Bernhard Mayer

Bernhard Mayer

University of Calgary

H-index: 60

North America-Canada

About Bernhard Mayer

Bernhard Mayer, With an exceptional h-index of 60 and a recent h-index of 38 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Calgary, specializes in the field of Isotope Geochemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effects of heavy rain on the fate of urban and agricultural pollutants in the riverside area around weirs using multi-isotope, microbial data and numerical simulation

Field investigation of the transport and attenuation of fugitive methane in shallow groundwater around an oil and gas well with gas migration

High diversity, abundance, and expression of hydrogenases in groundwater

Nitrate sources and transformation processes in groundwater of a coastal area experiencing various environmental stressors

Constraining carbon and sulfur dynamics in Lake Erie nearshore waters: A chemical and isotopic reconnaissance study

Sulfate in streams and groundwater in a cold region (Yukon Territory, Canada): Evidence of weathering processes in a changing climate

Microbially generated H2S above 90° C in the deep biosphere

Hydrogen and dark oxygen drive microbial productivity in diverse groundwater ecosystems

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Bernhard Mayer Skills & Research Interests

Isotope Geochemistry

Top articles of Bernhard Mayer

The effects of heavy rain on the fate of urban and agricultural pollutants in the riverside area around weirs using multi-isotope, microbial data and numerical simulation

Science of The Total Environment


Field investigation of the transport and attenuation of fugitive methane in shallow groundwater around an oil and gas well with gas migration

Science of The Total Environment


Dinu Attalage
Dinu Attalage

H-Index: 2

Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

High diversity, abundance, and expression of hydrogenases in groundwater

ISME communications


Nitrate sources and transformation processes in groundwater of a coastal area experiencing various environmental stressors

Journal of Environmental Management


Constraining carbon and sulfur dynamics in Lake Erie nearshore waters: A chemical and isotopic reconnaissance study

Journal of Great Lakes Research


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Laodong Guo
Laodong Guo

H-Index: 35

Sulfate in streams and groundwater in a cold region (Yukon Territory, Canada): Evidence of weathering processes in a changing climate

Chemical Geology


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

John Miller
John Miller

H-Index: 13

Microbially generated H2S above 90° C in the deep biosphere


Hydrogen and dark oxygen drive microbial productivity in diverse groundwater ecosystems

Nature Communications


Water–rock interactions and self-remediation: Lessons from a hydraulic fracturing operation in the Vaca Muerta formation, Argentina

Geoenergy Science and Engineering


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Methods and benefits of measuring non-hydrocarbon gases from surface casing vents

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology


Estimation of nutrient sources and fate in groundwater near a large weir-regulated river using multiple isotopes and microbial signatures

Journal of Hazardous Materials


Evaluating the sources and fate of nitrate in riparian aquifers under agricultural land using in situ-measured noble gases, stable isotopes, and metabolic genes

Water Research


Machine learning approaches for the prediction of serious fluid leakage from hydrocarbon wells


Effect of boiler feed water composition on inorganic scaling in once-through steam generators estimated using a Monte Carlo modelling approach

Applied Geochemistry


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Benjamin Tutolo
Benjamin Tutolo

H-Index: 17

Fugitive gas migration in the vadose zone at an experimental field site in the Montney shale gas region

Geophysical Research Letters


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Chemical and isotopic constraints on carbon and sulfur dynamics in Lake Erie nearshore waters

2022 Goldschmidt Conference


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Laodong Guo
Laodong Guo

H-Index: 35

Self-Remediation of Trace and Heavy Metal Content in Flowback Waters from Hydraulic Fracturing

Available at SSRN 4170645


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Analysing seasonal variations of methane oxidation processes coupled with denitrification in a stratified lake using stable isotopes and numerical modeling

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Natural gas of radiolytic origin: An overlooked component of shale gas

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Bernhard Mayer
Bernhard Mayer

H-Index: 35

Estimating natural background concentrations for dissolved constituents in groundwater: A methodological review and case studies for geogenic fluoride


See List of Professors in Bernhard Mayer University(University of Calgary)