Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

University of Missouri

H-index: 53

North America-United States

About Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

Moshe Naveh-Benjamin, With an exceptional h-index of 53 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Missouri, specializes in the field of Human memory, Memory and aging, Memory and divided attention.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The time course of encoding specific and gist episodic memory representations among young and older adults.

A lifespan study of the confidence-accuracy relation in working memory and episodic long-term memory

Working Memory Limitations Constrain Visual Episodic Long-Term Memory at Both Specific and Gist Levels of Representation

On the Adaptive Reliance on Fuzzy Memory Representations in Adult Aging

Forgetting of specific and gist visual associative episodic memory representations across time

Differential attentional costs of encoding specific and gist episodic memory representations.

The formation of specific and gist associative episodic memory representations during encoding: Effects of rate of presentation.

Adult age-related changes in the specificity of episodic memory representations: A review and theoretical framework.

Moshe Naveh-Benjamin Information



Professor of Psychology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Moshe Naveh-Benjamin Skills & Research Interests

Human memory

Memory and aging

Memory and divided attention

Top articles of Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

The time course of encoding specific and gist episodic memory representations among young and older adults.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

A lifespan study of the confidence-accuracy relation in working memory and episodic long-term memory

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Working Memory Limitations Constrain Visual Episodic Long-Term Memory at Both Specific and Gist Levels of Representation


On the Adaptive Reliance on Fuzzy Memory Representations in Adult Aging


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Forgetting of specific and gist visual associative episodic memory representations across time

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Differential attentional costs of encoding specific and gist episodic memory representations.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

The formation of specific and gist associative episodic memory representations during encoding: Effects of rate of presentation.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Adult age-related changes in the specificity of episodic memory representations: A review and theoretical framework.


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

The roles of attention, executive function and knowledge in cognitive ageing of working memory


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Nelson Cowan
Nelson Cowan

H-Index: 57

Strategic adaptation to dual-task in verbal working memory: Potential routes for theory integration.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition


Item versus source memory: Dissociations in forgetting patterns


The effects of divided attention at encoding on specific and gist-based associative episodic memory

Memory & Cognition


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

The proportion of working memory items recoverable from long-term memory remains fixed despite adult aging.

Psychology and Aging


Effects of divided attention at encoding on specific and gist representations in working and long-term memory

Journal of memory and language


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Adult age differences in specific and gist associative episodic memory across short-and long-term retention intervals.

Psychology and Aging


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Levels of specificity in episodic memory: Insights from response accuracy and subjective confidence ratings in older adults and in younger adults under full or divided attention.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

Online experimentation and sampling in cognitive aging research.

Psychology and Aging


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

“He was the one with the gun!” Associative memory for white and black faces seen with weapons

Cognitive research: principles and implications


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

The effects of divided attention at encoding and at retrieval on multidimensional source memory.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition


Moshe Naveh-Benjamin
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin

H-Index: 29

What affects the magnitude of age-related dual-task costs in working memory? The role of stimulus domain and access to semantic representations

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology


See List of Professors in Moshe Naveh-Benjamin University(University of Missouri)

