Laura Ferrer-Wreder

About Laura Ferrer-Wreder

Laura Ferrer-Wreder, With an exceptional h-index of 28 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Stockholms universitet, specializes in the field of Culture, Intervention Science, Human Development.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Katayoun Mehdinezhad Nouri 1, Steven E. Krauss 1*, Seyedali Ahrari2, Ismi Arif Ismail 1 and Mohd Mursyid Arshad1

Youth, health and development in diverse cultures and contexts

Positive youth development, mental health, and psychological well-being in diverse youth

Study protocol for a non-randomized controlled trial of the effects of internet-based parent training as a booster to the preschool edition of PATHS®: Universal edition of the …

Neighborhood conditions in a Swedish context-Two studies of reliability and validity of virtual systematic social observation using Google Street View

Children’s social emotional competence in Pakistan and Sweden: factor structure and measurement invariance of the social competence scale (teacher edition)

Evaluation of a Pilot School-Based Teacher-Coaching Intervention to Change the Social Climate in Second Grade

A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Teacher-Coaching Intervention: a Proof of Concept Study

Laura Ferrer-Wreder Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Laura Ferrer-Wreder Skills & Research Interests


Intervention Science

Human Development

Top articles of Laura Ferrer-Wreder

Katayoun Mehdinezhad Nouri 1, Steven E. Krauss 1*, Seyedali Ahrari2, Ismi Arif Ismail 1 and Mohd Mursyid Arshad1

Youth, Health and Development in Diverse Cultures and Contexts


Youth, health and development in diverse cultures and contexts

Frontiers in Psychology


Positive youth development, mental health, and psychological well-being in diverse youth

Frontiers in Psychology


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Lene Arnett Jensen
Lene Arnett Jensen

H-Index: 23

Study protocol for a non-randomized controlled trial of the effects of internet-based parent training as a booster to the preschool edition of PATHS®: Universal edition of the …

Plos one


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Kyle Eichas
Kyle Eichas

H-Index: 9

Neighborhood conditions in a Swedish context-Two studies of reliability and validity of virtual systematic social observation using Google Street View

Frontiers in Psychology


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Children’s social emotional competence in Pakistan and Sweden: factor structure and measurement invariance of the social competence scale (teacher edition)

Frontiers in Psychology


Sarah Thomas
Sarah Thomas

H-Index: 5

Kyle Eichas
Kyle Eichas

H-Index: 9

Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Evaluation of a Pilot School-Based Teacher-Coaching Intervention to Change the Social Climate in Second Grade


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Teacher-Coaching Intervention: a Proof of Concept Study


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Does attending preschool in an economically advantaged or disadvantaged neighborhood moderate the effects of the preschool edition of promoting alternative thinking strategies®?

Frontiers in Education


Kyle Eichas
Kyle Eichas

H-Index: 9

Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Self-concept, prosocial school behaviors, well-being, and academic skills in elementary school students: a whole-child perspective

Education Sciences


The importance of school pedagogical and social climate to students’ unauthorized absenteeism–a multilevel study of 101 Swedish schools

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Christopher Kearney
Christopher Kearney

H-Index: 11

Measuring the Social Climate in the Learning Environment: Differences Between Two Instruments


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Attention to the Whole Child Perspective


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Capitalizing on classroom climate to promote positive development

Handbook of Positive Youth Development: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Global Contexts


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Healthy lifestyle behaviors and the 5Cs of positive youth development in Mexico

Handbook of Positive Youth Development: Advancing Research, Policy, and Practice in Global Contexts


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Reading development among Swedish children: The importance of contextual resources and language ability

Cogent Education


Psychometric Properties of a Swedish Translation of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales (PKBS): A Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research


Sarah Thomas
Sarah Thomas

H-Index: 5

Kyle Eichas
Kyle Eichas

H-Index: 9

Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Roma Youth Development in Context

Roma Minority Youth Across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Radosveta Dimitrova
Radosveta Dimitrova

H-Index: 17

Positive Youth Development

Roma Minority Youth Across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy, and Practice


Radosveta Dimitrova
Radosveta Dimitrova

H-Index: 17

Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

Actualizing Change with Roma Youth and Their Communities


Laura Ferrer-Wreder
Laura Ferrer-Wreder

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Laura Ferrer-Wreder University(Stockholms universitet)

