Paulina Bravo

Paulina Bravo

Cardiff University

H-index: 24

Europe-United Kingdom

About Paulina Bravo

Paulina Bravo, With an exceptional h-index of 24 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Cardiff University, specializes in the field of Health promotion, Patient centredness, Empowerment.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Towards a gendered STEAM education approach: building a comprehensive model to strengthen girls’ and students with non-conforming gender identities’ STEAM trajectories in …

Necesidades y niveles de satisfacción de pacientes con cáncer de mama

Ejercicio docente y buen trato al usuario en el encuentro clínico de enfermería

Decision aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions

Consideraciones éticas para investigaciones con niños, niñas y adolescentes como coinvestigadores, reflexión desde la experiencia chilena

Conceptualization of patient‐centered care in Latin America: A scoping review

Factors influencing the implementation of shared decision-making in breast cancer care: protocol for a mixed-methods study

What is needed to effectively communicate risk during a health crisis? A qualitative study with international experts based on the COVID-19 pandemic

Paulina Bravo Information



Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Paulina Bravo Skills & Research Interests

Health promotion

Patient centredness


Top articles of Paulina Bravo

Towards a gendered STEAM education approach: building a comprehensive model to strengthen girls’ and students with non-conforming gender identities’ STEAM trajectories in …

London Review of Education


Necesidades y niveles de satisfacción de pacientes con cáncer de mama

Revista Médica Clínica Las Condes


Ejercicio docente y buen trato al usuario en el encuentro clínico de enfermería

Educación Médica


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Decision aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews


Consideraciones éticas para investigaciones con niños, niñas y adolescentes como coinvestigadores, reflexión desde la experiencia chilena

Revista Colombiana de Bioética


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Conceptualization of patient‐centered care in Latin America: A scoping review


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Factors influencing the implementation of shared decision-making in breast cancer care: protocol for a mixed-methods study

BMJ open


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

César Sánchez
César Sánchez

H-Index: 4

What is needed to effectively communicate risk during a health crisis? A qualitative study with international experts based on the COVID-19 pandemic

BMJ open


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Cross-cultural adaptation of four instruments to measure stigma towards people with mental illness and substance use problems among primary care professionals in Chile

Transcultural Psychiatry


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Perceived importance and interest in research by Chilean primary care providers

Family Practice


Nature is nonbinary: Gender and sexuality in biology education in chile

WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Reducing stigma toward mental illness and substance use issues in primary health care in Chile: Protocol of a cluster controlled trial study

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Akwatu Khenti
Akwatu Khenti

H-Index: 14

Private-led policy transfer: the adoption of sector skills councils in Chile

Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education


Response to the letter of editor entitled: Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency in healthy infants receiving standard supplementation

Andes Pediatrica: Revista Chilena de Pediatria


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Respuesta carta al editor titulada: Deficiencia e insuficiencia de vitamina D en lactantes sanos recibiendo suplementación estándar

Andes pediatrica


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Participación en el proceso reproductivo: toma de decisiones durante el embarazo y parto

Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

20 years after the start of international Shared Decision-Making activities: Is it time to celebrate? Probably…


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Advancing towards the implementation of patient-centred care in Chile: An opportunity to effectively practice shared decision-making

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Dawn Stacey
Dawn Stacey

H-Index: 43

Methods to collect communities' values and preferences about health systems coverage


Maria Rodriguez
Maria Rodriguez

H-Index: 1

Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency on healthy infants receiving standard supplementation

Andes pediatrica: revista Chilena de pediatria


Paulina Bravo
Paulina Bravo

H-Index: 14

Diego Pérez
Diego Pérez

H-Index: 0

See List of Professors in Paulina Bravo University(Cardiff University)