Oleg Urminsky

Oleg Urminsky

University of Chicago

H-index: 19

North America-United States

About Oleg Urminsky

Oleg Urminsky, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Chicago, specializes in the field of Judgment and Decision Making, Motivation, Intertemporal Choice, Numeric/Statistical Reasoning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Coping With Complexity: A Selective Sampling Account of Consideration Set Formation for Product Bundles

The different roads not taken: Considering diverse foregone alternatives motivates future goal persistence

Blinded versus unblinded review: A field study comparing the equity of peer-review

The Language That Drives Engagement: A Systematic Large-scale Analysis of Headline Experiments.

The Agent’s Impatience: A Self-Other Decision Model of Intertemporal Choices

Impatient to Receive or Impatient to Achieve: How Goal Gradients and Time Discounting Jointly Determine Intertemporal Choice

“If it's labeled, it must be good”: A Mere-Preference Effect of Non-evaluable Claims

We Do What We Are: Representation of the Self-Concept and Identity-Based Choice

Oleg Urminsky Information



Professor Booth School of Business Marketing



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Oleg Urminsky Skills & Research Interests

Judgment and Decision Making


Intertemporal Choice

Numeric/Statistical Reasoning

Top articles of Oleg Urminsky

Coping With Complexity: A Selective Sampling Account of Consideration Set Formation for Product Bundles


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

The different roads not taken: Considering diverse foregone alternatives motivates future goal persistence

Journal of Consumer Psychology


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Blinded versus unblinded review: A field study comparing the equity of peer-review

University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper


The Language That Drives Engagement: A Systematic Large-scale Analysis of Headline Experiments.

Available at SSRN 3770366


Akshina Banerjee
Akshina Banerjee

H-Index: 0

Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

The Agent’s Impatience: A Self-Other Decision Model of Intertemporal Choices

Journal of Marketing Research


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Impatient to Receive or Impatient to Achieve: How Goal Gradients and Time Discounting Jointly Determine Intertemporal Choice

Available at SSRN 4504978


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

“If it's labeled, it must be good”: A Mere-Preference Effect of Non-evaluable Claims


Jiaqi Yu
Jiaqi Yu

H-Index: 6

Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

We Do What We Are: Representation of the Self-Concept and Identity-Based Choice

Journal of Consumer Research


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Jiaqi Yu
Jiaqi Yu

H-Index: 6

Cross-Period Impatience: Subjective Financial Periods Explain Time-Inconsistent Choices

Journal of Consumer Research


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

What you are getting and what you will be getting: Testing whether verb tense affects intertemporal choices.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Akshina Banerjee
Akshina Banerjee

H-Index: 0

Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Why Many Behavioral Interventions Have Unpredictable Effects in the Wild: The Conflicting Consequences Problem

Available at SSRN 4199453


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

What’s left of me?

Experimental philosophy of identity and the self. London, Bloomsbury


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Associations with the Incomprehensible: Foreign Language Increases Authenticity Perceptions and Preferences

Available at SSRN 4149946


Akshina Banerjee
Akshina Banerjee

H-Index: 0

Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Don’t fear the meter: How longer time limits bias managers to prefer hiring with flat fee compensation

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

How personal theories of the self shape beliefs about identity continuity

Becoming Someone New: Essays on Transformative Experience, Choice, and Change


S Chen
S Chen

H-Index: 14

Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

Incomplete grounding: The theory of symbolic separation is contradicted by pervasive stability in attitudes and behavior

Behavioral and Brain Sciences


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

No Substitute for the Real Thing: The Importance of In-Context Field Experiments In Fundraising


Oleg Urminsky
Oleg Urminsky

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Oleg Urminsky University(University of Chicago)

