Yu-Chieh Ting

About Yu-Chieh Ting

Yu-Chieh Ting, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National Taiwan University, specializes in the field of Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbonaceous aerosol, Source apportionment, Climate forcing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sources-attributed contributions to health risks associated with PM2. 5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during the warm and cold seasons in an urban area of Eastern Asia

Characterizing emission factors and oxidative potential of motorcycle emissions in a real-world tunnel environment

Implications of the improvement in atmospheric fine particles: A case study of COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Taiwan

Characteristics and source-specific health risks of ambient PM2. 5-bound PAHs in an urban city of northern Taiwan

Sources-oriented contributions to ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation potential based on initial VOCs in an urban area of Eastern Asia

A mobile platform for characterizing on-road tailpipe emissions and toxicity of ultrafine particles under real driving Conditions

Optical properties and potential sources of water-soluble and methanol-soluble organic aerosols in Taipei, Taiwan

Quantifying the impacts of PM2. 5 constituents and relative humidity on visibility impairment in a suburban area of eastern Asia using long-term in-situ measurements

Yu-Chieh Ting Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Yu-Chieh Ting Skills & Research Interests

Atmospheric Chemistry

Carbonaceous aerosol

Source apportionment

Climate forcing

Top articles of Yu-Chieh Ting

Sources-attributed contributions to health risks associated with PM2. 5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during the warm and cold seasons in an urban area of Eastern Asia

Science of The Total Environment


Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Characterizing emission factors and oxidative potential of motorcycle emissions in a real-world tunnel environment

Environmental Research


Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Implications of the improvement in atmospheric fine particles: A case study of COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Taiwan

Aerosol and Air Quality Research


Characteristics and source-specific health risks of ambient PM2. 5-bound PAHs in an urban city of northern Taiwan

Aerosol Air Quality Research


Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Yu-Cheng Chen
Yu-Cheng Chen

H-Index: 7

Sources-oriented contributions to ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation potential based on initial VOCs in an urban area of Eastern Asia

Science of Total Environment


A mobile platform for characterizing on-road tailpipe emissions and toxicity of ultrafine particles under real driving Conditions

Environmental Research


Tse-Lun Chen
Tse-Lun Chen

H-Index: 6

Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Optical properties and potential sources of water-soluble and methanol-soluble organic aerosols in Taipei, Taiwan

Atmospheric Environment


Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Yu-Hsiang Cheng
Yu-Hsiang Cheng

H-Index: 6

Quantifying the impacts of PM2. 5 constituents and relative humidity on visibility impairment in a suburban area of eastern Asia using long-term in-situ measurements

Science of the Total Environment


Yu-Chieh Ting
Yu-Chieh Ting

H-Index: 5

Li-Hao Young
Li-Hao Young

H-Index: 18

Characterizing black carbon and gaseous pollutants on the Yangtze River across eastern China continent

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


662. Analysis of Particulate Emissions from a Small Gasifier Cookstove


See List of Professors in Yu-Chieh Ting University(National Taiwan University)