Oscar Valiente

Oscar Valiente

University of Glasgow

H-index: 17

Europe-United Kingdom

About Oscar Valiente

Oscar Valiente, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Glasgow, specializes in the field of Education Policy, Comparative Education, International Development, Sociology of Education, Skill Formation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Realising the human development promise in dual VET

Understanding aspirations: why do secondary TVET students aim so high in Chile?

Los resultados PISA-2006 desde la perspectiva de las desigualdades educativas: la comparación entre

An organized anarchy? Understanding the role of German cooperation in the construction and export of the dual training model

Private-led policy transfer: the adoption of sector skills councils in Chile

Institutional, Economic-Material, and Discursive Opportunity Structures Influencing Support and Guidance Policies for Young People in Austria, Finland, and Scotland

Why did India and Mexico adopt dual apprenticeship policies?

Development paradigms in the institutional configuration of vocational education and training in Chile (1964-2005)

Oscar Valiente Information



Senior Lecturer



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Oscar Valiente Skills & Research Interests

Education Policy

Comparative Education

International Development

Sociology of Education

Skill Formation

Top articles of Oscar Valiente

Realising the human development promise in dual VET

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education


Clara Fontdevila
Clara Fontdevila

H-Index: 12

Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Understanding aspirations: why do secondary TVET students aim so high in Chile?

Journal of Vocational Education & Training


Los resultados PISA-2006 desde la perspectiva de las desigualdades educativas: la comparación entre

Revista Española de Pedagogía


An organized anarchy? Understanding the role of German cooperation in the construction and export of the dual training model

International Journal of Training and Development


Private-led policy transfer: the adoption of sector skills councils in Chile

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education


Institutional, Economic-Material, and Discursive Opportunity Structures Influencing Support and Guidance Policies for Young People in Austria, Finland, and Scotland


Why did India and Mexico adopt dual apprenticeship policies?


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Judith Jacovkis
Judith Jacovkis

H-Index: 6

Development paradigms in the institutional configuration of vocational education and training in Chile (1964-2005)

Journal of Vocational Education & Training


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Adrián Zancajo
Adrián Zancajo

H-Index: 13

Regional governance of skill supply and demand: Implications for youth transitions


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Queralt Capsada-Munsech
Queralt Capsada-Munsech

H-Index: 5

WP1 Realist Literature Synthesis


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

WP3. Policy Implementation and Impact. Research Design


Educationalisation of youth unemployment through lifelong learning policies in Europe

European Educational Research Journal


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Queralt Capsada-Munsech
Queralt Capsada-Munsech

H-Index: 5

Sub-national variation of skill formation regimes: a comparative analysis of skill mismatch across 18 European regions

European Education


Queralt Capsada-Munsech
Queralt Capsada-Munsech

H-Index: 5

Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Exploring the OECD survey of adult skills (PIAAC): implications for comparative education research and policy



Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Moosung Lee
Moosung Lee

H-Index: 26

Lifelong learning policies for vulnerable young adults in post-recession Scotland

British Journal of Sociology of Education


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

Queralt Capsada-Munsech
Queralt Capsada-Munsech

H-Index: 5

The coordination of skill supply and demand in the market model of skill formation: testing the assumptions for the case of Chile

International Journal of Lifelong Education


Evaluating dual apprenticeship effects on youth employment: A focus on the mechanisms

Comparative Vocational Education Research: Enduring Challenges and New Ways Forward


Oscar Valiente
Oscar Valiente

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Oscar Valiente University(University of Glasgow)