of Behaviour analysis and experimental psychopathology, avoidance learning, disordered gambling..

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

‘No evidence of harm’implies no evidence of safety: Framing the lack of causal evidence in gambling advertising research

Avoidance Extinction in Equivalence Classes

Far from the threatening crowd: Generalisation of conditioned threat expectancy and fear in COVID-19 lockdown

Anxiety, distress tolerance, and the relationship between complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and alcohol use in veterans

The Influence of Family on Gambling Behaviors: A Scoping Review

Acceptance and commitment therapy for co-occurring gambling disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans: a narrative review

Tracking online searches for gambling activities and operators in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Google Trends™ analysis

Digital Therapeutic Intervention for Women in the UK Armed Forces Who Consume Alcohol at a Hazardous or Harmful Level: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

Simon Dymond Information



& Reykjavik University



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Simon Dymond Skills & Research Interests

Behaviour analysis and experimental psychopathology

avoidance learning

disordered gambling.

Top articles of Simon Dymond

Avoidance Extinction in Equivalence Classes

The Psychological Record


Paula Debert
Paula Debert

H-Index: 9

Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Far from the threatening crowd: Generalisation of conditioned threat expectancy and fear in COVID-19 lockdown

Learning & Behavior


Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Anxiety, distress tolerance, and the relationship between complex posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and alcohol use in veterans

Journal of Clinical Psychology


The Influence of Family on Gambling Behaviors: A Scoping Review


Acceptance and commitment therapy for co-occurring gambling disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans: a narrative review


Tracking online searches for gambling activities and operators in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic: A Google Trends™ analysis

Journal of Behavioral Addictions


Digital Therapeutic Intervention for Women in the UK Armed Forces Who Consume Alcohol at a Hazardous or Harmful Level: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

JMIR Research Protocols


The ongoing need for NHS gambling harms services in Wales: time to put words into action

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Glen Dighton
Glen Dighton

H-Index: 3

Voluntary Self-Exclusion and Contingency Management for the Treatment of Problematic and Harmful Gambling in the UK: An Exploratory Study



Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Harmful gambling among the military: Risk factors and lived experience.

Journal of Behavioral Addictions


Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Exploring the feasibility of Contingency Management for the treatment of harmful gambling.

Journal of Behavioral Addictions


Lived Experience in Gambling Research: Improving what we do.

Journal of Behavioral Addictions


Steve Sharman
Steve Sharman

H-Index: 11

Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

High stakes. Commentary on the 2023 UK Government White Paper on Gambling Reform


Social and economic costs of gambling problems and related harm among UK military veterans

BMJ Mil Health


ConGam-PS: developing and evaluating a measurement tool of treatment providers’ views about contingency management for gambling

Addiction Research & Theory


Richard May
Richard May

H-Index: 4

Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Working hard to avoid: Fixed-ratio response effort and maladaptive avoidance in humans

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology


Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Michael W Schlund
Michael W Schlund

H-Index: 15

Longitudinal assessment of COVID-19 fear and psychological wellbeing in the United Kingdom

Journal of Health Psychology


Seb Whiteford
Seb Whiteford

H-Index: 1

Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

An Evaluation of the Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Published in Behavior Analysis Journals


Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

Richard May
Richard May

H-Index: 4

Online counterconditioning with COVID-19-relevant stimuli in lockdown: Impact on threat expectancy, fear, and persistent avoidance

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry


Simon Dymond
Simon Dymond

H-Index: 29

See List of Professors in Simon Dymond University(Swansea University)

