Fatemeh Hashemi

About Fatemeh Hashemi

Fatemeh Hashemi, With an exceptional h-index of 9 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Aarhus Universitet, specializes in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment, Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Product Declarations, Catchment Science: Modelling and Man.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Greenhouse gas emissions from bio-based growing media: A life-cycle assessment

Klimaaftryk af nye organiske gødningstyper fra biogasbehandlet kvæggylle og kløvergræs med anvendelse af efterbehandlingsteknologier

Brug af efterbehandlingsteknologier til at producere gødning fra biogasbehandlet kvæggylle og kløvergræs kan reducere klimaaftryk fra organiske gødningstyper

Carbon Footprint of Organic Fertilizers Derived from Cattle Slurry and Grass-Clover: A Life Cycle Assessment

Environmental life cycle assessment of organic food: a review

Development of system dynamics model for sustainable management of water resources by python approach in Tajan watershed level

Environmental impacts of organic and conventional diets-effect of changing towards more plant-based food

Land-use change in a Nordic future towards bioeconomy: A methodological framework to compare and merge stakeholder and expert opinions on qualitative scenarios

Fatemeh Hashemi Information



Post doctoral researcher



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Fatemeh Hashemi Skills & Research Interests

Environmental Impact Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment

Environmental Product Declarations

Catchment Science: Modelling and Man

Top articles of Fatemeh Hashemi

Greenhouse gas emissions from bio-based growing media: A life-cycle assessment

Science of The Total Environment


Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Klimaaftryk af nye organiske gødningstyper fra biogasbehandlet kvæggylle og kløvergræs med anvendelse af efterbehandlingsteknologier


Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Brug af efterbehandlingsteknologier til at producere gødning fra biogasbehandlet kvæggylle og kløvergræs kan reducere klimaaftryk fra organiske gødningstyper


Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Carbon Footprint of Organic Fertilizers Derived from Cattle Slurry and Grass-Clover: A Life Cycle Assessment

Available at SSRN 4615681


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Environmental life cycle assessment of organic food: a review


Development of system dynamics model for sustainable management of water resources by python approach in Tajan watershed level

Irrigation Sciences and Engineering


Ali Shahnazari
Ali Shahnazari

H-Index: 8

Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Environmental impacts of organic and conventional diets-effect of changing towards more plant-based food



Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Land-use change in a Nordic future towards bioeconomy: A methodological framework to compare and merge stakeholder and expert opinions on qualitative scenarios


Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Organic conversion tea farms can have comparable economic benefits and less environmental impacts than conventional ones—A case study in China

Science of The Total Environment


Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems

Cleaner Production Letters


Modelling the impact of the Nordic Bioeconomy Pathways and climate change on water quantity and quality in a Danish River Basin



Mette Vodder Carstensen
Mette Vodder Carstensen

H-Index: 6

Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Identifying criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of crop-livestock systems and interactions


Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Balances during Storage and Field Application of Organic Fertilizers Produced from Cattle Manure


The detection and monitoring of pollution caused by gold mining using a vegetation cover index

Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Effect of partial rhizosphere drying on plant photosynthetic, antioxidative and water related indicators in cotton

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis


Biobaserede vækstsubstrater: Analyse af klimaaftryk og produktionsomkostninger

Gartner Tidende


Knowledge synthesis on life cycle assessments and climate efficiency in the agricultural sector.


Marie Trydeman Knudsen
Marie Trydeman Knudsen

H-Index: 25

Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Modelling effects of Nordic Bioeconomy Pathways and Climate Change in a Danish River Basin: Landscape and environmental impacts


Mette Vodder Carstensen
Mette Vodder Carstensen

H-Index: 6

Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Quantifying stakeholder opinions on how bioeconomic development could change land-use, agriculture and forest production in the Nordic countries


Fatemeh Hashemi
Fatemeh Hashemi

H-Index: 6

Björn Klöve
Björn Klöve

H-Index: 30

Conversion of biomass to biobased growing media as substitute for peat


See List of Professors in Fatemeh Hashemi University(Aarhus Universitet)

