Neng-Huei Lin

About Neng-Huei Lin

Neng-Huei Lin, With an exceptional h-index of 45 and a recent h-index of 36 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National Central University, specializes in the field of cloud chemistry, acid deposition, aerosol and cloud interaction, atmospheric baseline measurements.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Spatiotemporal characterization of PM2. 5, O3, and trace gases associated with east Asian continental outflows via drone sounding

Expanding the simulation of East Asian super dust storms: physical transport mechanisms impacting the western Pacific

Biomass burning in critical fire region over the Maritime Continent from 2012 to 2021: A review of the meteorological influence and cloud-aerosol-radiation interactions

Possibility of condensation of nitric acid for cloud condensation nucleus in the summer at Mt. Fuji

Integrated ground and vertical measurement techniques to characterize overhead atmosphere: Case studies of local versus transboundary pollution

Changing pattern of springtime biomass burning over Peninsular Southeast Asia (PSEA) in recent decades

Footprints of El Niño La Niña on the evolution of particulate matter over subtropical Island Taiwan

Volatile Organic Compound Measurements and Oxidant Modeling at a Remote Mountain Site in the western North Pacific

Neng-Huei Lin Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Neng-Huei Lin Skills & Research Interests

cloud chemistry

acid deposition

aerosol and cloud interaction

atmospheric baseline measurements

Top articles of Neng-Huei Lin

Spatiotemporal characterization of PM2. 5, O3, and trace gases associated with east Asian continental outflows via drone sounding

Science of The Total Environment


Yen-Chen Chen
Yen-Chen Chen

H-Index: 0

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Expanding the simulation of East Asian super dust storms: physical transport mechanisms impacting the western Pacific

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics


Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Biomass burning in critical fire region over the Maritime Continent from 2012 to 2021: A review of the meteorological influence and cloud-aerosol-radiation interactions


Possibility of condensation of nitric acid for cloud condensation nucleus in the summer at Mt. Fuji

Atmospheric Pollution Research


Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Integrated ground and vertical measurement techniques to characterize overhead atmosphere: Case studies of local versus transboundary pollution

Science of The Total Environment


Ming-Cheng Yen
Ming-Cheng Yen

H-Index: 19

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Changing pattern of springtime biomass burning over Peninsular Southeast Asia (PSEA) in recent decades

Authorea Preprints


Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Footprints of El Niño La Niña on the evolution of particulate matter over subtropical Island Taiwan

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science


Volatile Organic Compound Measurements and Oxidant Modeling at a Remote Mountain Site in the western North Pacific

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Wen-Tzu Liu
Wen-Tzu Liu

H-Index: 5

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Sources, transport, and visibility impact of ambient submicrometer particle number size distributions in an urban area of central Taiwan

Science of the Total Environment


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Infusing satellite data into aerosol forecast for near real-time episode detection and diagnosis in East Asia

Science of The Total Environment


Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Extreme Heights of 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcanic Plume and Its Initial Evolution Inferred from COSMIC-2 RO Measurements



Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Short Sampling Periods: A New Setup to Evaluate the Change in the Chemical Composition of Fog at High Time Resolution

Tellus Series B Chemical and Physical Meteorology B


Long-term observation of columnar aerosol optical properties over the remote South China Sea

Science of The Total Environment


Shantanu Kumar Pani
Shantanu Kumar Pani

H-Index: 15

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Fog and rain water chemistry in a tea plantation of northern Taiwan

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Aerosol mass scattering efficiencies and single scattering albedo under high mass loading in Chiang Mai valley, Thailand

Atmospheric Environment


Sensitivity Analysis of the Asian Dust Storm over South China Sea in March 2010: Application of the CMAQ Windblown Dust Model.

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Impact of 21 June 2020 annular solar eclipse on meteorological parameters, O3 and CO at a high mountain site in Taiwan

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Shantanu Kumar Pani
Shantanu Kumar Pani

H-Index: 15

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

The second rainy season onset in the Central Highlands of Vietnam

Authorea Preprints


Ming-Cheng Yen
Ming-Cheng Yen

H-Index: 19

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Development of a CMAQ-PMF-based composite index for prescribing an effective ozone abatement strategy: A case study of sensitivity of surface ozone to precursor VOC species in …

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions


Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

Secondary inorganic aerosol chemistry and its impact on atmospheric visibility over an ammonia-rich urban area in Central Taiwan

Environmental Pollution


Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Neng-Huei Lin
Neng-Huei Lin

H-Index: 31

See List of Professors in Neng-Huei Lin University(National Central University)