Li-Hao Young

About Li-Hao Young

Li-Hao Young, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at China Medical University, specializes in the field of Nanoparticles, Atmospheric visibility, Source apportionment, Diesel exhaust, Aerosol chemistry and nucleation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

An Integrated Approach for Conducting long-term PM2. 5 Exposure and Health Impact Assessments for Residents of a City-scale

Application of artificial intelligence algorithms and low-cost sensors to estimate respirable dust in the workplace

Characterizing PM2. 5 Secondary Aerosols via a Fusion Strategy of Two-stage Positive Matrix Factorization and Robust Regression

Ultrafine particles in urban settings: A combined study of volatility and effective density revealed by VT-DMA-APM

A hybrid model for estimating the number concentration of ultrafine particles based on machine learning algorithms in central Taiwan

Insights to the 3D internal morphology and metal oxidation states of single atmospheric aerosol particles by synchrotron-based methodology

An Integrated Approach to Characterize Temporal–Spatial Variations in PM2. 5 Concentrations at the Ground Level and Its Implication on Health Impact Assessments

Contributions of acidic ions in secondary aerosol to PM2. 5 bioreactivity in an urban area

Li-Hao Young Information



Associate Professor Department of Occupational Safety and Health



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Li-Hao Young Skills & Research Interests


Atmospheric visibility

Source apportionment

Diesel exhaust

Aerosol chemistry and nucleation

Top articles of Li-Hao Young

An Integrated Approach for Conducting long-term PM2. 5 Exposure and Health Impact Assessments for Residents of a City-scale

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Application of artificial intelligence algorithms and low-cost sensors to estimate respirable dust in the workplace

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Characterizing PM2. 5 Secondary Aerosols via a Fusion Strategy of Two-stage Positive Matrix Factorization and Robust Regression

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Ultrafine particles in urban settings: A combined study of volatility and effective density revealed by VT-DMA-APM

Atmospheric Environment


Yu-Ting Chen
Yu-Ting Chen

H-Index: 0

Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

A hybrid model for estimating the number concentration of ultrafine particles based on machine learning algorithms in central Taiwan

Environment International


Wei-Ting Chen
Wei-Ting Chen

H-Index: 13

Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Insights to the 3D internal morphology and metal oxidation states of single atmospheric aerosol particles by synchrotron-based methodology



An Integrated Approach to Characterize Temporal–Spatial Variations in PM2. 5 Concentrations at the Ground Level and Its Implication on Health Impact Assessments

Frontiers in Environmental Science


Contributions of acidic ions in secondary aerosol to PM2. 5 bioreactivity in an urban area

Atmospheric Environment


Elevated emissions of volatile and nonvolatile nanoparticles from heavy-duty diesel engine running on diesel-gas co-fuels

Science of The Total Environment


Sources, transport, and visibility impact of ambient submicrometer particle number size distributions in an urban area of central Taiwan

Science of the Total Environment


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Secondary inorganic aerosol chemistry and its impact on atmospheric visibility over an ammonia-rich urban area in Central Taiwan

Environmental Pollution


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Chemically and temporally resolved oxidative potential of urban fine particulate matter

Environmental Pollution


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Quantifying the impacts of PM2. 5 constituents and relative humidity on visibility impairment in a suburban area of eastern Asia using long-term in-situ measurements

Science of the Total Environment


Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Development of land-use regression models to estimate particle mass and number concentrations in Taichung, Taiwan

Atmospheric Environment


Occupational noise exposure and its association with incident hyperglycaemia: A retrospective cohort study

Scientific reports


Source and health risk apportionment for PM2. 5 collected in Sha-Lu area, Taiwan

Atmospheric Pollution Research


Impact of the COVID-19 event on air quality in central China

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Jiajia Zhang
Jiajia Zhang

H-Index: 30

Air Quality Index, Indicatory Air Pollutants and Impact of COVID-19 Event on the Air Quality near Central China

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Jiajia Zhang
Jiajia Zhang

H-Index: 30

COVID-19: An Aerosol’s Point of View from Expiration to Transmission to Viral-mechanism

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Li-Hao Young University(China Medical University)