Leonardo De Pascalis

About Leonardo De Pascalis

Leonardo De Pascalis, With an exceptional h-index of 20 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Liverpool, specializes in the field of psychology, perinatal depression and anxiety, mother-child interactions, parenthood, infertility.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The social and healthcare professional support drawn upon by women antenatally during the COVID-19 pandemic: A recurrent, cross-sectional, thematic analysis

A consensus statement on perinatal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for post-pandemic recovery and re-build

Psychosocial predictors of post‐natal anxiety and depression: Using Structural Equation Modelling to investigate the relationship between pressure to breastfeed, health care …

Hopelessness and burnout in Italian healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of trait emotional intelligence

Efficacy and moderators of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data

In the mind of the beholder: The effects of habituation on the perception of atypical infant facial configurations

Effects of training parents in dialogic book‐sharing: The Early‐Years Provision in Children's Centers (EPICC) study

The Quality of Mother–Child Feeding Interactions Predicts Psychopathological Symptoms in Offspring and Mothers Seven Years Later: A Longitudinal Study on the General Population

Leonardo De Pascalis Information



Institute of Psychology Health and Society UK



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Leonardo De Pascalis Skills & Research Interests


perinatal depression and anxiety

mother-child interactions



Top articles of Leonardo De Pascalis

The social and healthcare professional support drawn upon by women antenatally during the COVID-19 pandemic: A recurrent, cross-sectional, thematic analysis



A consensus statement on perinatal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for post-pandemic recovery and re-build

Frontiers in Global Women's Health


Psychosocial predictors of post‐natal anxiety and depression: Using Structural Equation Modelling to investigate the relationship between pressure to breastfeed, health care …

Maternal & Child Nutrition


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Hopelessness and burnout in Italian healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of trait emotional intelligence


Efficacy and moderators of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data


In the mind of the beholder: The effects of habituation on the perception of atypical infant facial configurations


Benjamin W Hunt
Benjamin W Hunt

H-Index: 1

Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Effects of training parents in dialogic book‐sharing: The Early‐Years Provision in Children's Centers (EPICC) study

Early Childhood Research Quarterly


The Quality of Mother–Child Feeding Interactions Predicts Psychopathological Symptoms in Offspring and Mothers Seven Years Later: A Longitudinal Study on the General Population

Journal of clinical medicine


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Attachment, psychological health and interpersonal functioning: a comparison of clinical and non-clinical groups of people with intellectual disability

Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Similarities and differences in the functional architecture of mother- infant communication in rhesus macaque and British mother-infant dyads

Scientific Reports


In the mind of the beholder: The effects of familiarisation on the perception of atypical infant facial configurations

PLoS One


The antenatal psychological experiences of women during two phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: A recurrent, cross-sectional, thematic analysis

PLoS One


Postpartum women’s experiences of social and healthcare professional support during the COVID-19 pandemic: A recurrent cross-sectional thematic analysis

Women and Birth


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Victoria Fallon
Victoria Fallon

H-Index: 8

Data and analyses for the paper" The functional architecture of mother-infant communication in Rhesus Macaques and Humans: same but different", by V. Sclafani, L. De Pascalis …


Maternal guilt and shame in the postpartum infant feeding context: a concept analysis


Victoria Fallon
Victoria Fallon

H-Index: 8

Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

The subjective and relational dimension of Good Living


Postpartum women’s psychological experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: a modified recurrent cross-sectional thematic analysis

BMC pregnancy and childbirth


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Victoria Fallon
Victoria Fallon

H-Index: 8

Book‐sharing for parenting and child development in South Africa: A randomized controlled trial

Child Development


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on families’ mental health: The role played by parenting stress, parents’ past trauma, and resilience

International journal of environmental research and public health


Leonardo De Pascalis
Leonardo De Pascalis

H-Index: 12

Do stress and anxiety in early pregnancy affect the progress of labor: Evidence from the Wirral Child Health and Development Study

Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica


See List of Professors in Leonardo De Pascalis University(University of Liverpool)

