John J Gibson

John J Gibson

University of Victoria

H-index: 50

North America-Canada

About John J Gibson

John J Gibson, With an exceptional h-index of 50 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Victoria, specializes in the field of Isotope hydrology, geochemistry, oil sands environmental sciences.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Natural isotope fingerprinting of produced hydrogen and its potential applications to the hydrogen economy

The state of isotope hydrology research in Canada (2007–2022)

Guidance on large scale hydrologic model calibration with isotope tracers

Spatial variations in tap water isotopes across Canada: Tracing water from precipitation to distribution and assess regional water resources

Water and environmental management in oil sands regions

Groundwater monitoring near oil sands development: Insights from regional water quality datasets in the Alberta Oil Sands Region (AOSR)

Variability in flow and tracer-based performance metric sensitivities reveal regional differences in dominant hydrological processes across the Athabasca River basin

Moss cellulose 18O applied to reconstruct past changes in water balance of a boreal wetland complex, northeastern Alberta

John J Gibson Information



- InnoTech Alberta Inc.



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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John J Gibson Skills & Research Interests

Isotope hydrology


oil sands environmental sciences

Top articles of John J Gibson

Natural isotope fingerprinting of produced hydrogen and its potential applications to the hydrogen economy


The state of isotope hydrology research in Canada (2007–2022)

Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques


Guidance on large scale hydrologic model calibration with isotope tracers

Journal of Hydrology


Masoud Asadzadeh
Masoud Asadzadeh

H-Index: 11

John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Spatial variations in tap water isotopes across Canada: Tracing water from precipitation to distribution and assess regional water resources

PLoS Water


Water and environmental management in oil sands regions

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Groundwater monitoring near oil sands development: Insights from regional water quality datasets in the Alberta Oil Sands Region (AOSR)

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Variability in flow and tracer-based performance metric sensitivities reveal regional differences in dominant hydrological processes across the Athabasca River basin

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Masoud Asadzadeh
Masoud Asadzadeh

H-Index: 11

John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Moss cellulose 18O applied to reconstruct past changes in water balance of a boreal wetland complex, northeastern Alberta



John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Xiaoying Fan
Xiaoying Fan

H-Index: 17

Carbon dissolution effects on pH changes of RAMP lakes in northeastern Alberta, Canada

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Isotope-based water balance assessment of open water wetlands across Alberta: Regional trends with emphasis on the oil sands region

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Using stable isotopes to track hydrological processes at an oil sands mine, Alberta, Canada

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Paleolimnological assessment of past hydro-ecological variation at a shallow hardwater lake in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region before potential onset of industrial development

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Isotopic constraints on water balance and evapotranspiration partitioning in gauged watersheds across Canada

Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies


Quantifying floodwater impacts on a lake water budget via volume-dependent transient stable isotope mass balance

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Estimating stable measured values and detecting anomalies in groundwater geochemistry time series data across the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, Canada

Natural Resources Research


John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Clayton V Deutsch
Clayton V Deutsch

H-Index: 31

Dataset of 18O and 2H in streamflow across Canada: A national resource for tracing water sources, water balance and predictive modelling

Data in Brief


Hydrogeochemistry Studies in the Oil Sands Region to Investigate the Role of Terrain Connectivity in Nitrogen Critical Loads



John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Utility of a multi-tracer approach as a component of adaptive monitoring for municipal wastewater impacts

Water Quality Research Journal


John J Gibson
John J Gibson

H-Index: 29

Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Watershed, climate, and stable isotope data (oxygen-18 and deuterium) for 50 boreal lakes in the oil sands region, northeastern Alberta, Canada, 2002–2017

Data in brief


Quantifying flood-water impacts on a lake water budget via volume-dependent transient stable isotope mass balance

Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.


See List of Professors in John J Gibson University(University of Victoria)