Nicola Bilstein

About Nicola Bilstein

Nicola Bilstein, With an exceptional h-index of 7 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Bielefeld, specializes in the field of smart products and services, service management, customer participation, service recovery, transformative service research.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Give me your data and I’ll dress you: A two-sided messaging approach to address privacy concerns surrounding in-store technologies

Delivering Transformative Value in a Sustainable Way–The Challenges of Being a Social Entrepreneur

Individualisation and Individualised Science: Integrating Disciplinary Perspectives

Editorial–Special Issue: Managing Smart Services and Smart Service Systems

When Smart Products Become Dumb (Again): Voluntary and Legally Required Service Updates and Their Impact on Consumers’ Purchase Intention

Let me show you how to build this! An experimental study on how augmented reality can further customer participation by decreasing cognitive load

Smart Transformative Services to Defuse Crises? The Meaning of Trust for the Usage of Digital Contact Tracing Apps.

Special issue: Managing smart services and smart service systems

Nicola Bilstein Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Nicola Bilstein Skills & Research Interests

smart products and services

service management

customer participation

service recovery

transformative service research

Top articles of Nicola Bilstein

Give me your data and I’ll dress you: A two-sided messaging approach to address privacy concerns surrounding in-store technologies

Journal of Business Research


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Delivering Transformative Value in a Sustainable Way–The Challenges of Being a Social Entrepreneur


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Individualisation and Individualised Science: Integrating Disciplinary Perspectives


Editorial–Special Issue: Managing Smart Services and Smart Service Systems

SMR-Journal of Service Management Research


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Christian Stummer
Christian Stummer

H-Index: 19

When Smart Products Become Dumb (Again): Voluntary and Legally Required Service Updates and Their Impact on Consumers’ Purchase Intention

SMR-Journal of Service Management Research


Let me show you how to build this! An experimental study on how augmented reality can further customer participation by decreasing cognitive load


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Smart Transformative Services to Defuse Crises? The Meaning of Trust for the Usage of Digital Contact Tracing Apps.

Marketing ZFP-Journal of Research & Management


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Special issue: Managing smart services and smart service systems

Journal of Service Management Research


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Christian Stummer
Christian Stummer

H-Index: 19

May I Come In and Drop Off Your Parcel? An Innovation Resistance Theory Perspective on the Influence of Payment Modalities on Adoption Barriers


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

How Voice Assistants Affect Customer Experience in Online Shopping.

Transfer: Zeitschrift für Kommunikation & Markenmanagement


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Markus Rump
Markus Rump

H-Index: 1

Better together: involving consumers in the ideation, creation and dissemination of transformative value

Journal of Service Management


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Jan Klostermann
Jan Klostermann

H-Index: 1

Interdisciplinary perspectives on individualisation in environments

Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy


Augmented Reality to Ameliorate Customer Participation? An Experimental Study on How the Instruction Form Impacts Customer Participation Outcomes

Proceedings of the 29th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science (RARCS) Conference


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

From third party to significant other for service encounters: a systematic review on third-party roles and their implications

Journal of Service Management


Smart, Smarter, Dumb: Legal Obligation versus Voluntary Commitment to Provide Service Updates and Their Impact on Consumers' Behavioral Intentions


When Social Influence Leads to Trust–Investigating Determinants of Usage Intentions of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Communicating Benefits and Threats? An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Two-Sided Messages for Advertising In-Store Technologies

Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Multidisciplinary perspectives on challenges in managing smart products and services


Nicola Bilstein
Nicola Bilstein

H-Index: 4

Christian Stummer
Christian Stummer

H-Index: 19

Shh!… I Got Help to Become Smart: Should Incumbent Firms Disclose Their Cooperation with a Startup?


From third party to significant other for the service encounter–A systematic literature review


See List of Professors in Nicola Bilstein University(Universität Bielefeld)

