Harel Weinstein

Harel Weinstein

Cornell University

H-index: 87

North America-United States

About Harel Weinstein

Harel Weinstein, With an exceptional h-index of 87 and a recent h-index of 37 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Cornell University, specializes in the field of Computational biology, Biophysics, Neurotransmitter Transporters, Serotonin Receptors, Dopamine Receptors.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Exploring allosteric mechanisms in cholesterol transportation and PIP2 subtype recognition by StarD4

Analysis of the molecular determinants for furin cleavage of the spike protein S1/S2 site in defined strains of the prototype coronavirus murine hepatitis virus (MHV)

A Mechanistic Understanding of the Modes of Ca2+ Ion Binding to the SARS-CoV-1 Fusion Peptide and Their Role in the Dynamics of Host Membrane Penetration

The selective cargo loading and release functions of the cellular sterol transporter StarD4 are allosterically controlled by the recognition of specific PIP2 subtypes in the …

Online Boosted Gaussian Learners for In-Situ Detection and Characterization of Protein Folding States in Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Runtime Steering of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Through In Situ Analysis and Annotation of Collective Variables

Allosterically coupled conformational dynamics in solution prepare the sterol transfer protein StarD4 to release its cargo upon interaction with target membranes

Revealing the allosteric mechanism of pH-dependence in the proton-activated chloride channel

Harel Weinstein Information



Professor and Chairman, Physiology and Biophysics, Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Harel Weinstein Skills & Research Interests

Computational biology


Neurotransmitter Transporters

Serotonin Receptors

Dopamine Receptors

Top articles of Harel Weinstein

Exploring allosteric mechanisms in cholesterol transportation and PIP2 subtype recognition by StarD4

Biophysical Journal


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Analysis of the molecular determinants for furin cleavage of the spike protein S1/S2 site in defined strains of the prototype coronavirus murine hepatitis virus (MHV)

Virus Research


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

A Mechanistic Understanding of the Modes of Ca2+ Ion Binding to the SARS-CoV-1 Fusion Peptide and Their Role in the Dynamics of Host Membrane Penetration

ACS Infectious Diseases


The selective cargo loading and release functions of the cellular sterol transporter StarD4 are allosterically controlled by the recognition of specific PIP2 subtypes in the …



Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Online Boosted Gaussian Learners for In-Situ Detection and Characterization of Protein Folding States in Molecular Dynamics Simulations


Runtime Steering of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Through In Situ Analysis and Annotation of Collective Variables


Allosterically coupled conformational dynamics in solution prepare the sterol transfer protein StarD4 to release its cargo upon interaction with target membranes

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Revealing the allosteric mechanism of pH-dependence in the proton-activated chloride channel

Biophysical Journal


Ekaterina Kots
Ekaterina Kots

H-Index: 8

Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Dual-reporter system for real-time monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 main protease activity in live cells enables identification of an allosteric inhibition path

ACS bio & med chem Au


The allosteric mechanism leading to an open-groove lipid conductive state of the TMEM16F scramblase

Communications Biology


Molecular determinants of pH sensing in the proton-activated chloride channel

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


The permeation of potassium ions through the lipid scrambling path of the membrane protein nhTMEM16

Frontiers in molecular biosciences


Xiaolu Cheng
Xiaolu Cheng

H-Index: 8

Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Phosphatidylinositol phosphates modulate interactions between the StarD4 sterol trafficking protein and lipid membranes

Journal of Biological Chemistry


Xiaoxue Zhang
Xiaoxue Zhang

H-Index: 2

Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

The interaction of calcium ions with specific residues in the SARS-CoV fusion peptide and the regulation of viral infectivity



Intermediates, state transitions, and ligand coupling in the dynamic mechanism of the hEAAT3 glutamate transporter

Biophysical Journal


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Allosteric pathways of pH-sensitivity in a proton activated chloride channel

Biophysical Journal


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Exploring the molecular mechanism of PIP2-regulated sterol transport by StARD4

Biophysical Journal


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

Elucidating the Mechanism of Membrane Destabilization by the Preferred Modes of Insertion of the Sars-Cov2 Fusion Peptide

Biophysical Journal


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

A machine learning algorithm for the detection of function-related rare events in MD trajectories of biomolecular systems

Biophysical Journal


Harel Weinstein
Harel Weinstein

H-Index: 41

See List of Professors in Harel Weinstein University(Cornell University)

